Ghost Stories

A Gift or a Curse

Well first off my name is andrea and I have always lived in houses that have been haunted.  Others may have not felt their presence but they have always made their presence known to me.  I grew up in a small town the one near moody road. well anyway since everyone knows bout that urban legend they might know where my town is.  The house I grew up in was inhabited by a demon.  I barely remember this but when I was a young child I know I would wake up in the middle of the night with these evil dogs with red eyes bitting me, they would never go away until light was turned on then they would retreat into the darkness.  For years, my dog has always been afraid of my room since animals can sense good and evil.  They would never come into my room.  Well one night one of my friends and I decided we would play with a ouija board in my house.  It started out talking to a calm spirit then suddenly our hands were being jerked around and there was this demon on the board.  My dogs started barking and going crazy cause they were scared for us.  Well later that night we took a picture down my hallway cause well that is where the spirits came into my house. There are tons of little orbs of light some good and some evil.  This was not the worst house I lived in. It is the next house in that same town.  I moved in with my dad about three years ago when I moved in I had one of the rooms upstairs.  When I would go to bed I would try to sleep but if I looked to my right I would always see a woman with blood all over her face this would give me nightmares but after I kept singing amazing grace she would go away.  Well that is not all that happened some nights when I was by myself, when I was most vulnerable, if I would take a shower I would get a feeling of a man watching me take a shower this scared me the most because he reminded me of a spirit at one of the places I worked at.  Well I would never stay down stairs too much cause it was this male spirit that scared me the most.  There was also a little boy that was there too I saw him a couple times one time he stayed by my side while I slept I’m not sure why though.  but the worst night I had was my last night in the house I was on the phone with a friend and then I saw this guy he was green and blue I gasped and my friend said don’t be scared he just wants to see what he has in common with you. she then started talking to the spirit and he waarned us about that the spitirts in the house were going to try to scare me and even hurt me that night.  my friend then told me what to do to protect myself, that night i had an angel protect me from the evil in the house.  Now I live in a dorm and my floor is the floor that has had a woman shoot herself and a man hang himself.  I have seen these two and they have not harmed me or even thought of harming me although the girl scared me one night as she followed me to the bathroom but one did stay one night and talk to me when i was scared.  I have went through life seeing things that people can only imagine.  for those who believe that spirits do not exist I ask them to spend a day in my life to see all that exists it is not pretty knowing the future and others past. some would say i am one of the lucky ones to be able to see spirits well it is not easy when you scare almost everyone you love.

chaos comment: It’s a gift Andrea, although one not easy to accept.

Advise for the woman with the evil spirit in her house (I know folks, pretty vague here)

She can always put a circle of salt around her house this can keep spirits out if that doesn’t work she can always put four canldes in a row they can be all white or two red and two white the two red and two white worked best for me.  she will need to light these candles and keep them lit the spirit will try to blow them out this will bring an angel to her for help. when ever she feels the need to do this she should that will help her battle the spirit also show that she is stronger that she is not afraid of the spirit will help get rid of it too. if she needs anymore help she can always email me I like to help others out in situations like this.


A Possible Haunting

Hi I met you guys at the Mt. Carmel cemetery this month. We were doing our own little  ghost hunt. I have experienced some things since my father-in-law pasted away 3 years ago. I sleep in the same room and bed that he passed away in it. It doesn’t bother me but some things do happen and they stopped for a little bit. Then my  father passed over march 18 and he was from PA and I am in IL and the strange things started happening again. Do you think this might just be him saying he is with me? When it rains the phone gets all staticy.  My father hated rain because it always rained on his days off . The frig opens in the middle of the night by itself. One night I was sleeping and it sounded like someone kept saying water water I need water and I had 6 gallons of baby water beside my sons cradle beside my bed and I got up because I thought it was my 2 year old wanting a drink and all 6 gallons were put in the middle of the floor and I tripped over them. That was the first thing that had happened. Another day about 2 weeks after my father passed I was in the shower and the water got extremely hot.  I said “ok that’s enough of that!!”.

We have cosmetic light on the wall and 2 of them started to flicker like crazy . Almost like it was laughing!  That would be something my dad would giggle about. Our computer goes on all the time for no reason. The room I sleep in has cold spots. We have a sliding door on our room because my father-in-law was handicap.  One night I thought it was my son coming in the door but when I checked he was sound asleep along with everyone else.  I’m not scared of it.  I think it’s pretty interesting that something or someone is trying to get my attention.  I really think someone wants to get a message to me and I’m trying to figure it out sometimes. I do get upset because things get moved from one spot to another and it’s usually put in front of me or close to me I can’t see it being moved but I’ll sent something down and walk away an it’s moved to another place 5 minutes later.

My husband thinks I’m nuts sometimes but I think he is starting to notice some things.  In some pictures we’ve taken we only had a few little dots but I was only using 200 sp at the time and wasn’t really looking for anything at the time.


Many signs of a haunting. Very Possibly a family member !

A Voice in the Dark

I happened upon your web site by accident and thought I would drop you a quick message with some questions! I recently moved into a large house that was built in the 1920’s. The strange thing is, there have been some unexplained things happening, specifically, we’ve heard a child crying very late at night. It appears to be coming from the ceiling (it is a 2 story house with an attic). I myself heard a voice one night when I was home alone working on my computer. It was pretty scary. I heard the voice in the room I was in and it said “Mommy” in a very sad little girl voice. I looked up and the impression I had was that the voice came from the ceiling.

Just last week, in my bedroom as I was trying to fall asleep, there was a loud sound like SCRATCHING running down my wall. No, there was no storm or anything that night. I thought maybe there was a tree branch outside touching the house in the wind or something. The next day, I went out and looked . There’s NO WAY a tree could of even touched the house! So, do you think I am freaking out over nothing?
I have just been ignoring these things as they happen but my daughter and son in law who share the house with me have also heard the same crying. It’s pretty interesting that my son in law would admit that!

I am kind of religious, and was raised in a Christian home. My parents would never let us talk about ghost stuff. So, it’s not that I am a weird-o or something (which you feel like when this stuff happens!) but I’m kind of chicken to mention it to anyone else outside of our household! They’ll think we’re crazy!!! Any ideas what these noises mean? I looked up our house at the local historical society but the records are very scarce and didn’t tell me very much. We live in a small town South of Indianapolis…..we do live in a historical neighborhood. Some of the houses are over 100 years old. Any suggestions? Thanks for your time!!!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE your input!!! Is there any danger in living here? We are thinking about purchasing the home….Oh, I was going to turn on my camcorder and leave it running while I was sleeping. Will it pick up those kind of sounds?



Chaos Response: It sounds like you have something sharing the house with you. You would be surprised. A lot of people just won’t admit to having ghosts in their house for the same reasons you don’t want to tell anyone about what you have heard. Ghosts usually aren’t harmful but as they get used to you you’ll see their presence more often. Some people enjoy having them around. I wouldn’t worry too much unless things get bad there. I would love to investigate you house some time and see if we can find anything helpful out. We have some psychics in our group and use some “ghost-busting” equipment as well. You can find info on past owners by calling the County Tax department and requesting information on the past owners of this house. That will get you started anyway. It can really ease your mind a lot to know who it is that’s hanging around your house. A couple of our psychics can help the ghosts move on too. If you do have a ghost it’s probably trapped or confused and would like to move on but isn’t sure how.

Allen County

My experience happened in 1993 in Allen County Indiana. We lived in a small town at the time, in a very old house. The master bedroom was right off of the living room, and with the door open, I could lay in bed and stare straight out into the living room. One night, very late, I just woke up for some reason, I wasn’t startled or anything, I just woke up. As I layed there I looked out into our living room and there was a man standing there, with one hand on the back of my rocking chair. He looked almost sad as he stared out our front picture at the funeral home building just across the street. He was dressed in a high collar white shirt with a black string tie, a long black coat and black pants. A very nice outfit in about 1900! His hair was rather long, touching his shoulders, and it was silver/white. He had a mustache that was just a bit darker. It was as if I startled HIM! He almost jumped when he realized I was staring at him. His eyes were very dark, but very kind and sad. At that point, he just dematerialized in front of me. I never saw him again. I wonder if he’s still in our old house (we’ve since moved), and I wonder who was at the funeral home that he was missing so.

Amazing Friends

My friend Kayla had just died and I went to her funeral. While I was there in the chapel by where she was going to be buried I was listening to the reverend say a few words and I looked outside by where she was going to be buried and I saw her figure glide across the grass. It was black instead of colors. When I was going home and all i remember is having flashbacks of her and then seeing them put her into her tomb. That night I had many ghostly expirences. One was hearing a moaning noise. The other is having the lights flash off then on. Right when I was going to bed I felt a cold hand on mine. I looked over and there she was. She then said to me “Goodbye Katrin” (That’s how she would say my name) I could not sleep or budge that night. The next night I felt comfortable…. but like someone was still watching me. Katharine P. – Indianapolis

Chaos comment: There’s a good chance she was watching you.

An Unredeemed Ghost

Unredeemed ghosts. This term was originally coined by author Aneila Jaffé and refers to apparitions that can find no rest after death due to some emotional trauma, unresolved business or past misdeeds.
Complements of Psychical Explorers

In 1970, Pennsylvania resident Romer Troxell experienced the apparition of his son, Charlie, in a classic case of an unredeemed ghost. Shortly before his experience, the elder Troxell had been summoned by the Portage (Indiana) Police to identify Charlie’s body after he had been found murdered along a deserted road. From the instant he encountered the body in the city morgue, Romer began hearing his son’s voice echoing through his head. Charlie appeared to be giving Romer directions, and at the urging of the disembodied voice, the grieving father drove to nearby Gary, Indiana, the following day. Charlie told his father that he was looking for his car, the same vehicle stolen by his murderer. Romer followed the directions Charlie gave him to the letter and quickly encountered the missing vehicle as it sped past him on the street. Troxell followed the car until it stopped and the driver stepped out and was quickly arrested for Charlie’s murder. “Charlie! left me after we caught the killer,” Romer Troxell stated later. “He’s at peace now.”

Andrews Mansion

Hi I was wondering if you have ever done anything in the old Andrews Mansion area where the medical center is in La Porte on the   corners of I and tenth street. My great uncle lived there for many years and I had stories from both my uncle and my   father about the odd occurrences that happened in the house.  I have heard any stories from my dad about being in the back garden and   seeing someone walk across the upper balcony. He and my cousins reported seeing a woman in a long gown walk across the porch and   also of a man dressed in what seemed to be a black suit and top hat to have walked across the upper porch or balcony. My dad and   cousin also told me of the crank handle doorbell that would be moving on it’s own. I was once told of an experience that the doorbell   was cranking on a very snowy night but there were no foot prints in the snow when the door was finally opened.

I was wondering if you had an other stories or knowledge of this that you could give me. Its been something that I have tried to   research and have only found part of in a book that my dad told me about which was Haunted Heartland. But I didn’t know you had ever  found anything else or done any research on the matter.

Thanks for your time. I would appreciate anything that you could tell me. Thanks again!
Dave Wagner

Aunt’s House Ghost

Hi!  My name is Annie and I am a junior at IUPUI in Indianapolis.  I have always been interested in ghosts and have even had contact with one.  My aunt had a ghost in her house, a woman who had died there before they bought the house.  I did some research and found out her name and talked to her one night alone.

I ended up spending the night and the next morning, while talking to my uncle and aunt downstairs, we heard something coming down the stairs, which we thought was the cat.  Then, I felt a gust of cold air blow behind me and a very cold touch (that felt like a hand) running across my back.  When I turned around no one was there.  After that, when I would come to their house, I would often feel that same sensation or hear soft laughter coming from upstairs.

This never scared me, it actually interested me more.  I would love to join some of your investigations, if you have any near Indy.  Let me know what you have going on.  You can reach me at this address.


Annie Posick

Azailia’s Headless Ghost Gal

In a little town by Seymour, In. there is a river that runs on the outside of the town. Why back in the days there used to be a farm there and an old farmer lived there with his young  wife. well one day the farmer found his wife with a man and he cut off his wife’s head. the man she was with shot her husband and that was the only murder in this little town. Well the woman still wonders around in the middle of the river and it is said that anyone who sees a woman dressed in white with her head missing will die with a missing head. Well my grandmother told me this legend and it is true believe me. My grandmother’s brother in law and nephew and one of her friends all seen the woman with no head and they all died without their own heads. If you don’t believe me go found out for yourself. The towns name is Azailia. This murder was the only murder in Azailia.

Brook R.

Chaos comment: We’ve been to the Azailia bridge with Joe Smoljo. It’s certainly an interesting story. Another Omen of death.

Back Seat Driver

Okay, I will try and describe this the best I can. My husbands family has always had a gift for feeling, hearing and seeing “things”. He has had many occasions where his day plays out the same as his dream(s) the night before. On most of those days he just heads back to bed because it is not going to turn out good. Other days he can just feel that it is going to be a weird day.

On a couple of occasions he has left the house for work and as he gets to the van he drops his keys as he is getting ready to unlock the door. As he comes up he can see a man in the reflection of the side window. The first time this happened he quickly turned around to see who was behind him…no one was there. As he was searching around the van he realized the person must have been standing between the van and himself or must have just been in the reflection.

The second time it happened he again turned around to realize no one was there but this time he didn’t go searching. As time goes on he has seen the man in his dreams. In one dream there is a storm “brewing” and when my husband walks in to check on the baby the man is standing outside her window looking in, he looks at my husband and says “You can’t protect them all the time.” That one really creeps me out. He has seen this man crossing the street only to look again and he is not there.

He drives a forklift at work and has had to stop short to avoid hitting this man who is not there 2 seconds later. He still is not sure if this man’s intentions are good or evil. He is very bothered by this man and often wonders if he is a spirit guide or just some one hanging around. He just waits…not sure when or where he will see him next.


Bigfoot in Indiana

The most fascinating story I’ve heard from my mother involves 2 large creatures that are seen on the actual “corner”, one large brown humanoid (approx. 9′ tall) and the other is a smaller “whitish” creature (approx. 5 to 6 feet).  According to mom, she’s seen the creatures several times, at different times of night and different parts of the year.  She and her friends visited the area quite often when she was a teenager.

Anyway, one night one of my fathers friends had just gotten out of jail (for what, she wouldn’t say.  She also wouldn’t give me a name, lets call him “B”).  They went out so that he could prove they were “seeing things”. Along the way, he made a big deal about the .38 pistol he had lifted from someone’s home and was now carrying so that he could “make some money if the bogeyman was out there”.  They stopped at the roadside around 100 yards back from the “corner” and he headed into the woods.  About 10 minutes passed, mom heard a scream and “B” came tearing out of the woods, jumped halfway into the windows of the car, and screamed “GO GO GO” while almost crying. He had dropped the gun in the woods without firing a shot, BTW.

“B” wouldn’t say much about what he saw, but he identified the two creatures that seem to be a regular occurrence in stories about the place, and he moved out of state shortly thereafter.

Emailed a few months later from Ron:

The following tale is taken from 4 people I’ve spoken to over the last few months.  I have polished it up a bit, but the information contained within has not been changed, and is the essentially the same from all involved.  I’ve limited my research to those directly involved with this incident, but I, personally, wasn’t there (I was born in ’73 <G>).

In late summer of 1972, a group of 5 friends from Huntington, IN decided to drive around in an area nearby known as “Browns Corners”, a local State Park/Preserve.  As I understand it, Browns Corners covers an area approximately 5 miles by 7 miles (which makes it odd that I can’t seem to find it on a map), all of it wooded area with a river running through it. Unbeknownst to those teens, the area was a “hotbed” of paranormal activity, with legends going back to early American Indian tales.  I’ve narrowed down it’s (the “Corners'”) location to Markle, IN at the corner of Simpson Rd. and County Road 200, near US224 and SR69.

None were drinking, and as far as I’ve been able to determine, no drugs were involved (4 of the 5 people are “Good Christians”, and the last is someone I would not believe is, or ever had been, a user of anything
stronger than aspirin).

At approximately 7 pm, the 5 friends hopped into the car, and took off. After a drive of about 45 minutes they reached what I’ve been told is the “border” of the area.  State Park signs warned that after dark entry was prohibited, but were ignored (those signs have since been removed, from what I’ve been told).  The entry point is where the “corner” is located, and has been the site of many frightening manifestations of 2 creatures, one approx. 9 feet tall, brown in color with very few identifying features while the other creature is a whitish color and approx. 5 to 6 feet tall.  Both descriptions are the best I could get, and neither creature was seen on the night in question.

A short while later (estimates range from 30 minutes to 1 hour), the vehicle began experiencing mechanical trouble (sputtering engine, dimming headlights, etc).  The driver pulled over to examine the engine, attempting to see if something had shaken loose.  The next 15 minutes encompass the bulk of this tale.

After finding nothing obviously wrong with the car (a 1965 Chevy), the driver leaned back onto the drivers side fender and lit a cigarette, only then noticing someone (or something) “the size of a man” watching them from the edge of the woods on the opposite side of the road.  When he stood and attempted to speak to the figure, it disappeared back into the trees and bushes.  At this time, 3 of my sources say that they noticed that all the night sounds had ceased (no insects, animals, or anything but the wind could be heard).  I note here that none of the group could provide details as to the appearance of the figure because of the dimness of the light, which leads me to believe that the time frame given earlier was a bit conservative.

After a quick moment of discussion, the 2 males of the party grabbed the tire iron and a 2″ x 4″ from the trunk, while one of the girls attempted to start the Chevy again.  Turning the key produced no effect, and the
headlights were not working at this point.  In addition, the radio in the vehicle would not work.

What follows is convoluted, at best.  As I said, I’ve tried to make sense of it, but none of the group I spoke to could provide any better description of the events, and rather than give myself (and the reader) a
headache, I will give only the 2 accounts that were in any way coherent, and I will try to stick with the wording of those people as closely as I can while at least trying to provide some sort of timeline (removing the profanity involved).

#1:  The f-ing car died, and me and S almost s–t.  There was some dude hiding in the trees, and he ran off before we could get to him.  S said “Let’s grab some stuff from the trunk in case he’s a wacko.”  So, we grabbed the jack handle and a hunk of 2 by 4 and started into the woods.  Soon as we hit the trees, something started screaming (note:  exact description “Like someone bein’ beat”, from all accounts it was a constant wailing, not like an owls call) and I almost dropped my club.  S looked at me and said “Man, this is crazy!”  But, we went anyways.  We made it in about 30 or 40 feet, and sh-t started fallin out of the trees, the screams got louder, and S turned to run, which I thought was a good idea!  When we got back to the car, K hit the key again, and it started right up.  We didn’t even close the trunk, man.  Just hopped in and floored it.

We got to the bridge, and there was some dirty lookin old dude standin there screamin, waving some kinda cane lookin all p–ed off.  We wasn’t about to stop.  Didn’t stop til we hit town.  I never been back out there, and I don’t wanna go back.

#2 J was freaked out man, but we grabbed the iron and a 2 by 4 outta the trunk in case we needed em.  I figure there was only one of him (the figure in the trees), so 2 of us could take em. There was a ditch on the side of the road, but we hopped it and started in to the trees.   Man, when we got there somethin(g) sounded p-ssed.  Started screamin like it was being beat to death.  J wanted to go back, but I convinced him to keep on.  I didn’t get worried until tree branches started hittin us, and I’m pretty sure I heard something big moving around out there.  I ain’t afraid of nothin(g), but I figured we had the chicks in the car, so we went back.  J almost broke his neck getting over the ditch, but the car started up and we took off.

Some crazy old fart was standin(g) by the bridge screamin(g) something, but everyone else was scared, so I kept on going.  When we got back to town, I asked the girls if they seen anything, but they didn’t.  Just heard the screaming, then seen us comin out of the woods.

End of personal accounts.

In addition to stories such as this one, I’ve heard about Amerind legends concerning the place, but have yet to be able to find out any more info on them.  In addition, people have said that several Indiana State Highway Patrol officers went missing in the area during the ’50s (apparently in connection with KKK activity in the area, but I’ve been unable to confirm or deny those tales), with only their uniforms being found later, but no bodies.  The older locals make a point to mention the river repeatedly, but I’ve yet been able to find out why.  Unfortunately, I live about 130 miles away, and don’t back to Huntington very often, so my own ability to research the tales is somewhat limited.

One other interesting tale was related to me by a relative, unfortunately he has a tendency to embellish things.  I’ve asked some of my other relatives (and the other party present) about it, and what the parts they agree with is what follows:

Date, unknown (Mid-Summer, around 1972 or 73).  Location:  Browns’ Corners.  Time: Midday.

D had just bought a car from a friend (either an Olds or Chevy, the make couldn’t be agreeded upon), and decided to see what it could do.  Running it flat out, he and the friend hit the border (unclear whether or not he took a back route to BC) and slowed to go up a hill.  Once he reached the top, they stopped and climbed out to admire the view.  D is a bowhunter and decided to see if he could find a good spot to set up a blind in the fall, so they started down the side of the hill opposite from the road to see what was available.  After 20 minutes or so, the pair came back to find his rear winshield shattered (neither heard anything at all during the time they were gone, and both agree that they went, at most, 50 yards away during this time) and the car running (the keys were in Ds’ pocket).  No one was in the vehicle when they looked, and no evidence of tampering with the ignition was visible.

When the key was put into the ignition, the car died, but started immediately when the key was turned.  They left as quickly as they came, but both agree that there was a handprint imprinted on the dashboard, with elongated fingers and what seemed to be nail marks 1/4″ above the fingertips.

2 things catch my attention about the preceeding tale:  1: that a nature preserve (at least in Ohio) doesn’t normally allow hunters (far be it from me to advance the theory that D is a poacher :>) and 2: that Ds’ friend mentioned something about a message being drawn in the dust on the hood.  He wouldn’t say what it was, but he did say that the handprint seemed to be pressed into the dashboard, not just visible as a disturbance of dust or dirt.  Unfortunately, no photos of the car or dash were available, but I was told that they do exist.


Chaos comment: Ron you are a PRO. You did excellent work researching this. 99.9% of the time we are looking for ghosts and spirits but I think we’ll be coming out this fall to investigate this!! : )


My name is Drew, and in late August in 1966, two friends of mine Dan and Tom asked me to go with them to a party on the beach at Lake Michigan. I was about 15 years old at that time. Ghost stories were being told around the campfire by almost everyone their, most of which I had already heard.

As the night went on a young girl about 17 years old started telling a story about a family of Doctor’s with the last name of Blood. It was out on Round Lake Rd near Dewitt, MI, about 100 miles from the beach party, but only 20 miles from my home in Lansing. The Bloods had a lot of land where the whole family lived. The most interesting part was that they had a private graveyard on the property and that the whole area was haunted.  She said that she saw gravestones that dated back to1800.

On their prom night she and some of her friends decided to go out to the Cemetery.  They looked around at the headstones for a while. As it started to get dark the fog hung thick, and a full moon was rising so they started trying to scare each other. Then the young girls’ prom date decided to go into Dr. Blood’s house because he thought no one lived there any longer. They waited about an hour or so, and when he didn’t return they got scared and headed for the Dewitt police department. When they went in to tell the police, the officer on duty said “don’t you kids know any better, old Dr. Blood lives out there and he doesn’t like anyone trespassing on his property”. He also went onto say that he thought “Dr. Blood was harmless and he’s in his 80’s” so, he didn’t think there would be any problem.  They all returned to the property, but to everyone’s shock when they got back, the whole house were ablaze.  The fire department was called, but in vane, because the house burnt to the ground.  The next day there was a search party, but the only thing that was found in the rubble were the remains of the young man that had gone into the house the night before. The paper reported that his hands and feet had been bound. Dr. Blood’s remains were never found.

One of the searchers that afternoon found a freshly dug grave, when they unearthed it, a pine coffin was found. Upon opening it, they found the body of Mrs. Blood. She was dressed in a red gown, with her arms; legs and head cut off. There had been no coroner’s report of a body being buried there, or any police report of any murder.

The girl at the campfire that night said that the ghost of Dr Blood; to this day roams the cemetery at night, with a shotgun in one hand, and an ax in the other.

That night was the last time I ever heard or saw the young girl who first told me about Blood Cemetery, but it wouldn’t be my last experience with the Blood family.

Blood Cemetery

My Story

After I returned from Lake Michigan, I told some of my friends the story I had heard, some told me there own stories, about how they had been scared out at the cemetery. Mark said he had seen a ghost of an old man wandering the graveyard as if he was lost.  Another friend said that he saw an apparition of an elderly man carrying a body and it appeared to be headless and armless.

Another 2 years would go by, before I got the nerve to visit this so-called haunted Cemetery. You see I never quite believed these “ghost stories”, until I saw the most BLOOD CHILLING things myself.

The first time I went there was with Dan and JC.  It was a steamy hot July night. The moon was big and full and it lit up the night sky as if it were daylight, the fog was drifting over the Cemetery as it rolled in from the lake. The feeling in the air was electrifying.

At the entrance to the Cemetery were two old rusted iron gates, and hanging above was a sign saying Blood Cemetery. By the light of the moon you could see the old grave stones. Some had been toppled over, and some were broken.  The weeds were about knee high. There was a smell of jasmine in the air.

After looking around for a few minutes, I decided to scare the two of them. I had taken one of my mother’s old white nightgowns and I hung it from a fence post when I was sure they weren’t looking. There was a slight breeze in the air that night and I thought it would look like it was floating in the breeze. Just as I was about to put my plan into action, I heard JC scream. Dan and I went running over, he told us that he had seen a woman’s figure in a long red gown. He said that she appeared to be headless and armless, and was coming right toward him, when she disappeared into thin air.  I thought that he had seen the gown I had hung on the post. I took Dan and JC over to see where I had hung the old nightgown, and surely what JC had saw was my little joke, but when we got there the gown was gone.

Feeling a little spooked from what JC had thought he’d seen we started our way out of the Cemetery to leave. On our way out I said to Dan, who was quit a bit taller that me, pull the sign down, and we’ll take it home with us.

Our night at Blood Cemetery was pretty uneventful, except for the woman in the red gown. We went back to Dan’s farmhouse, where he lived with his Mom, Dad, 2 brothers, and 3 sisters.  It was late when we got there, so the 3 of us went to bed, after putting the sign on top of Dan’s dresser. The next morning when we got up we had breakfast and got cleaned up, Dan told his father about the sign we took the night before. With instant anger, his father demanded to see the sign. But this task proved not to be so easy, because when we went to the bedroom to get it, IT WAS GONE. Dan questioned his brothers and sisters, and they all swore they hadn’t seen it, let alone take it.

After a couple of day’s, of looking we were sure that Dan’s brothers and sister’s had nothing to do with the missing sign. We drove back out to Round Lake. When we got to the Cemetery, there it was hanging above the old rusty gates was the sign we had taken two nights before, looking like it had never been disturbed.

Several more years had gone by, when I ran into some friends at a restaurant, on Halloween night. They talked me into going out there again. (After all it was HALLOWEEN) When we got there the weeds were about chest high and the fences were falling down. One of the guys in the group called us over; he was shining his flashlight on a headstone. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing. There lying over the grave was a large piece of glass about 6 feet long, and about 2 feet deep, incased in it were a dozen long stem roses imbedded in the center.

Just about that time we heard a shotgun blast. We ran back to our vehicles, and the right side of Dan’s car had been shot, and the windows had been shattered. Needless to say we got the hell out of there. With people seeing ghosts, hearing things, and the car being shot up. I swore I would NEVER go back out there again. But I’ve learned you should (NEVER SAY, NEVER.)

When I was about 26 or 27 years old, I was riding with some motorcycle enthusiasts. It was a beautiful June day; the skies were blue and clear. It was hot, but who cares when you’re on your bike. My girl friend Chris rode with me on the back of my bike. She had heard so many stories about the Blood family, she decided to bring a camera with her. We looked around at the rundown graveyard, and Chris was taking pictures, after a few hours we decided to leave, and all of us started down Round Lake Rd. We were about 150 yards from the Cemetery and Chris and I hit a snapping turtle. The bike went out of control and we crashed into a tree. I suffered only minor injuries, but Chris had broken her back, and was paralyzed from the waist down. She was able to walk again after a couple of years, with the aid of crutches. (The curse of Blood Cemetery had struck again)

I’ve since heard lots of stories since our terrible accident.
In 1989, 2 high school girls were out to have some fun on Halloween night. The news reported that their car went out of control about a 1/4 of a mile from the Cemetery. Their car plunged into Round Lake and they (both drowned.)

The County has now put up hurricane fence around the Cemetery, with razor wire strung along the top.

And I’ve learned that at least 4 or 5 Blood son’s from each generation have become Doctor’s for the last 150 years.

And a couple of years ago, Lansing named one of their Halloween haunted house’s after Blood Cemetery.

If you’re ever out on Round Lake Rd, and you see a full moon rising, DON’T visit Blood Cemetery.

Drew K.





Casio’s Restaurant

I listened to a couple of the ladies involved in your organization a few weeks ago on WZPL.  I am writing to see if your group has ever investigated what used to be Casio’s restaurant or the old Plantation Club as it was known in the 1920’s.  I worked at the restaurant about 10 years ago and had an ‘interesting thing’ happen.  I say interesting thing because up until a few weeks ago I didn’t believe in ghost.  I have always thought there is some scientific explanation for what we humans ‘think’ are ghost. (i say that even though i am certain i saw a ghost as a child living in a 100 year + old home in Oaklandon Indiana growing up…but that’s a different story, a story i passed off as a child’s imagination run wild) Anyway, during the winter of  1990 I worked in the coat check at Casio’s it was a freezing cold night and with only a thin dress on and no heater in the old place it was always terribly cold in there.  But I made really good tips and it was worth it…one night though while in the coat check I felt the room get hot, fast, I mean with in less than a minute I’m certain it was every bit of …I don’t know it got hot fast, like a burst of heat you might feel when you walk outside into the heat on a hot summer day after being inside the air conditioning, that kind of hot.  Then I heard a knock on the coat check door (three quick knocks)…I went to the door and nobody was there.  Thinking it was one of my coworkers or my brother (who worked in the kitchen) I passed it off as a prank, one that no one ever fessed up to, even after I asked everyone.  The owners (Mike and Donni Nickerson) joked that there were ghosts there, and this other girl said she ha! s seen one there late at night once….I of course didn’t believe in them so that was the end of that, basically.

Then I picked up a book one day about Indiana myths, legends and history “Haunted Hoosier Trails”  I get to the story about the Plantation Club, and I must admit to you I cried.  The legend has it that a couple of murders took place there, one of the stories is that a young woman was murdered by her husband…in the cloak room.  I cried because I wondered what this person was trying to tell me, or why I felt what I did. After reading the story I also felt like the cowardly lion chanting, I do believe in spooks, I do I do I do believe in spooks.

I am just wondering if your organization has any info to back this story up.  Don’t get me wrong, I believe what I felt.  I just am looking for more information about the spirit that I felt that night. I really want to know about this girl, and I’d love to sort out which month it was this took place….I will really freak if it was around Christmas and new years I think I’ve narrowed it down to about then. They only ran the coat check on busy nights and I was definitely in there on New Year’s Eve.

On a side note, a high school friend of mine took some pictures at the restaurant a few months back, before it closed, she says that there are smokey white spirit looking ‘things’ in the pictures.


Cassie’s Ghostly Friends

My name is Cassie and I am 14 years old. I have had experiences with ghosts since before I could talk. I used to see ghosts of an old lady in my room, she would be sitting in a rocking chair rocking a little baby to sleep. I also saw a figure in that room, it was black and I wouldn’t get up one day (I was like in 4th grade) and my alarm kept going off, my mother finally heard it, she came in, turned it off, and walked right through that thing! I have seen my grandmother in our station wagon, sitting in the front seat, like last year. And Thursday night of this week, I heard people running up and down the hallway. My parents believe me, because they can do this too.

One time, my mom was clearing boxes out of the downstairs closet, and she was taking them up to the upstairs. This thing came at her, and tried to push her down the stairs. My dad had this old rocking chair from someone, and it always rocked and rocked when no one was sitting in it. My friends can do this too. They see different stuff, like soldiers, and here things. There some others stuff that happens too, and it still does, someone once told me that they are surprised that I can still do it. Some people have closed there minds to it. I even got some footage of people knocking on the Danville Bridge, in Danville, Indiana. This is all true!!!

Cassie #1 Ghosthunter

Chaos comment: I believe ya Cassie. You have a gift.

Cemetery Fog

The other story I have happened when I was about 10 yrs. old. My   folks moved out into the country in Buchanan & biult a house in an empty   field. Back in the woods there is an old cemetary thats been there so long   that there are no longer any roads going to it. When I would go to bed at   night I would see this kind of white foggy mass at my bedroom door. I told my   parents about it & they said I was being silly but when I had three friends   spend the night for my birthday – they all said they saw it & no-one would   ever come back & spend the night after that. As  an adult when I’ve had to  stay with my folks for a reason, I shut the bedroom door so I won’t see it .

Jackie Dembinski

Cicero Home Ghost

My name is Stephanie and I got your info through Shadow Lands.

I am in Cicero, IN just outside of Noblesville and think that we may have a ghost. I don’t know much about orbs so I thought I would send this to you and ask your advice. I have more pics with these balls on them. Most of the time they appear when something different is happening in our home, i.e., having a lamb in the family room or at Easter or when we are having something in the house repaired. We have never had bad feelings associated with what we think is a woman?

This is what has happened:
We moved in to our 1880s house in Aug of 2001. A few weeks went by and things were quiet, then we had our porch rebuilt and a wall in the cellar fixed and my husband saw a shadow pass by him in the kitchen in the reflection on the French doors leading to back yard. He came to the front room and asked me if I was just in the kitchen and of course I had not been. Then a few weeks later we heard banging noises that I thought was my husband kicking something because we had gotten in a small tiff. I went down to scold him for getting so angry and kicking things around when the kids were sleeping. When I got to the front room he was snuggled under a blanket and said he hadn’t moved off of the couch since I left. Then an hour later we both heard it. Then nothing for a long while until I got pregnant with my third daughter and ended up on bedrest for 10 weeks. My mother and my in-laws took turns caring for all of us so I could rest. The TV in the front room would go on by itself and off by itself when my mother was here. Then a tape from our Timelife supernatural series kept appearing pulled out of the box and laid face up in front of the box. My mother would replace the tape back with the others only to come into the room and have it laying out again. This distressed her so much she called me down out of bed.  During this time my dead grandmother whom I was very close with came to me in a dream and told me it would be all right. Could our spirit (?) be my grandmother?

My oldest daughter also after this set of events told me she saw a skeleton in the bathroom and would not go in day or night by herself. Shewould almost cry when she would hear a noise while I was in there with her. She is fine now.
Recently I was cleaning in the kitchen and had the water running with my back to it as I wiped off the counter and the water shut off by itself. A pot had fallen into the sink first and then a few seconds later the water shut off, as if someone hit the pot as they reached for the faucet. You have to push down the handle of the faucet and I know the pot falling could have not caused it to shut off when the handle was up so far. This has only happened that one time.
Thanks for any info,

Columbus Indiana Hotel

I live in columbus indiana and i was a night auditor for a hotel and one of my co workers walked to the kitchen to get food and came back with no food and was pale white and very scared. i asked her what was wrong she told me not to think she was crazy and she began to tell me what had happened as she was walking back to the kitchen she saw a figure move swiftly through the pillars of the dining room area at around the entrance to the dining room. i went ot investigate and could find nothing. several weeks had passed and i was walking back to the kitchen and saw a figure sweep through the pillars of the dining room and descend past the bar and turned the corner, i went to investigate could not find anything, except for a feeling of eriness that had setteled over my body like someone was touching me on the shoulder but nothing else happened until about three days later my co worker went out with my brother and she came into the hotel and as she was going towards the kitchen through the dining room she had a seizure and she had not had on for over three years she said. MAYBE RELATING OR MAYBE NOT SHE FELL RIGHT AROUND THE PILLARS WHERE WE BOTH SAW SOMETHING, A GUEST NOTIFIED ME AT THE DESK THAT SOMEONE WAS SICK WITHOUT SAYING A WORD THE GUEST AT THE HOTEL SAID DID YOU SEE THAT I SAID THAT SOMETHING WENT BETWEEN THE PILLARS!


Dead Ex Worker

Whats up man?  so check this out, the other night i was at my unfulfilling job and a co-worker and myself starting talking about ghosts and such.  in the storage area place theres a picture of a former employee who passed away. but this manager lady (according to the girl i was talking to) said she saw the dead ex-worker.  the manager is a bit of a nutball, but i figure what the hell. so i asked the security lady if she ever saw anything weird. she didnt, but told me she would look into it.  thats some crazy sh!t, i guess. i work with some F##$ed up people. oh well.  take care


Dumb Animals

I’m Kim. I’ve been noseying around your site, it’s pretty cool, and yes, I’m a believer.

Here’s a few things that have happened to us in our house, I’ll try to keep them short and to the point.

Let me start with, and I believe this it the entity which is here.  We had a wonderful pitbull dog which came into my husbands shop quite a few years ago, he was sick and undernourished. Lots of health problems… anyway Buster lived longer then he probably would have if it wasn’t for him. We had to put him to sleep on Feb.4th, 2000.

We acquired two more pitty’s. One on the 5th (We were heartbroken) and one more 6 months later.

Strange things began happening after this,one time the refrigerator in the basement was moved out about 3 feet from the wall, my daughters, nor my husband or I had touched it. We didn’t see it happen, but it was weird.

The bathroom door has opened on me when I’m in the tub and no one there. The two major ones were though, I was in the tub and my one dog was laying outside the door (open) I could see her and my husband was in the basement in the computer room with the other one, the door to this room was shut. I heard footsteps run up the basement stairs as I was waiting for my husband to come up and bug me, he never showed, then the sounds went back down the stairs. When I got out of the tub, I went downstairs and my husband asked me if I had come down and went back up? I said no, and I asked him the same thing. Needless to say we went through the house with the gun and dogs to check everything out, the laundry almost got shot, but there was nothing here. Spooky       The next one we were in bed sleeping and the dogs do sleep in bed with us ( spoiled rotten) So did buster. I felt our male go to get up and I told him to lay down, at that some point I open my eyes and saw a third dog get off the bed… Ohh goosebumps for me.

We think Buster is still here and enjoying his home life with his new dog family… We miss him very much. My husband read this and wanted me to include this also, before I was in the picture, one night about 8 yrs. ago  around  3am, Buster started  barking, no this isn’t unusual for most dogs, but for Buster it was, it was a very upset bark, My husband was upstairs with him in bed, he got up and immediately called the police and explained to them about the dog backing that this was not normal behavior and asked them to come to the house. They did come in and go through the house and yard nothing was found. A little weird when you have a dog that barking was almost nonexistant.

We haven’t pinpointed yet when this happens, if it’s around any events or anniversarys of anything. In fact , I hadn’t even thought of documenting anything until I went to your site. I will in the future.


Kim in Hammond


Some thing I have thought allot about and have yet to be able to explain happed to me during the later part of March this year. I was on an extended stay at a Motel in Henderson Ky. The last night of my stay I woke around 3 am thinking I was in a earthquake. I laid still for a minute or so to make sure it was no dream. The bed was moving up and down and shaking. I looked at the walls and the surroundings and noticed it wasn’t an earthquake. It didn’t take me long to jump out of bed. I slept the rest of the night on the couch in the room. I have no idea what was going on but I think that night some thing was there beyond the normal.
John Emerson

Edgefield Manor Hauntings

Hello, I have lived in a 140 year old place called Edgefield Manor for the  last 14 years. What I am about to tell you sounds like the classic ghost story but its not. I have had many experiences here. One of them was last night. I was turning out the lights to the parlor down stairs, when suddenly i saw a figure glide across the hall. I was scared, but later one that evening I would be beyond scared. I was in bed, suddenly I looked in the corner and there was a pair of glowing red eyes. I just freaked! There was also a case when I went into a room and like always the grand piano was in the corner. I went out for five minutes and when I came back in the piano had been moved 23 feet. Tell me. Do you know what did that? Well I have plenty of other things I could tell you if you want to hear them. – DAllen

Chaos Comment: Yes DAllen, Anything at all you would like to send.

Ellen’s Questions

My husband and I live in Porter Indiana. We have been living with spirits since 1978.  A lot of bizarre things have happened to us, and I guess we are looking for some answers.  Who are they, and what do they want.  They are mostly just pests, but have given us a good scare every now and then.  We especially notice them at night, they sometimes keep us awake, or we can hear footsteps in the house, doors opening and closing, we see shadows, and our grown children have heard conversations.  Right now I think there are 3 of them.  On occasion my son and I have heard wings flapping in our bedrooms the
one time this has happened to me, I saw a black object resembling a large bird flying across my bedroom.  This was several years ago, but recently my 21 year old son said he was awaken by wings flapping, and so terrified he felt paralyzed.  We all have seen shadows walking through the yard up to the porch, thinking it was someone coming to the door.  This all started in 78 right after our first child, Julie was born.  We lived in Miller at the time and we have lived in 6 different homes since then.  We don’t know what to think.  Is it spirits of relatives, or people who have lived in these houses.  Why are they with us?  My husband says he has woke up in the middle of the night with a haze hovering over him.


Eyes of Darkness

This is my story (it’s long), and I will swear it’s true until the end of time.

I’ve always believed in ghosts and spirits, and have been creeped out on uncountable occasions – feeling someone watching when nobody’s there, seeing things in the middle of the table when I’m sure I put them on the corner…this is nothing new to me. The time I actually saw my first ghost was something new, and it scared the living daylights out of me. It’s now 8 years later, and I can still remember it clearly enough to get creeped out all over again. To start, I was at my best friend’s house, and let me just say that my friend’s family background is Lakota Sioux Indian, and she and her mom are no strangers to weird occurrences around the house. Her mom has told some pretty incredible stories about ghosts and Indian Spirits that she’s seen.

When I was 15, my best friend and I were sitting in her room just off of the garage.There was her doorway (no door), a stairway up to the living room (the door at the top of that was closed), and directly across from her doorway was a white (closed) door that led into the garage. It was sort of laid out like an H, if you can picture it. Anyway, her bed was against the wall facing the doorway, and we were talking about the things we’d been hearing earlier in the day. We were the only ones home, and while watching tv earlier, the unplugged toaster had decided to pop it’s handle up and down and the glasses were rattling in the cabinets. I was freaked out, and we’d decided to go downstairs to her room. We were sitting on her bed for about 1/2 an hour, and I was finally calming down and forgetting about being scared. She was a lot calmer than I was, and it was helping. It was a sunny day out, and I was sitting in a beam of sunlight that was filtering through the curtains onto the bed. It started to fade and get a little chilly, so I looked at the window and, because of the way I was facing, had to turn my head past her doorway. I never got to the window. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared or screamed as loud as I did when I saw what was in the doorway. He had darker skin, was really tall, almost to the top of the doorway – I could just see the top of it over his hat. I could also faintly see the door through him. He was dressed in old fashioned clothes (no history expert, I’m guessing late 1800-really early 1900’s) – he had on a dark coat, pants, and muddy boots that were kind of hard to see the details on. What did stand out were his white shirt, string bow tie and flat brimmed that. He was just standing there, filling the doorway, his arms flat at his sides. His hair was silvery gray and stringy under his hat. It came down just to the top of his square shoulders. The worst part was his face. He had this square jaw and his mouth was pulled down in a scowl that looked nothing but menacing and he was facing me. His eyes were fixed right on me, and I swear they were nothing but black. If they were any color, I couldn’t see it or the whites. Just darkness everywhere.

I closed my eyes, and grabbed for my friend, who had gone really pale, and was staring at him too. By the time I opened my eyes again (which felt like forever but was probably only seconds), he was gone. She grabbed my hand and literally had to yank me to the doorway and up the stairs so that we could get out of the house. Ordinarily, I’d have been the first one out, only we had to pass the same spot where he was standing.

We got outside, and I was so scared, I just broke down and cried. It felt,,, >evil. Since then, I’ve only caught glimpses of what may or may not be ghosts, but I’ve never had that feeling of hate accompanying them. I hope I never do again.


Faceless Spirits

This happened to my daughter 16 years ago, it is all true, infact to this day she is scared of this road because of what happened one night 16 years ago.

There is this very eerie country road in this little Oregon town and a lot of people know’s of it’s reputation.

Anyway on with my story….My daughter and her father went to spend the day with some friends of theirs {my daughter was 13 at the time} they stayed all day and finally at 10:00 p.m. they decided to pack it up and head home, they had a very busy day planned for the next day.

They decided to take a short cut to get home and guess which road they were on, they was driving along talking about the next days fishing trip they would be going on. All of a sudden up the road ahead of them was a lady walking, they thought it odd that she was wearing shorts as it was in the first week of Sept. and it gets pretty cool at nights, to cool to be wearing shorts.

They got up to about 30 feet of her, she stopped walking, turned around and was looking right at them. My daughter noticed the lady was holding what looked to be a baby blanket and there was movement under the blanket as if a baby was kicking.

when the lady was about at the front of the car my daughter and her father were startled to see the lady had no face, her face was flesh colored but no eye’s no nose and no mouth, just blank.

both my daughter and her father looked at each other and just kept driving, they never said a word to each other all the way home. My daughter said her father turned as white as a sheet and i imagine she did to. They never spoke of this matter to each other.

It was a couple of years later my daughter and I was on that same road at night driving and she broke down and told me what had happened that night, she is now 26 and that road still frightens her. Her father has never spoken of it and probably never will.

I would like to know why the lady ghost had no face, she was as solid as you and I but just no face, I always thought maybe she had been in a car accident right at that spot and maybe her face went through the windshield and she could have been holding her baby on her lap {befor seatbelts} and her and baby both died, i don’t know, that is just my opinion.

Chaos comment: Firstly, the story that comes to mind is the faceless nun of Foley Hall in Terre Haute. That ghost has no face they believe because she was painting and never completed her self portrait, leaving her face blank in the painting. Each case will vary though. I’m guessing it’s guilt of some kind that keeps her face from being seen or the accident this spirit was in damaged her face beyond recognition. That’s my guess anyway. The woman was afraid the spirit was angry with her though and this isn’t the case.

Family Ghosts

I would like to share one of many of my run-ins with the unexplained.Well a couple of years ago, before I moved to Gary,Indiana from Chicago, I lived in this little old cottage house. now I’ve lived there for 2 years and never had a problem being there. Until one day I got some terrifying news that my cousin I had just talked to the night before had been killed. My cousin and I was very close he was a few years older than I  and he had just made 28 a few months prior. When we had talked the night before, he was just telling me that he was going to come and visit me that following day. Well appearently he never made it. from the shock of this all I was just totally devastated. I  cryed and I cryed mercifully every night, and I thought about him 24/7 until a few days before his funeral. And one of those nights I could not sleep for some was around 4:30 am and this strange feeling that awoke me in the middle of the night wouldnt let me go back to sleep. so I just lay there in my dark room in my bed just starring out into blankness.when all of a sudden I felt this strange presence in my bedroom.

Now I’ve felt this presence many times before, so I knew it had to be something that I wasnt gonna be comfortable ! with. So I knew the routine, and I just closed my eyes waiting for whatever was gonna happen to happen and go away. All of a sudden I heard this sound, an unearthly sound one I have never heard in my life it sounded like it could of been the opening to the gates of hell.very faint and eerie sounding , I continued to listen on. All of a sudden I couldnt move or open my mouth I dont know if I could of opened my eyes but I didnt try either cause whatever was in the room with me, I did not want to see anyway. Then felt something applying pressure to my back(I was laying on my stomach) like some one was putting their hand on my back while kneeling down beside my bedside,and all of a sudden I hear my cousins voice speaking to me. He said ” girl, you know I love you………” but it was like he wanted to finish the sentence but didnt, and since I couldnt move my mouth I responded in my mind saying,”I love you too.” and pretty soon the pressure off my back was gone and I was able to move.

I had my 2 year old son in the bed with me, so when I was able to break free I grabbed him and got the hell out of my bedroom. I ran downstairs crying in complete fear! I’ve seen and heard spirits before but nothing has never spoken directly to me so this freaked me totally out.I woke up my friend who was downstairs asleep on the couch and I told her what had just happened. And I called my grandmother who was like 10 miles away,and who is a very religious and spiritual woman, and told her what had happened. And she assured me that that was not my cousin, infact it was the devil or an evil spirit trying to ! trick me into believing it was my cousin.

I didnt know what to believe, all I know is that it sounded like him. and damit I was scared. I really couldnt sleep now and it had started getting light outside by now and thats all I coould think about now was that little incident. afterwards i was scared to go in my bedroom, for that matter I was scared to go upstairs period. the funeral was approaching now and I dont know if I was prepared to go. But I got the courage to go anyway. it was sad and I could indeed “handle it” but when I got home it was more than I bargained for.That night we could hear noise upstairs and it was just my friend the baby and I.  and we were all downstairs, and like I said no one dared to go upstairs after the night before,we heard banging, bumping and stomping like some body was having a damn party in my house.we tryed to ignore it and it just got louder and worse. we couldnt sleep for weeks. we would just leave and come back at night when we tryed! to get some sleep.we all slept on the sectional couch together under the sheets to hear stuff being thrown down the stairs,or somebody running full-speed down the stairs very hard. It just got to the point where I  couldnt take it any more and it almost drove me I seeked help from a sister-in-law who also was vey spiritual.

She explained to me that by talking to my cousin peroid opened the door for evil spirits to come in and invade my house. and by crying over him and mourning over him the way I did invited him to my home.(and I strongly advise against that) So she told me that i had to command them in Gods name to leave my house I got a bible and read a few scriptures and opened my front door and went through my house from top to bottom praying and demanding the spirits leave in Gods name and ever since we had peaceful nights there.until I moved. Which had nothing to do with the spirits. But I’ll know from experience when people die, LET THEM ! GO IN PEACE!


HI Mrs E,

I have some different perspectives on your story but I very much agree that God’s word rules all.I’ve been working with spirits and listening hundreds even thousands of true life run-ins with spirits in the last 4 years. I’ve worked with many psychics and felt the presence of spirits many times. What you were told is correct.

To think heavily and dwell heavily on spirits of the departed will attract them to you. This isn’t always a bad thing though. It gives you a chance to say your piece to them, them to say their piece to you(if you can listen) and then you to let them go. Asking them and then telling them( if you need to)in no uncertain terms to leave will remove a spirit from your house in many cases, that is, if the spirit came to see you and isn’t attached to the house itself.

Many people come to me and tell me of visits from loved ones, especially after they have just passed on(my own Grandfather came back to visit and was seen by 2 people at the same time!). My advice is always to have a good heart to heart coversation with them. Try to listen to what they have to say and then at the end of it ask them to move on to the light and let you go.

Explaining to the spirit it is making you afraid will help ease things too. There aren’t many spirits that want to be a burden on anyone.

I can’t say for sure what was in your house but I think you cousin simply wanted to say his goodbyes and threw a temper tantrum when he couldn’t. Then again maybe something had been in your house that was evil and this was it’s chance to get at you. I can’t say for sure,I wasn’t there. In my experience evil will not use the word love.

Again, Gods word is the law and makes everything alright in the end.I’m glad everything worked out for you. If you ever run into something like this again, just ask it to please leave you alone and go home to God. Spirits are often around us. We simply fail to notice them.

Family Haunted House

Hello, I enjoy your site very much. So much that I am willing to relate my ghost story to your visitors.

My parents bought a house in 1966 from my grandfather. I, at the time was only 4 years old. The upstairs had two bedrooms and a walk-in-closet that was between the rooms. My two older sisters were given the larger room and I was put in the smaller room by myself. My youngest sister slept in a crib located in my parents bedroom downstairs. I can still remember to this day the sheer horror I experienced sleeping in that room. I saw and heard things. My mother had to stay in the room with me til I went to sleep. If I happen to wake up in the middle of the nite, I would scurry down to my parents room and crawl into my sister’s crib and sleep with her. Eventually my mom wised up and put me in with one of my sisters and gave my oldest sister Deb my old room. I can still remember there was a nite or two she came rushing out of that room also. Later on she made my other older sister Sheri sleep with her in there and my youngest sister moved into my room with me. So it must have not been my small child’s imagination.

But that isn’t all of the story. As the years pass, I would wake up in the middle of the nite and see a man dressed in a hunters outfit standing between the bedrooms at the entrance of the walk -in-closet. Since we didn’t have a door on the big bedroom, we could see to the stairway wall. I would close my eyes then open them again and he would still be there. At first I thought it was my Uncle, but it stood there for a very long time. Even after closing my eyes several times he was still there! So I would pull the covers over my head and pray he would go away. The small bedroom was a different story.

After my sisters moved out I was the lucky one to get the “spook” room back. At nite I would hear someone rocking in a rocking chair in the corner of the room. Not odd, but there was no rocker in there! The foot of the bed would vibrate. Since we lived just one street over from a railroad, a train could cause this. But there was never any trains going though town at the time. One nite at about 2:30am I was awaken by a baby crying. It sounded like it was coming from the stairs. Thinking possibly my younger sister was babysitting I got up. I could still hear it crying as I went down the steps, then it stopped. No one was up and there was no baby in the house. Very eerie. Then I began to see things again, figures, odd shapes. Generally the overall feeling of my hair standing straight on end. To this day these memories terrify me and they are very hard to discuss. But I adapted to them and eventually when I was awoken by one I would just tell it to go away. One nite! I awoke to find one perched on the foot of my bed. A small black figure with orange eyes, (I kid you not!) It scared the ba-jesus out of me. But anger quickly took over, I was tired of this happening. I kicked at it and said “GET OUT!!!” I swear it floated up and right out through the bedroom door at a very fast speed. Did I dream this?? To this day the terror I felt at that second is still with me. I couldn’t have possibly dreamt that. I was even terrified as I wrote this down for you. Anyway I never saw it again, thank god.

One nite I came home and it was getting dark. Only the kitchen light was on, the rest of the house was dark.  How the house is set up, you come in though the back door into the kitchen and though a open archway was the living room. To the left of the archway on the living room side was the staircase. I came in the backdoor and saw someone standing on the other side of the archway by the stairs. All I saw was a shoulder. The second I shut the door the shoulder instantly disappeared. Thinking my sister or younger brothers were playing a joke I called out “Alright, I saw you!” Well, I looked all over the house for someone. No one was home. I started upstairs to look then this overwhelming fear came over me, almost a cold feeling. I turned around and ran out of the house, I mean I literally was running a mile race in under 3 seconds. All I knew was that I had to get outside. I didn’t go back til my parents came home a little while later.

One nite I had my younger sister sleep with me and we both felt the bed vibrate and heard the rocker chair creaking. We both sat up in bed, looked at each other then scrambled downstairs screaming at mom. She came up and looked around in the room and told us we were imagining things. I am not sure how we could have both imagined that. In my 20’s I talked to my oldest sister Deb about the small bedroom and odd things that went on around that house. She told me she had experienced the bed vibrations and rocking chair also. That is why she enlisted my other sister Sheri to sleep with her. My sister Sheri had heard the baby crying once also. Since I never told them the things I heard, I can pretty much bet I was not imagining these things.

My parents have passed away and my youngest sister now owns that house. I live just a cross the road from it and I still get a eerie feeling when I go over there or even look at that house. Everything I have told is true. I have never discussed it with anyone outside the family. Could this house possibly be haunted?


Family Reunions

For quite awhile my TV in the bedroom would go on when  i came home for lunch   but when i wasn’t here on weekends and my boyfriend was here it would not go   on.  i keep it unplugged now.  i really believe it was my father.  when i was   in my apartment in the corner of one room i saw twinkling lights it never   bothered me.   my ex mother-in law past away about 6 months ago and about 2   months ago I like felt she was here and she told me was fine but wishes she   was here.  Once I told my ex-husband that she said she was fine and he would   smell her perfume I never felt her here again.  I still feel my father but I   have not had anything unusual happen lately except sometimes I feel like   someone is touching me.

You know i was rreading your answers to questions  and its funny i say a   prayer and tell them to leave me alone and it works.  you know you can’t tell   for sure if its real or not because i do miss my father and sometimes i think   that its my imagination but  i went to a phsycic and she said my fathers   nickname to me.  no one would know that and there were 3x’s i felt he was  tucking me in bed.  which when  i was a little girl thats what he would do.

Charlotte Prahl

Chaos comment: Family Ghosts are probably the most common type of haunting you’ll experience. It’s nothing to be afraid of. Yes, saying a prayer does the trick on most cases.

Fifty Grandkids

October 4th 1999, My grandmother passed away. We all knew it was coming but I still took it really hard. Out of fifty some grandkids, I was the closest to her, as she was to me. During her visitation, I went to the restroom. While I was in there, I thought I heard my grandmother say I love you BJ. My name is William, but my grandma always called me BJ on account of that was what I went by when I was a little kid. I asked everyone to stop when I got older, but she wouldn’t. And that was ok with me. At the time, I just blew it off as my mind was playing trickes on me because I loved her so much and wanted her back.After she died, My uncle who still lived with her decided to stay at my moms house for a while. I ran him home everyday to feed his animals and get his medicine when he ran low. He has epilepcy. Anyway, a few nights after my grandmother passed I was taking him home. We was going down a old country road, one that I almost always take to get to my Grandmothers house. Until this night, I never beleived in any of this stuff, but after what happend to me this night, I will never doubt again. Going down the country road, my lights on the car kept turning on and off. They would go off on the straight aways, and turn back on before we would get to the curves or if another car was coming towards us.My uncle thought I was messing with him so he told me to keep my hands on top of the stirring wheel so he could see them.

Sure enough a few seconds later, it happend again. My uncle and I both fermally beleive it was my grandmother because she was always a person that loved to play practical jokes on the family. I never had a problem with my lights before that night or after that night again. Like I said I fermally beleive my grandmother is here watching over me for a couple reasons. The first being that on October 12th, 2001 I  was in a serious car wreck that I should have never lived through. I was ran off the road, and flipped my 95 Monte Carlo nose over tail three times and was ejected through the moonroof. In the process of flipping, the car landed on my lower back and rolled onte my right leg. It then continued to flip. As soon as the car was off me, I got up and started walking away because I wasnt sure if it would blow up or not. I made it approx. 50 feet and the fell. I couldn’t get back up again. I dislocated my right shoulder, snapped my left clavical, crushed and tore the muscles and legiments in my right leg and almost lost my left foot. I believe my grandmother is the reason I am alive today. Also, When she passed away, My son Austin was around 9 months old. My grandmother was excpecially close and proud of my son. She would rather have him around her than anyone else in the world.

After he was able to talk, He started telling us that Memah would come and play with him. After a few months of this, he was around 1 1/2 years or so. He then began to tell us when Memah would come play with him, and man would come too. He told us that the man would just stand in the corner and watch him play with Memah. Everyone was triing to figure out who the man was, so my mom got out a old photo album. She went through the book asking my son if this was the man and that was the man. He would always say no, until he came to a photo of my Grandpa who died six weeks to the day after I was born in 1980. I understand that kids are able to see more clearly than adults, and I am glad they can. After the bathroom at the funeral home, the lights in my car, and Austin, I will always beleive in the paranormal and will always beleive my grandparents are here watching over me and my children. As now my Daughter, who never meet the women and is only 2, talks as if Memah was here alive with us today. I have a huge photo hanging in my frontroom of my Grandmother and myself when I was approx. 3 years old, Alyson will point to it, get all happy and yell, Memah, Memah, Memah….. It makes me feel all warm inside to know that no matter what, she will always be here for us.

Floating Green Head

I am a renter.  I have a roommate.  The odd thing is, the woman who showed it to me said she’s never seen anything since she’s lived here, but her son told me 5 different stories–a floating ‘green head’, cold hands pulling her feet off the bed in the night, a man was supposedly caught on camera unbarring the door to the auditorium but dissapeared right after it was removed, supposedly she heard laughter/talking in the stairwell, but no one was there.  I heard a story about a basketball player that may have hung himself on the south side of the gym.

Me personally?  We shut all the blinds in our apartment.  We left to get an answering machine/see a movie, making sure my roomie’s door was shut to her room so the cat couldn’t get in.  (It’s a loft.)  He followed me to the door, we left.  When we returned, I couldn’t find my cat.  We ended up finding him, IN HER ROOM, under the bed, scared.  He came out only for a few seconds before going back under on his haunches.  The chalkboard she has (no chalk) was leaning against the wall (we just moved in this weekend) and when we got back it was lying down, and on the back was written (in chalk)  Health (really darkly) and Guest (lightly, as if it were written and erased) and Box 20 (which is odd since we have EXACTLY 20 boxes in the apartment right now.)  Plus, the blinds were all opened.

Nothing else was touched/moved/taken, so I know it wasn’t a break in.  My cat is going back and forth between acting normal and chasing (nothing?) around the apartment or hiding in corners or under my roomie’s bed.

As far as a dangerous feeling..

There are many strange things in this building.  The main hall is a large square.  The laundry room is about 15 feet from the ‘Pool’ which has been converted into an apartment, also.  In the hall you can always smell detergent/etc.  The pool door has a little entry way, about 3 steps up, and then a wide (4 feet?) space to stand and the door to the pool.  The second you step out of that main hall you smell CHLORINE.  The walls are brick and the floor is marble.  It was like that the first week.  This week, everytime I’ve been in the building I’ve smelled it on the main stairwell, which makes no sense because the main stairs are encased in glass to preserve them and have doors that go out into a courtyard.  It’s always cold and well ventilated, and yet the.. musty chlorine smell.  Friday night I could not even LOOK at the stairwell, I nearly had a panic attack.  My heart was racing out of control and I felt sick.  The ‘Lunchroom’ (now storage/maintenance) is where the supposed green thing was seen, and I felt a blast of cold air come at me when I stepped in about 5 feet to get a flatbed thing to move my stuff in.

In my specific apartment… I don’t feel so much threatened as I feel… petrified.  Nervous.  My heart races at times, and at the times when I feel this way I also just want to… cry.   Whenever those feelings come over me my cat seems to ‘dissapear’ for a while.

Just a few moments ago I went up to my roomie’s room to get the air pump for my air mattress (getting a bed in a week) and my cat followed me. (He’s like a dog. lol) However, when I walked into her room, he took off into MY room and lied down by the far wall staring at me.  I decided that I couldn’t bring myself to sleep in that big empty room, so after getting the pump downstairs I went in to my room to grab some pajama pants/pillows/etc and the cat took off like a bolt into HER room.  I had to practically push him out so I could shut the door.  I shut both doors and could not get downstairs fast enough.

The thing is, I only just this afternoon found out about the ‘possible’ hanging/suicide in the gym.  During the day this apartment is beautiful–well lit, spacious, great.  At night it echos… it seems more empty than it should be… and I have these feelings come over me.

I walked around the school last week after looking over the apartment w/my roommate, her father, and her sister and got HORRIBLE feelings in places.  There’s a stairwell w/a stained glass window.  When I saw it I thought it was beautiful, amazing, and yet I felt very sad and it took me five minutes to get myself to walk down the stairs.  While on the 3rd floor I saw the stairwell to the 4th, and the other 3 wanted to go up and check it out, but I refused to go, I had a bad feeling about it.  I saw the Auditorium… the ticket box looks so dark and empty, I half expected something to come out at me.  I peeked through the cracks in the door to the Auditorium and had chills run up my spine and had to pull myself away.

The first day I came to look at the place she showed me the pool apartment first… and although it was HUGE and quite impressive, I had this horrible wave of tragedy and sadness in there…  and I felt a tiny bit dizzy as if I was sick.  Today, when my friend Sam told me what he found about the gym, he also told me he found something about a girl who had been found face down in the pool, drowned, and supposedly she wasintoxicated when she had drowned.

I have spent 3 hours in the library trying to find some facts, and all I could find was stuff about the building itself or the students.  Nothing about any deaths, or tragedies that were severe.  It seemed very odd to me then and does now, because I graduated from Mishawaka and in my 4 years there 3 teachers died and 2 students, and that school has stood at it’s current location for less time than this one.

I also could not find any information on why it closed.  This specific building served as a school for 75 years exactly, and closed after the fall semester in 1971.  It is quite large, and had 2200 students in 1957, was modern, and still in quite good condition, and yet for reasons I could not find, it was closed.

A friend of mine is a little… psychic, and her children see things.  Normally, I would not believe people if they told me they were psychic, but she knew things about me that I had not told her.   She asked me if I have always been affected by my surroundings in this way, and the only way I can possibley respond is yes.  My whole life I’ve gotten… vibes from people/places.  I never remember my dreams, unless the happen later.

Here I am, at 2 AM, unable to sleep even though I took something to help me sleep, because of this wave of sadness over me.  It’s odd because I FEEL as if I have this rush of adrenaline–as if my heart is racing–but it’s beating normally, if not a little slower than normal because of the sleep aide.  My skin is tingling and I feel as if I would jump 20 feet if someone came up behind me right now.  I’m on edge, and I have no reason to be. It’s quiet, except for the TV I have on for the sound of it, and the heater going.  (Not to mention the tapping me me on the keyboard.)

I just have a general feeling of unease in my space at night–more than any other time.  During the day (for the most part) it’s a perfectly fabulous place, although I try to avoid taking the stairs and when I come and go I walk quickly and keep my eyes forward…  I feel as if I’m being watched at times.  Earlier today, around 12 pm, as I left my place, I came around the corner and one of my neighbors was coming my direction and I nearly
jumped at the sight of her.  It was ridiculous because I am a very confident person who does is independent and secure in myself–I did door to door sales for a year and a half, and yet this 15 year old girl going into her apartment and calling to her mom nearly scared me out of my skin.

Please get back with me as soon as you can.  Look for me online, maybe we can talk about this sometime. (If this thing doesn’t kill me in my sleep.)

Fond Farewells

My best friend Becky died in a car wreck. She hit a tree head on  She never got to tell either me or my other friend Sandy goodbye. I found out on my way to work in the morning after Becky hit the  tree. It was on the radio, I didn’t quite hear the name though. I bought a paper and her picture was there. Her name was  in the obituaries.

I went to the funeral home for the showing and got into my car afterwards.  The parking lot was completely empty . I heard quite clearly  “good-bye Kay” ( a nickname used by my close friends). I know it was Becky’s  voice.  It freaked me out completely.  I sat in the car and was afraid to move. When I got home, I was still shaking from it. My dad thought I was kidding……but I wasn’t.

I almost blew it off as a trick of the mind  until I talked to Sandy  the next day. She was in the bathroom at the funeral home about the same time, and heard the same thing. Only it was good-bye to her! We both were afraid to go into the funeral home the day of the funeral. We talked in the parking lot before going in . We did go in though. The scariest part was the look that Becky  had on her face. It was a troubled look the night before. Today, she looked at peace….Becky died during a rough  time in my life, in between my grandma & my dad dying. It’s one year I’d like to forget but can’t…..

Chaos comment:  It is said right after a person dies their sprit may have a hard time moving on to the other place. Especially  if there are ones they left behind that won’t let them go. The loved ones  call to them in their thoughts….

Related by Anonymous, rewritten by Chaos

Ghost Buddies

As related by lainey_t

I consider myself to be somewhat realistic. While maintaining this approach to life, I fervently strive to remain open-minded. I am inclined to…what my mother considers a curse…seek my own proof rather than accept an element as truth. Not that I possess a negative or doubtful attitude, I simply find it difficult to accept anything as fact merely because it was stated as such. While being realistic, I am also a dreamer. I have always felt there were many missing pages from the theory handed me on this so-called life. My own theory developed into one that says, basically…anything is possible. This manner in which I challenge life…I also approach the subject of the paranormal. Let me try and help you understand how quickly my own conviction concerning the paranormal came to be. It was all in the proof.

My knowledge was limited to that which I learned from media. I wasn‘t skeptical. Much of what I had learned seemed quite probable. However, until I had a personal experience…I wasn‘t able to truly and undoubtedly accept the paranormal as a reality. Unless you have ever experienced anything of the paranormal nature, it is nearly impossible to imagine the emotions that overwhelm your being. After the initial attempt to explain the phenomenon…and trust me when I say you will come up with every possible rationale imaginable…some not so probable…but more comforting than the realization of your last justification…you …and anyone you choose to share this experience with…will question your sanity. If you are fortunate enough to encounter the paranormal with others, there is yet little comfort to ease your dubious mind. Once you are past the denial and willing to accept the truth of the situation, there is still little comfort… for this opens up a whole new plane of reality.

I have always been infatuated with anything of an antique nature. Whatever it may be…a home, a piece of jewelry, a book…anything with a history…anything that has been touched by the lives of others before me. My curiosity is born of a passion to know who might have lived in a particular home…the life they might have lived in this home…who might have worn a particular piece of jewelry. ..and the value they might have placed on it. Would they be heartbroken to know it ended up on a shelf in an antique shop? You get the idea, right?

Upon entering a once elegant and grand 2-story home in an ‘old’ section of town, I was beset with intrigue. Through the years and different owners…the home had undergone changes. Changes that were anything but flattering. Obvious was the fact that the elegance of the home had gone unappreciated. I was overwhelmed by a feeling of sadness…a feeling of loss. The ambiance of warmth and pride that once filled this home was lost. Homes such as this possess a history. And it isn’t uncommon for that history to include incidents of a paranormal nature. This particular home fell into that category. The stories were believable. However, not having experienced them firsthand, I wasn’t indubitably convinced. The strangeness is my lack of curiosity. By nature, I am a curious one. These stories should have been enough to send me into a ’curious frenzy’. As I think back, somehow I understood the relevance and truth in these stories. And in a rare instance, accepted them as truth while remaining unaware. No explanation. I just knew. As I think back, there were a lot of peculiarities that went unnoticed. Lights going on and off should have raised an eyebrow, at the very least. Unexplained noises went unnoticed. The unusual behavior in pets wasn’t given a second thought. These things may still have no substance. However, I am much more aware now. There is a lot more eyebrow-raising going on…among other expressions of surprise.

It took ’the ceiling falling on my head’ to arouse my awareness of what was happening around me. Audible, distinct footsteps above my head was my realization that I was ’not alone’. No matter how hard I might try, there is no way to deny that I was sharing space with an entity, paranormal in nature. Was I spooked? As open-minded as I might be…as curious as my nature tends to be….Oh geez! Was I spooked?! H#$@ yea!!! It was almost comical. Almost. You have heard “afraid of their own shadow”? I can now imagine the sight I must have been…jumping out of my skin while passing a mirror and seeing my own reflection. And pity those who happened upon me from the behind. Had I been the sole survivor of incidents such as these, chances are that I would still be a patient in a quiet wing ‘somewhere’. Being that many have had similar experiences, I was comforted somewhat. But not totally.

Thanks to this wonderful age of technology, I was able to begin my quest for answers on the internet. I was overwhelmed with knowledge. Enter ‘paranormal’ in the search box and you will also be amazed with the countless pages of information. I happened upon a paranormal group located in Indiana. After viewing their website, I was able to find much needed comfort. Indiana Ghost Trackers…I applaud you…and will forever remain grateful.

I came to accept the reality of what was happening. I still jumped at 3 am when I heard the door open at the top of the stairs. And felt a chill when I was brave enough to look and see that the footsteps I heard coming down the stairs belonged to no one. I no longer searched for the origin of unusual smells. And merely stepped back as…out of nowhere…a cold breeze passed by.

While finding a tolerable comfort zone, I still had a dreaded fear that I would ‘see’ something. I could deal with the noises and all the other incidents. I just didn’t want to see anything. I pleaded…if only in my mind…that I wouldn’t see a ‘ghost’. But I wasn’t getting off that easy. It was sure to happen. And it did. It was predawn…all was quiet. Too quiet. I detected motion out of the corner of my eye. I turned to focus on this movement. What I really wanted to do was close my eyes and pretend it wasn’t there. However, instinctively I turned to see a shadow moving slowly across the room. The word that spilled out of my mouth would merit a slap from my mother. So use your imagination. The shadow was dark. A dark gray…transparent…without distinct form. More like a cloud. It seemed to…float. As it ’floated’ into the next room, it just disappeared. I sat motionless with mouth agape for what must have been 5 minutes. I was filled with an inexplicable sense of peace. Suddenly I felt comfort with the presence around me. I felt a shared sense of respect.

I still don’t know ‘who’ inhabits this house. Or why. But it doesn’t seem to matter. While I am curious, I feel that ‘tracking’ these spirits would be disrespectful…an invasion of their ‘space‘. The only time I am ‘spooked’ is when I am blasted with the element of surprise. And I have to wonder how intentional this is. I am merely thankful for spirits with a sense of humor rather than spirits in need of an attitude adjustment.

It is many months later since I wrote the above. The occurrences continue. Some more profound than in the past. I have been ‘touched’ several times. The first time was quite emotional. The original steps of the staircase were being replaced. I was irresistibly drawn to that area. I stood at the bottom of the staircase…the original steps lay in a heap. I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness…of loss…once again. Quite suddenly I felt a sensation on my forearm…the sensation of a hand being placed on my arm…expressing a shared understanding and an attempt to comfort. Do you know the ‘type’ of touch I am trying to describe? Brave soul that I am, practically ran into the next room with an unmistakable expression of deer-in-the-headlights on my face. The others in the room were naturally curious and I just blurted out that I had been touched and continued hurriedly into even the next room trying to put distance between me and the staircase. The remainder of the evening was uneventful. And I…I went about my work almost emotionless. While I felt no harm from this…it was uncomfortable.

The next time was uncomfortable. However, possessing the sense of humor that I do…I had to appreciate it…and laugh. It was late afternoon and the residents and staff were busy throughout the house. I was totally absorbed in the activity…oblivious to anything or anyone. I suddenly felt a presence behind me and the sensation of my hair being tugged. Not painfully. Just enough to get my attention. I am most certain that my heart is quite healthy. Otherwise, that would have undoubtedly triggered the ‘big one’. The most uncomfortable aspect of this was trying to explain the audible humor I found in this incident. Of course, staff AND residents don’t question much of my behavior. They expect the unexpected of me. And I rarely disappoint them.

While others have had experiences with the spirits in this home, it seems that I am more prone to these experiences than the others. And that is something I question.  I have referred to them as ‘spirits’…in the plural sense. This is just something I know. I just know there are several. Maybe 5 or 6. And there are times when I am able to distinguish which ones are present. Mostly, I just try to stay out of their way. Out of their space. Mostly out of respect…and because I don’t feel that I have enough understanding to make an intentional attempt at communication…I have tried only once. One late night, I took pictures. I announced my intention of photographing their space. After having the pictures developed, it just didn’t feel right. I have made no other attempts. It’s almost as if we have an understanding. I respect their space and they allow me to move about freely and without ‘too much’ incident.

So…while I don’t have physical proof…I have all the proof I need to feel comfortable in my belief that the paranormal is indeed a very real part of existence as I know it.

Ghost Children

I was a live-in nanny for a couple that lived in a beautiful house in the Herron-Morton area downtown. They were renovating the house, which had been split into several apartments. I lived in what had been the maids quarters on the 3rd floor.

I had lived with the family for about 3 months when I began to hear things. At first, I would hear the sound of children whispering and giggling in the hallway. I thought it might be the boys I was caring for, but they would always be fast asleep when I checked. The next thing I heard was the sound of someone opening the side door and walking downstairs. When I would check, no one would be there. The mother also heard this, so we would make sure we identified ourselves when we came in so the other would not be freaked out. The father (being a HUGE skeptic) thought we were weird. This went on until it happened to him. He heard someone come in, walk around the downstairs and then stop. He thought I had come back for something, but I was at the zoo with the boys.

I would also be woken up by the sound of a baby crying. The youngest was about 3 months old when I started working for the family, so at first I thought it was him. I found out that it wasn’t always him when the family went on vacation. I woke up to the sound of the baby crying and couldn’t figure out why the Mom and Dad weren’t getting up. I then got out of bed and started downstairs when it hit me that the family was in Texas and not even home. It was then that the baby’s cries stopped. This happened off and on every time the family went out of town.

The Mother reported the most chilling event. She had come home from a business trip. When she opened the door, she heard a child’s voice yell from upstairs “Mommy’s home!” She went running upstairs only to discover that no one was home.

The house caught fire the weekend after I moved out. The fire Department said that it looked like the fire had smoldered for a long time. It broke out about 20 minutes after the Mother left to run errands. If I had still been living with the family, the youngest child would have been napping at the time the fire broke. He would have been in his room at the back of the house and I would have either been in the kitchen under him or the living room at the front of the house. The fire would have cut me off from getting to him. As it was, he was safe in day care and I was his teacher, having only gotten the job a week before. The family moved out of the house and sold it. I don’t know the new owners, so I don’t know if they have heard “my kids” as I called them.

Sarah Kennedy

Ghosts of Auburn Indiana

I have a lot of events that have happened to me and my brother here there are: I wasn’t old enough to smoke so I was in the bathroom smoking a cigarette, and we had this laundry shoot in the bottom curved so we could put our clothes down the shoot and the clothes would go in the laundry pile in the basement were the washer and dryer was, and I was smoking a cigarette and all of a sudden I hear this sound like a newborn baby crying just below the laundry shoot, I went to see if it was one of my four younger brothers, but they were all sleeping, and so was my mom and her boyfriend, being that it was late at night, so I go to the railing to the stairs that led to the basement, looked down, and it was dark, and I thought to myself, I’ve seen those scary movies were the woman goes  to see what it is and she gets killed, so I didn’t go and check it out. I called my dad and had him pick me up. I explained everything to my mother the next day.

On Friday the 13th about 7-8 years ago, me and my friend were laying talking, and we had the VCR light, our only light, and I saw a black shadow figure rise up, and it had an object in it’s hand, looked like a hammer, and as soon as it threw it’s hand back I screamed and ran out of the room, my friend seen it too. We slept on the couch in the living room with the lights on that night.

One night me and my cousin was walking on country road at about 10-1 o clock at night to a gas station about 2 miles from where I lived and we were walking and my cuz looked behind us and she says “there’s somebody following us”, so i turn around and there was a black figure, but when we turned and looked at it, it went in the ditch where the darkness was so we couldn’t see it, so we start walking faster, and we turn and look again, but this time when he got down to the ground he didn’t go in the ditch but he kind of crawled to us, it was weird cause he went flat on the ground, and his legs were like a frogs legs,( that’s the weird part), his arms and legs were to sides of him/it, and so we started to run! We looked back once more, and I seen headlights, I told my cuz I don’t care who it is, I’m flagging this car down! And it turned out to be my dad and his girlfriend. so I KNOW I have a guardian angle looking out for me.

Me and my little brother had to sleep in the same bed, and suddenly i woke up with my eyes wide open, (my face was towards the wall), and i heard these footsteps walking toward my bed, i look over at my brother, and he was awake and his eyes were wide too, i asked him “What the hell is that”? He said, “I don’t know! ” And we looked at were the footsteps were, and there was no one there!!! My brother curled  up in the corner with his head in his arms, and i hurried up, jumped off the bed turned the light on, got my brother  and got him the heck outta there, I wasn’t even paying attention, I don’t know if they were still walking to the bed or not, but that was freaky!

One night I hade one of my friends stay the night and she wanted to sleep by the wall, so I let her and I left the night light one, and I was faced toward the wall and suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around quickly to see what it was cause it startled me, and no one was there. And if someone was, I would have heard them since it was dead quite that night.

My brother told me that he was in the bathroom, and this was when he was like 6, and he said that he heard a deep nasty voice say something (he couldn’t understand) all he heard was him laugh an evil laugh, and said “Where are your friends now Kyle”?

My brother was in his room one night coming out saying, Taysha, I was laying on my bed and i felt kitty (we had a cat that ran away like a week before) walk on his upper legs to his lower stomach, and he said “Awww babes”! and he put his hand down to pet it, and he didn’t feel anything like fur or anything, so he looked down and he FELT the cat walk off of him!

I would have to say the scariest is the black figure following us, crawling on it’s stomach with it’s arms and legs to it’s side.

That’s it thank you for taking the time to read these real, freaky experiences that me and my brother and others have experienced

Taysha aka Tay Tay
PS. The two demons/shadow figures happened in Waterloo Indiana.

Ghosts on Campus

Hi there, I’ve been looking around for people in my area who are familiar with ghosts. I’m not the most familiar, don’t get me wrong, but i suspect you guys wont look at me funny when I talk about orbs in pictures! Thought you might be interested in some pictures I’ve taken. I am a senior at IU Bloomington and I am doing a folklore project on the ghost and ghost stories of Indiana…which could be a HUGE project to get even a fourth of all ghost stories in the state, but it turns out I didn’t need to stray far from here. I went on a kiddie ghost tour around campus by the folklore department and took pictures in some of the areas to see if I could get any orbs.

Now the most I’ve ever gotten on a picture is one or two and perhaps many more that we just tough to see, who knows. But these…well, look at them yourself I guess. The outdoor ones were take on 8th and Fess St. on campus at IU. I bet you are familiar with haunted IU, but I had no idea that most of the old office buildings are very active! The outdoor ones here are over an empty lot two blocks from me where a frat house used to be, which burned down by the hand of a member in 83, a joke that went too far. The Union is a huge building that is akin to a student center, a study area, a hotel, a food court, a movie theatre with a few auditoriums and dozens of room that are dedicated to families of particular people. The indoor pictures are of the federal room, dedicated to the woman in the painting. She hated the painting which they said was still not finished. I couldn’t tell. The urns on the sides of her contain the ashes of her husband and son. Other rooms like the Tudor room get more active disturbances, dishes being knocked down and whatnot. There are a lot of other places I could tell you about on campus

Anna Richardson

Graduation Eve

This incident happened to my family just recently.  My daughter was getting ready to graduate the following day and it was the evening before.  We were all getting ready to go to bed and I was doing some last minute things around the house before getting ready for bed.  My husband  had already gone to bed and I had let the cat out to do his business.  While my husband was in bed, he felt something walk on the end of the bed back and forth over his feet.  At first he thought it was the cat, but then he realized it wasn’t.  Whatever it was it kept walking back and forth over and over till he turned over. He called for me but I didn’t hear him so he finally shook it off and went back to sleep being the skeptic that he is.  While I was waiting for the cat to come to the door,  I heard a really weird tapping, rapping kind of sound.  At first it sounded like it was on the roof of our house coming from our sky light, but in the next instance my attention was draw to the sound coming from my patio.  It was loud enough like something was trying to get my attention.  After I froze for a few minutes waiting for the sound s to come back I finally shook it off and let the cat in then went to bed not knowing what had just happened to my husband.  Then in the middle of the night, my daughter that was graduating the next day came into my room in a frenzie.  She said her T.V. had just popped on all by itself in the night!  Needless to say she slept on the couch that night.  It was just so weird that three seperate incidences would happen in a row like that. A few days before this all happened my husband had told me he had thanked his brother ( whom had benn killed in a motorcycle accident) for watching over our daughter and getting her this far in her life.  She had also survived a near fatal car accident with her sister.  I too thanked my Dad who passed away when I was 16 for watching over them, too.  We think it might have been our family members watching over that night just to let us know they would be there on her graduation day. The next day we took some pictures and got some orbs in the photos. Our loved ones were there with us.

Grandkids Saw Them

I would like to tell you my story which is very hard to believe. We have been living in the same house for nineteen years. A few years back a lot of strange things started to happen at our house. Drastic temperature changes in the house, my wife had a feeling something was invading our privacy. I would be alone at home when my wife would visit her daughter. I was sleeping one night and I woke up to something climbing on to the bed, the mattress was shaking. Odd things like this would happen a lot, it got so bad that when my wife was not home at night I would sleep in another bed room and everything was fine then. Our two grand children both came to us and said they saw strange things in the dark when they would sleep over at our house, our grand daughter got so scared she would not sleep alone and could only go to sleep with us. Things have manifested to the point now where we now see them and anymore we just life together. There was a time when these spirits or ghosts would harm my wife in small ways as if they were jealous of her or something. We now have to sleep with the lights on and my wife has to cover her eyes to protect them from the spirits, they would put stuff in them and in the morning her eyes were puffy and red. I know this is hard to believe and I am trying to get my to wife talk more about it and I want to get help or at least have people that understand please help us. I will do the best I can and try and get my wife to come forward. If you don’t respond I understand.


Thanks for your time

Grandma’s Visit

I just finished reading your ghost story about your grandpa.  Made my hair stand on end, I had a very similar experience when my oldest son was born.  My grandmother died on July 2nd, 1981.  My son was born July 4th, 1981.  I was really depressed that she never got to see him, and the day after I brought him home from the hospital, I awoke to find her standing next to my bed looking down at him in his bassinet and smiling.  It was the most comforting feeling knowing that she got to see him.  And by the way, the night that she died, I had been talking to my brother on the phone an hour before, and had told him that I had the feeling that she was going to die that night and needed to go see her immediately.  He told me that I was just hormonal from the pregnancy and to go to sleep.  We had planned to go see her the next day, but I couldn’t get over the feeling that she wouldn’t be there.  I told him that I could feel her there with me telling me goodbye.  Again he told me to go on to bed, that everything would be fine.  She died an hour later of a massive heart attack.  I never had the chance to see her again.
Cheryl -IGT

Grandmother at the Wedding

Hello there, My husband and I were married on November 10, 2001.  My brother took pictures at the rehearsal and the wedding, with both a Sony Mavica digital camera, which this one was taken with, and a 35mm camera.  Soon after our wedding, I uploaded these pictures and my husband and I noticed the orb.  He had told me before that my grandmother was at the wedding, then when we saw the orb, I was sure.  Afterwards, we emailed the pictures to friends and family. One friend, who is a paranormal researcher showed them to a psychic friend of hers who told her, “that is the bride’s grandmother.”  Neither my friend nor her friend  had any knowledge of my grandmother’s passing or the conversation my husband and I had.

Theresa & Stephen

Grandpa Ghost

I’ve decided to relate the Chaos family ghost story for your reading pleasure. Sit back and enjoy.

This happened in 1968 or 69 in Hobart. My cousin Scott was to be born and he was to carry the name of my grandfather Arthur as his middle name. My grandfather was really looking forward to seeing my cousin.

Things just don’t work out sometimes and my grandfather passed away 3 days before Scott was born. I was only 2 so I didn’t know my grandfather very well. They tell me he was a good guy.

The first morning Scott arrived home from the hospital my Aunt and Uncle awoke to find my grandfather seated on a bench at the foot of their bed. The bench was next to the baby bassonet. They were both were both frozen and found themselves unable to move. They both watched this but didn’t realize that the other was seeing it until they brought it up later the next day !

My grandfather Arthur was dressed in fine clothes with an overcoat and a hat that he often wore in life. He carried a cane as well. He arose and walked over to Scotts bassonet and looked down on him. After spending a couple minutes looking at Scott he sat back down in the bench and was never seen again.

To this day both my aunt and uncle attest to this happening.

Chaos Comment: Gramps really did care. I think he arranged with the big man upstairs for the opportunity to see Scott before he moved on.

Grandpa 001

Hi Mr. McDowell, this picture was taken in 01-2000 at my home we had a house fire about 8-9 days before this picture was taken.

The day I took this picture was the first time we had been allowed back in the house due to safety reasons. the insurance company was sending someone out to board the place up so the agreed to let us in while they were there.  The fire was really awful it got so hot it melted bath tubs and mirrors in the master bedroom where the fire originated.

I was not home when the fire started but my husband and kids were. they were all in the kids bedroom when my husband thought he heard someone running in the other part of the house knowing the kids were in the rooms he went to check it out. that he when he saw the flames . he was able to get himself and the kids to safety. and that was it everything else was lost including our cat.

The day they let us back in we weren’t allowed in the master bedroom because the floors were burnt thru.  But I saw a tin popcorn can! on the floor sitting on one of the support beams.  It was completely unharmed.  Inside of it was pictures.  Including the only ones of my grandpa who had died a few years prior, and my husbands baby girl who died at 6mo old almost 12 yrs prior.  There was no light in the house when this was taken  as they had boarded up the windows, no one was smoking, it was taken with a 35 mm disposable camera with no strap, but did have a flash.  When I got the pictures back this was the only one like this, when I had it scanned to the computer in the spot where you name the pictures, before I got a chance to type in anything it popped up as grandpa001. Thank you for looking at it.

I would love to have you share it on the site and you may list it as anonymous or use my name which ever you think is best.  I would so very much like to meet others who have had similar experiences.  Maybe someone who can teach me how to better understand how to better notice my surroundings.  Again sir thank you very much.


Grandparents Home

Hello, I live in Indiana.My grandma and grandpa have lived in the same house for a lot of years.When i was little i stayed the night sometimes there,and it’s creepy.But my grandma and grandpa have seen a mans face in there bathroom door,It is an older man with a beard.My daughter has also seen it.My grandfather is passed away know.2 years ago.But my grandmother still hears things.And said she seen a headless woman in her dresser mirror.It’s in her bedroom,but you can see her living room through it.My daughter was there in the day time one day,and was in the bathroom and she said someone said her name.and there was no one in the house,at the time.My grandfather did not die in the house.Could you please tell me somthing,like do you think the house is haunted.Or do you think it is in our minds.I have always been interested in ghosts.I also think i have one in my

Thank You Angela

Grandpa’s House

Hello!~My name is Jyl Watson. I have a few stories to share. Growing up we lived right next door to my grandparents  house. I stayed there a lot with them and one night when I was about 3 or 4, I saw a skeleton-shaped figure coming  toward me though the window. From then on , I slept in my grandparents room. Years went by and I had forgotten  about the incident, and my grandparents passed away. We used the house for storage. One day as I finished taking  some boxes over there, I felt like someone was watchin me,one of my biggest pet-peeves.I turned to the house, and  to my surprise I saw a man standing in the window of my grandparents house!!!! The only thing was he was opaque. It  freaked me out so much, I ran inside my house and called my mom. Of course my mom didn’t belive me. How could I  make-up a man with a crew cut, blue shirt and glasses? Later my dad told me that when he was little,about 9 or 10,  he was playin outside with a friend, grandma was shopping, and grandpa was in the field. They went inside the house  to get some toys when they heard voices upstairs.They ran out to the field to get my grandpa and he heard it too. He  grabbed his shotgun, and started up the stairs. As soon as they got to the top, it all stopped. They seached and  searched, but there was noone. That really freaked me out. A few weeks later, my then boyfriend knocked at the  door.I had never told him about anything, because he probably would think I was crazy. He looked bad when I opened  the door. I asked him what was up and he told me while he was on the porch smoking(something he did when it  rained) he said he saw a man a descibed everything that I had seen!!! I just recently started going through all the  very old family photos, and I found one that really caught my attention. The same man I had seen years before!!! I  asked who it was, and found out it was my great-grandfather Grant Martin. He had died in the house. With all of that  resoved, I still get other presence in there. Obviously my grandparents, but there’s something more and im not sure  what it is. I get feelings about different homes I go into, but I don’t know a lot about those feelings. The house I live  in now there is 1 room that bothers me. One of the original rooms of the house.


Granny’s Place

Plymouth has a lot of older homes and a lot of them have stories. The first home I know of personally is my husband’s grandmother’s home.

It is their family home…has been for many generations. It is a 2 story home and she only lives in the ground floor level. Upstairs there are 3 rooms and a bathroom, it had been converted into an apartment, so there is a kitchen a bedroom and I guess you could say a living room   as well. on occasion there are footsteps heard walking across the floor and down the steps. According to Granny some great aunt roams around up there. I have been up there many times, but Granny won’t let me take any pictures because she claims it is such a mess (it is all used for storage now) but there are many cold spots up there. She also says there are a few others up there as well.

The other home that I know of first hand is just a few houses away from where Granny lives. A friend of ours and his family lived there when he was little. He told us some wonderful stories of doors and cabinets opening and shutting and how his dad one night decided to get rid of the ghosts and drew a huge pentagram in the floor and just made it worse (duh) so the moved out. Apparently the house was a whore house for a while, then a tea house, then an old folks home, then owned by various people. It sat vacant for quite a while, then another one of our friend’s parent’s bought it. We had heard so many neat stories from our other friend, who refused to set foot in the house, so we wanted to see for ourselves…we didn’t find much, except for some odd things around the house. 1. There was an ancient wheelchair in the basement of the house. Sitting next to the wheelchair was a book…Misery by Stephen King with a picture of the same wheelchair on the cover…our friend Chris said that if there were any paragraphs underlined in the book he was not going to stay there anymore. The dog refused to go into the basement, also, and there were a few cold spots down there. The outline of the pentagram was still in the living room floor. Up in the attic, I found this very humorous, there were 2 doll boxes, both empty, one that contained Freddy Kruger and the other contained Chucky…then going up to the little tower there was a stop sign in front of the door….one of our friends took it as a true sign and said he wouldn’t go any further. We ended up not going any further either because we lost power to our flashlight….which started working fine when we got back downstairs. Now our friend’s parents have lived in this house for a few years. They are working on re doing the whole place. They re did the floor so the pentagram is gone. They also brought the wheelchair upstairs and now it is in the parlor with dolls  on it (I found this a little morbid). They haven’t had nay problems as of late….but I have heard that once you start to remodel a place that has been known for creepy stuff you sometimes open a whole new can of worms.

Chaos Comment: Sometimes (not always) remodeling will stir things up. Maybe the spirits followed the past occupant out of this place.

Gravestone Ghost

When I turned 16 I got my license and my sis was teaching me to drive in the cemetery. The cemetery is called  Patten Cemetery.  It is located in LaPorte Indiana on McCollums road down at the dead end. As you go into the cemetery the trees grow over the road making it look like midnight during mid day.

>Driving as reckless teens do, I hit a big rock or something. My sis said there was nothing there. It turned out I hit eight grave stones. They were all piled up. We didn’t know which went where so we put them back as best we could.

That night we were sleeping and I woke up. I felt something watching me My eyes popped open to see a hideous face, puke green hair and nails. They were more like claws. It was as if  the hair and nails never stopped grow growing after death. The thing was in my bedroom doorway. I could see it. It was like a dream but I knew it wasn’t. I was terrified and couldn’t move.

It reached out and raked me with its claws. The nails were crusty, curly, dirty and long. I remember screaming as loud as I could. Pulling my eyes shut until my mom ran in and started shaking me. There was blood all over my face from the scratch and she cleaned it off.  The next day I went back to where I had hit the grave markers. The stones were piled back up like they were the day before, right after I hit them.  I had my older brother help me and we fixed the headstones again.
I was scared  that night. I didn’t sleep at all. I was afraid it would come back and hurt me again.  Deep into the night, I  heard something. A Door slammed but no one was up ! I ran to my older brothers room as fast as I could and crawled into his bed. I hid under the covers for a few minutes hoping I had escaped.

Curiosity got the better of me and a few minutes later I looked out. There it was, the Thing from the last night ! I cried a bloodcurdling scream. When everyone woke up, it was gone. I had screamed  so  loud my neighbor called to see what was wrong.

The next day the stones were in a pile again. The same way they were the last two days. My brother wanted to put them back. I didn’t know what to do but I knew that wouldn’t work. The caretaker saw us and the grave stones. He came over and we told him what had happened.

He brought out the grave plots and it didn’t surprise me to find out there was something strange about
one. One of the grave markers had belonged to a murderer. Someone who had been executed for his crime. I have never once returned to that place….

Directions  for those not afraid of ghosts ….. hwy 20 to Michigan city to Johnson road. Right on Johnson til laPorte at the ONLY stop light cross street  cross street there is hwy 39 follow it to the third light which is Lincolnway left on Lincolnway to second light which is Monroe Street A.K.A. hwy 4 down Monroe to the curve which McCollum  street comes out one Left On McCollums til it dead ends into cemetery as you go in the cemetery the trees on both sides of the SMALL  road grow over it, making it seem like midnight  in broad day light.

Green & White Shirt

I live in Southern Indiana.  While my husband and I have never had a ghost experience before, let me share what  happened this a.m.  About 5:00 a.m. my husband begin to hit my leg.  Thinking he was asleep I woke but didn’t move  around much.  He then begin making more movements and I asked him what was wrong.  He didn’t answer.  A short time later he said “you won’t believe this, I see someone standing in the room and I am wide awake.”  Thinking he was still asleep, I asked him are you sure you are awake.  He assured me that he was.  He then moved back and forth trying to assess the size, etc. of the person. I asked him to turn on the light and he said “No”.  I then became very frightened. I did not see anything. A short time later, the paper carrier went by with his lights flashing and we both sprang out of bed to see what the flashing light was. When we returned to the bedroom, we turned on the light, and of course the figure was gone. He described him as small, perhaps a child, wearing a green and white shirt. His face was covered with a scarf or hood and he was wearing a watch.   His only movement was back and forth. We built this house in 1975 and are the only family that has lived in it. What do you make of this?

Oh, by the way, a few months ago, when I couldn’t sleep and was in the living room reading, the television suddenly came on.  That is the only time that happened.


Hi I have a ghost story for you I am from connersville in I live in an old apartment building thats located on central ave I have lived in many scary places in my life including an old funeral home but greenwood is the scariest place. sometimes at night you can hear a woman screaming and moaning like she is in labor all kinds of thing come up missing and resurfacing water turns on by itself so does the lights all my neibors that live in this apartment are very frightend and often move out.

help me stacy s.

Gypsy Cemetery

A few years back my daughter and I went to the Gypsy Cemetery, I had never been there before.  We went in mid  afternoon bringing my Pekingese dog with us. We parked across the street from the cemetery, the parking space was littered with lots of garbage and broken bottles.  When I got out on the passenger side of the car with my dog he immediately freaked out!  He started pulling on the leash trying to get away, he even flipped in the air to escape, I had never seen him react in such a way.  As soon as we left the parking space and crossed the road he was fine.

Could you possibly explain his actions?  Is that parking space haunted and if so, why didn’t my dog act that way in the cemetery?  I would love to hear back from you as I am still puzzled by his actions.

Thank you, Marcia

Gypsy’s Graveyard

Hi. My name is Melissa. I went to Gypsy’s Graveyard about a year ago with about three other people. I have never been so scared in my life! Once you come into the graveyard, there is an angel statue. It appeared to have flapped it’s wings several times throughout the time we were there.
I must tell you that I never believed in this paranormal stuff until I went here. There were MILLIONS of orbs.. too many to count.. way too many to just be “something else that we imagined.” After seeing the statue moved, OK I was freaked. Didn’t see too much else except a lot of fog and a weird feeling like.. something didn’t want us there. We finally decided to leave because a friend had a very bad feeling.

While leaving, I can not put into perspective the horror! I got in the car through the driver side because the passenger side was right next to the woods.. kinda creeped me out…so I got in through the driver side and then moved to passenger side. My friend who drive in another car asked my bf( who drove our car) “Did she just get in on your side??) He replied yes.. Then his friend said that he saw something by the woods…remind you.. I did not get in on the passenger side by the woods. I imagined he was only playing around.

While leaving, I saw a man standing by the side of the woods, in a long black coat with an old fashioned hat, arms crossed. This is when I began to FREAK OUT!! I thought maybe my imagination was running wild. When I asked my/my boyfriend’s friend what the man he saw was wearing…he described the same thing.

Not to mention, our senses were all heightened by the fact that from the moment we arrived, there was a white pickup truck driving past the cemetery over and over again honking his horn loudly. We had heard stories of this man. That supposedly he had a son buried there? We are not sure if it was him but the truck matched the description.

We were all really freaked out. I never got up enough courage to hop the fence to where the gypsies are supposedly buried.. perhaps another day? Well.. hope this makes a good addition to your collection.

Melissa U.


I have a story that I would like to share. 12 years ago, I used to bartend at a place called Hacienda in Mishawaka. It is in a very old house built in the 1800’s sometime. Anyway, I was outside and looking to talk with the handyman they have employed there. I saw Larry (the handyman) go into the walk-in cooler, that was only about 10 feet from me, and I yelled for him. He just ignored me. So I ran into the cooler ready to yell at him for ignoring me, and to my surprise there was no one in the cooler.

Rita Bagnall

Hammersly House

My name is Kathy and I have a friend who lives near Indianapolis, IN. He sent me a picture that he took in his barn and I noticed Orbs everywhere. But, after researching your group I think maybe they are dust bunnies, as I can see through the cracks in the barn and it is very sunny outside. He thinks this is very funny and always jokes about it with me running into ghosts, but I think maybe he will one day. Now, I believe in ghosts, my Mom’s house in Winnipeg is haunted by some pretty strange things that have frightened her to this day. We also, live next to a graveyard, our whole street is along the graveyard. Our house was 3 years old when we moved into it in 1967. I heard later that the first family that bought it, the guy hung himself in our basement. I have felt them and then in 1998, my Mom who is deaf was awoken during the night by something pounding on her door. She keeps her bedroom door locked at night, now I know why. She is hearing impaired so for her to hear this was a big deal. She told me that the thing was so big that it couldn’t fit in the hallway, his wings hit all the pictures down the hall and they were all crooked. I don’t live there, but when I got home that Christmas, I called our priest and he came. He blessed our house and then he gave my Mom some holy water to keep by her bedside. I noticed last Christmas that my mother had taken my portrait that hung on the wall and had nailed spikes all around it so it must be moving still. When I was little I had an old rocking chair that I would sit in for hours and rock. One day it disappeared, and it was only last year that she told me what happened. My father burned it as it was always rocking while I was asleep and it spooked them. She moved out of that room and I slept there last Christmas and I did not notice anything! We had a Shaman come over and try to get rid of them, but she said to me there are more and that they are ok. My father died in that house in 1984, so I would think he would have tried to remove those spirits, I don’t know! We also have icy spots in the basement. Is it possible for the spirits to come from the cemetary, we are the farthest house from it and you can hardly see the graves from our place. I won’t go on anymore, but do you want the pic of the barn orbs, just to see for yourself? Thanks, I enjoyed reviewing your site, I found it quite interesting. Do you get a program called “Scariest Places on Earth,” this is where I learned about orbs etc.. Thanks

Hi Kathy,
Thanks for the email ! I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. My schedule has been crazy lately. I would like to see some of the pictures. It’s possible that the barn orbs are dust but but it could be paranormal activity occuring. It’s hard to find the difference sometimes but you need to almost always have Base photos taken at times of what seem to be low activity, then when you enter actively looking for the spirits or you feel spirit activity is high you can take photos to compare to the base photos you took. Be aware that lots of movement will cause small dust and hay particles to become airborne and these particles will move about strangely. Chaos

I will pass this information on to him and let him know. It would be interesting to find out why they are there too. Thanks for all you help! I hope to visit Indiana one day and I would love to meet all of you at Indiana Ghost Trackers. I find your site very informative, intriguing and interesting. Sometimes, I just sit for hours and read the stories.

I have a very interesting story to tell you about a haunted mansion on the next block from me. A man that grew up in this area told me about it. It is called Hammersly House and was built in 1875?? It was a large estate and something happened in the house, the family donated all the property to the City of North Vancouver. Well it has been a Nursing Home, Funeral Home and many different restaurants. Herb told me that he and his friends would go in during the day after the Funeral Home closed and he said it was still a grand house. They would light a fire in the fireplace and attempt to stay the night. He said the morning of the attempts they would go downstairs move the gurneys around and upstairs close doors, and walk around just so they knew what was happening and where. He said they never made it and always would hear footsteps upstairs, doors opening and downstairs things moving around. They said it got really cold and then something would move down the stairs and they would run out as fast as they could. He said they never made it and to this day he cannot go near the place. I had been in it many times when it was a very nice restaurant and I never felt anything. I was even there one Halloween and I never felt anything, I even went upstairs by myself. Anyway, a young man committed suicide there about a month ago. It is under construction once again and they are turning it into a bed and breakfast. Herb and his friends say no business there lasts so this should be interesting, I will let you know. There are more stories on this place. ……bye for now. Kathy

Haunted Apartment

My name is Ryan and I currently live in DeKalb, IL. I have graduated from Purdue University in 2000 and I wanted to share with you a photo taken in an apartment that I lived in during the summer between my sophomore and junior year. I always felt a strange presence in this apartment. Usually in the hallway and in my bedroom. At night I would feel something watching over me. I was going through an old box of photos when I came across this one. I was taken by suprise when I saw it. The reason the photo was taken was to show my mother where I was living for the summer. Let me know what you think, I am curious to know!

I have to say that there is really no explanation for this. All of the window have sheers on them (as seen in the picture). I use them in my house to filter sunlight and for privacy. All of the light on that day would have been indirect and filtered. Also, no one, not even the people who I subleased the apartment from smoked in it. I can say that that summer and fall there were a series of deaths very close to me.

Ryan Hyser

Haunted School Bus

I went to a campground with my cousin and there is a haunted school bus back in the woods. the legend goes there used to be a road back there and a bus of girlscouts were driving on it. a couple of them started to fight and it destracted the bus driver. he hit a tree and it was right along the (Wabash) river. while they were knocked out, the water in the river rose and they all drowned. supposedly the ghosts of those who were fighting stayed violent. the only people who go back there at night are VERY drunk. and they always come back with some kind of cut or bruse. thank you for your time.

Haunted Since Birth

I know this sounds weird but its very true. My first experience was around the time I was six months old. My family at the time was living on Auburn Ave in Speedway. The house had such a dark secret that none of the neighbors would tell my mother or father what happened. They would just say “You are better off not knowing”.

We would hear things, feel cold spots and basically feel watched all the time. When I was six months old, my mother put me down for a nap. When she went in to check on me, I was gone. She frantically searched the house to no avail. Eventually she heard a baby crying in the garage, and found me in my pram.

We lived in that house until I was in the second grade, and let me tell you I still remember all the weird things that happened and I am now 32 years old! I was watched from my bedroom doorway and when I would hide under the covers I would hear footsteps walking right up to my bed and stop, I knew that if I looked out of my covers she would be right there staring at me. One night I couldn’t stand it anymore and ran to my parents room. After sleeping with them for a little while, I felt watched again, my mother and I woke at the same time to see the female ghost hovering over us and staring right at us.

We moved from there to Carmel, to Indianapolis again and I was haunted each and every place that we went to. From glowing red eyes in my bedroom in Carmel to shadow beings with silver almond shaped eyes at the last place in Indianapolis.

Luckily, I am now living in Noblesville in a new addition and all is quiet. I don’t think that I will ever live in an old place again.

Amy Lawson

Heather’s Stories

Hi. My name is Heather and I have a few stories for you. A few years back when I was about 13 ( i am now 18) my friend had spent the night at my house. My friend, my mom and I had been messing around with my ouija board. We were asking questions about the Columbine H.S. shooting. This spirit then came on the board and started spelling out my name. We asked why and it said that he died from the shooting, but his girlfriend he left behind looked just like me.
At first I just started yelling at my mom and friend telling them to stop messing around. And before I could say that. The spirit wrote I AM NOT JOKING. My mom looked at me and I got up and started to leave the room.. ( for some reason the board never works with out me ) so they yelled for me to come back so we could ask a few more questions. I sat down and we tried talking to the spirit but he was gone. Later that night just my friend and I were playing.. We shut the lights out and had candles. The windows and the door was shut but the light on one of the candles was waving back and forth fastly. We blew them out and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night i awoke and felt something in the corner of the room.. I peaked over and saw a figure that had a top hat on and was outlined in a blue fog. As soon as I saw that much detail I froze and just shut my eyes. I wanted to wake my friend but I couldnt move. I just layed there untill morning with my eyes closed. About a week later me sister and I switched rooms (she was only 3). About 3 months later she came up to my mom and I one morning and said there was a little girl at her window and she asked her to come out and play with her.Ever since I was little my grandmother and mother always talked about strange happenings when they used to live in California (i have many stories but you can email me if you want me to tell you all those) my grandma has lived in about 6 homes her life and every single one of them she says the “hanks” follow her. Well I think when she moved to South Bend they followed her here and now they are at our house. I cant say our house is haunted because they don’t really scare us.. the “hanks” are spirits that move your stuff.. my sister lost her glasses once and we were in a hurry so my mom and i were looking all over for them. We went in the living room and it was clean as a whistle. I walked onto our deck and back into the living room. There they were right in the middle of the room. Another time I had two hotdogs in my room. I closed the door and ate one. I sat on my bed and started reading a book… I had a strange feeling that someone was with me and I looked over at my desk and the hot dog was gone ( they never gave that back). I have many photos of orbs and figures also. Everytime I take a pic of my cat, there is a orb above her head. I have so many wierd stories.. but I am still stuck with the question. What kind of spirit follows you and only takes some of your stuff? I’ve done a lot of research.. but I cant explain it.. maybe someone out there can? Again I have a lot of pics and stories.. that could keep you entertaind for hours!

Hebron House

There is a house in Hebron, In.thats VERY active in hauntings.
A very good friend of mine recently moved into the house about a month ago.
According to my friend,pictures can’t be hung on the walls,they are removed and placed
on the floor,,not falling mind you,,”placed” on the floor.
At one point,she left the house to do arons,,when she returned her refridgorator had been
pulled away from the wall and all the contents were sprewed all over the floor.
If thats not enough,she had a small group of friends and relatives over.
While her father was talking to another guest at the house in the kitcken,the freezer door
on the fridg,swung open on its own,hitting the guest he was talking to,and just as abruptly closed on its own!!!
Her father,being a devoted Christian,was shocked to say the least!!
He never believed his daughters claims,the house was haunted,,but now says,
“I don’t know about haunted,but something is definatley not right about the house”.
After living there for a month,she still hasn’t spent a single night in the place.
As a matter of fact,the only thing that hasn’t happened in the house is the apperance
of the entity.
Other than that ALL things associated with hauntings has happened,,nosies,,doors open/close by themselves,,lights and TV go
on and off,furniture moving unassited.
On a humorous note,,after the fact was made that “something wasn’t right about the house”.
She asked her father to repair her washing machine in the basement.
Upon doing so,he heard the TV come on up stairs “he was alone in the house”
He went up stairs turned it off,,,once down stairs,,it came back on again.
He again went upstairs,and turned it off.
And returned to the job at hand,,he said later,”I couldn’t help but to keep looking over my shoulder”.
I’ve know her father along with the rest of the family for over 20 years,and I know her dad isn’t one who’s easily convinced of
such things.
The “ghost” is apparently a former owner who died in the house,,and is active both day and night.
If I can get her permission,I will send you her adress,and setup a meeting.
That is if she hasn’t gotten in contact with you already.



High Beams

When we were 12 , my sister and I were walking home from a friends We had to go right in front of cemetery and the gates are locked there at 8 pm every night…Suddenly these super bright headlights came on and the car crashed through. We could hardly see where we were going. It chased us the whole way home. The police were called but the car was never found. Nor were there any sings of it One minute it was there, the next it was gone.

House in Mississippi

In July 1999, my family and I were visiting my mother who had moved back to Mississippi about five years back at that time. We were talking about her “old days” and it came up that the house up the hill from where she now lived was where her little infant brother died. Boy, my “ghost alarm” started ringing and I had to go investigate this house first chance I got. My husband Tony, and son Anthony insisted on going with me just in case. This is rural Mississippi and they were afraid of farmers shooting at me as the house was on private property and had signs saying “No Trespassing” across the driveway.

The three of us walked up the long winding driveway (a mile long no kidding) and finally caught sight of the house thru the trees. I immediately got hit with a feeling of heaviness, and as I repeated the Lord’s Prayer and surrounded myself with God’s protective white light, I slowly made my way up to the house.

My imagination was in high gear – I could just hear the crowds of spirits in that house, it was that strong, my hair raised on the back of my neck, I had to make myself go up to the side windows and look in (take some pics) then around to the front porch where I took more pics. The front porch was the worse, feelings were very strong there, It was as if every strong emotion that had been in that house or near it was choking me. I could just hear the crying of my grandmother as her infant son died, and the deep sadness that permeated the walls. I backed away after a bit, my eyes filled with tears…said the Lord’s Prayer over and over. I really didn’t think any spirits were there, I thought I was picking up on an emotional imprint of what I knew had happened, but just the same, I released the spirits back to the light of God and send them mental images of peace. Well, it made me feel better anyway..<smile>

The pictures were developed, and the last two pictures were awesome. One was a picture of a long white almost solid mist of white by the ceiling, the other pic was more intriguing. I took all of them to the Mind, Body and Soul to Lucy and she pointed out the various names written on the walls, one was “Betty” my deceased grandmother who lost the child. of the last picture (I wish I had written a list of the names because now you can’t see them anymore.) Lucy also pointed out the bedframe, pillows, mother cradling her infant, a dark form of a farmer wearing his hat behind, and more.

After I joined IGT, I brought out the picture and posted it on your board (“Man on left?”), and discovered an addition to the picture…it was a man’s forehead, cheek, nose, moustache/mouth, chin that filled the whole photo’s left side. I took it to work and no one could see it until I pointed it out to them (odd huh?), then that was all they could see. Amazing.

Next trip to MS, I’m taking it and will ask all my long time relatives if they recognize him – it is that clear. Stay tuned!

Mary Adolay

Human-like Figure

Growing up me and my family lived in the same house for 15 years. We then moved but, still owned the vacant house for a few more years. when I was a kid I noticed a few strange things but, when I told my parents they never would believe me. After moving out I would sometimes take my friends over to hang out. For some reason these things became more frequent when the house was vacant. Then one night me and a friend went over, opened the front door and seen something standing in the kitchen. I can assure you it was not human, it did have a human like figure though. It was a very dark black color, stood less than 5 feet tall and stood very still. This is why I am interested in what your doing because I KNOW IT IS REAL. Do you have any idea what this is? thanks for your help.

Indy Area House


We live in a fairly new home ( a decade old) on what was once a corn field…what wasn’t a hundred years ago in the Midwest? I know, this had been a farm for ocer a century, owned by one family, as the current family/home is registered on a founding families plaque as having been around for one hundred years. As far as I know nothing unusual happened here, but I do know that even as a child, there have been spirits that whirled around my family. My childhood home was absolutely haunted.. no ‘proof’, but no doubts either.. visual, as well as bizarre sounds abounded. We used to awaken to what sounded like a cement block being dropped onto the living room floor in the wee hours of the morning. There was a ‘man’ who used to sit or stand at the end of our driveway in clothing not of what would have been the clothing of the early 1970’s. He never walked up the drive, just drifted along the edge. We found out that there had been some sort of accident near our home involving a man. I’m not sure on the particulars. There had been a farm and a large barn, a smoke house, possibly a meat packing area. He died inside one of the buildings, I guess. Present day, or at least over the last ten years, my now adult dwelling has been ( I think) visited on more than one occasion.

At first it involved faucets that turned on in an upstairs bath…no one but myself and children too small to turn on faucets. footsteps in the hallways, objects turning up in odd places ( although I have been known to do absent-minded things like put the remote in the fridge, and the mayonnaise on the t.v.), and then there are the other things. Those would include cold spots in the bedroom…no vents or windows around, a floating something…I think…maybe it is my imagination. There are dark diagonal areas in photos (in one image but not others) on the same roll of film, as well as what appear to be orbs in the NE corner of one room of our house. That room aligns with the same place I seem to notice the ‘image. This is near our stairs. I can’t say I’ve followed it…it vanishes in a couple of seconds. I thought at one point that it went ‘up’ the stairs, but maybe it just hangs around the dining room.

Lately, our dog has acted strangely. We have been outside, and she’ll stop dead in her tracks and stiffen up. She doesn’t really bark, but she seems to be following something with her eyes all along the deck. She tends to push against me and won’t go into the house through her usual route. We also had moved her kennel into the dining room about two months ago, where it would be cooler for her. She absolutely hated going into that room unless we tempted her with a treat. Even then, she balked. About the time we moved in, I had our builder come out to see what could cause the faucets in the tub and sinks to come on. He said it could be air trapped in the system, but he doubted it. He also checked into what I thought might be field mice or birds in the chimney.

Truth be known, it sounded more like banging. Our builder suggested we call a priest. We are Catholic, but I figured there was no harm done. I did ask whatever it was to leave when I was kept up and my children were awakened on several evenings in a row. It seemed to go away for awhile. Now I think it may be back.
Granted, this is not some weird or harmful occurrence, but I’d love to know what you think. Got any ideas about how I could ‘help’ either the what or whomever this is? It doesn’t really bother us, in fact, I’m the only one who really seems to notice…other than the dog.

I showed our Christmas photos to our neighbors. The husband grew up in what used to be a nursing home…truly a haunted place. He said he thought there might be something to the images on the film. One three consecutive photos there are dark areas in a diagonal line. Later, in the same area, but more in a draped effect, there is white, almost as though there is something wrong with the film, but this was on a different roll, and nowhere else, and in no other room does such a thing appear. The orbs tend to collect near to the kids as they open their gifts. Then they’re gone. A couple of shots of the Christmas tree directly above the dining room also show orbs, or white circular spots.

My husband is a firm nonbeliever, but even he has mentioned a couple of times that he thinks my grandpa is playing tricks on us ( he hung around a long time after he died. I saw him frequently until I was a mouthy teenager and probably scared him away).

Is there any real way to know what is going on? I’m just curious and a bit baffled as to what, if anything I should do. Sometimes, I think this thing takes a vacation from al of us. We hear and see nothing for months at a time. Then out of nowhere, all of these strange things begin again, minus the faucets and tub turning on, and the footsteps.

Wendy Becher

Ispat Inland

Submitted by Dawn….
I have recently started working for formerly called “Inland Steel” now known as Ispat-Inland, let me tell YOU !! It has may spirits roaming about, i have seen an old man who watches me from behind some of the machinery two times in in two days…. Creepy..

On Thursday afternoon myself and two other ppl. both new hires with me, were talking about things they have sensed out here at “Inland”. One of the guys told me he felt that there was someone watching him, about that time he felt something his right thigh, jumped as it happened…. He asked if if we saw him jump, we did, because we were looking at him listening to what he was telling us. He explained that it felt like something just grabbed his thigh, about that time the same thing happened to his left thigh, he jumped even higher this time. Told us that it just happened to his other leg in the same place as the right one was.

We looked at him and giggled and told him to stay sitting down or its going to grab his butt….. LOL. he laughed as did we…

But there is something that happened…. The place we have our breaks and meetings is called a “shanty” it is constructed of steel lunch tables, steel doors (three) and very hard to open latches…… It takes both hands to open and close these doors is what i am getting at okay..

After we made a little joke of the spirit grabbing Adams butt, the door opened on its own, and didn’t even make a sound, we have to kick it to get it to get the bottom part to budge, along with a good shoulder shove. So for the door to just unlatch and swing open with complete ease… It made us shiver……

Chaos Comment: I worked at Inland for 13 years. There was one story I found online about an Open hearth Ghost that was seen when molted steel was poured. I guess this was a worker the fell in many years ago. Over the years there have been a number of deaths. While working out there I never heard any stories from coworkers. The number of years Inland has been in existence coupled with the number of people that have worked there, lends itself to this possibility though. Some of those people worked to live and lived to work and knew nothing else in their lives outside of the mill. If there is a presence I’m sure he considers Ispat- Inland his home.

Italianate House

My mother and I have always been interested in the paranormal sphere of activity, and have long felt receptive to it’s influence. My sister also experiences these supernatural “feelings”, but is reluctant to admit it, as it scares her immensely.

Over the past year I have experienced some disturbing occurences that will not go away. It started when I moved out from my parents’ house last year, for the only time yet in my life. The apartment was half of an Italianate house dating from the 1870’s, originally built by a man named Silas Cole. (My roommate, Liz, and I did our homework on the house after the occurences). It was strangely decorated, but usually felt very comfortable in the house, especially in my bedroom (the master bedroom), until one night about a month after I moved in, approximately middle December, 2002. This particular night I got up to turn the light off in my room, then went and laid back down in my bed. (You’ll have to pardon my language in the upcoming section of this e-mail. I need to relate exactly what I heard). When I laid back down in bed and got comfortable, I heard a masculine voice yell from behind me, “I’M F*CKING RIGHT HERE!” I jumped out of bed and yelled back, “Hello?!”, but when I didn’t hear anything, I flipped the lights on, only to find no one in the bed. At this point, you need to understand that I lay on my bed with about six inches in between me and a solid brick wall, obviously not enough space for a human to occupy. This scared me witless, since the noise came from directly behind me. Whatever it was was angry with me, I could somehow just tell.

After that I slept with my lights on for a couple of weeks, until I was comfortable with turning them off again. Things went well for a while, until about March. Again, one night I went to flip my lights off and actually made it to sleep. All of the sudden, in the middle of the night, I woke up to hear someone whispering to me from directly behind my head, in the same spot. I was slightly incoherent at first, due to my sleepy state, but when I realized what was going on, I said “Hello?” a few times, but to no response. I got out of bed and turned on the lights, but still nothing was there. It didn’t scare me as much this time, because I knew somehow that it wasn’t angry.

It didn’t happen again while I lived at the apartment, and I thought I had seen the last of it when I moved back with my parents in May. I was very, very wrong. It has happened to me numerous times in my bedroom at home, which is next to my parents, and both of my brothers’ bedrooms. For the first several times, it occurred just as it had in the apartment, with gentle whispering, and a quiet tone. I would always say “Hello?” or “Who’s here?”, but always to no response.

However, in about October, the voice wasn’t all that began to occur. When the voice would wake me up, or talk to me when I just got into bed, I would follow with my typical response, then flip over and see a man laying next to me in bed, looking at me. It’s always dark, so all I can tell is that he has dark hair and is about my age, maybe a little older. When I see this I scream and jump out of bed, and he is always there until the exact second I turn the light on. Whenever the light is on, he is gone.

I thought that this was at least constricted to when I am alone in the dark, but I was incorrect about that, as well. I went to Florida for Christmas vacation this year with my grandparents, parents, sister, and two brothers (I am the oldest child), and had to share a bed with my sister. This worked wonderfully, and sleeping with the lights off was no problem, because I thought I was safe. One night I was sleeping in bed with my sister, when suddenly the talking started again. I flipped over and he was laying in between me and my sister, staring at me. I flipped the lights on, since they were on the nightstand directly next to the bed, and “poof”, he was gone. This scared me out of my wits, and I still sleep with the lights on to this day because of that experience.

I know I shouldn’t be afraid, because I’m sure that he doesn’t want to harm me, at least not now, but for some reason I’m scared out of my mind of him. I think he just likes to talk to me, and watch over me. I think he protects me, but he’s still frightening. The really strange thing is that, after that initial encounter, I can never remember a single word he says to me. All I seem to be able to remember is that he is telling me something fairly important, either divulging something about himself or giving me advice, and it is always soothing anymore.

I really don’t know what to do about this situation, and it is getting hard to get to sleep anymore because I am afraid.


Michelle Strong

P.S.- I also hope to be joining Indiana Ghost Trackers soon.

Kaitlin’s Room

Yeah everyone thinks her house is haunted. I hate being there
alone. After my aunt goes to bed sometimes late at night, she will hear her
daughter’s toys goin off. She has heard foot steps, and sometimes when I am
there I have heard toys going off with no one in the room. One day I heard
a door open and thought my aunt was home. I went and looked and no one
was there. Also one day I went to go in Kaitlin’s room to get something and
I swore that I say a little boy sitting on her floor playing with Kaitlin’s toys.
I freaked out and grabbed Kaitlin and took off out the door and came home. One
of my aunts work at a hospital here in crown point and she was telling one
of her friends about my aunt’s house, and the next day this lady came up to
my aunt and said,” kelly does your little boy sleep with his hand on the side
of his face.” My aunt goes,” yes” and she said,” well your grandma told me to
tell you she is watching over him and he will be fine and that  he has a
heart problem.” Then she said,” you remember how you were telling me about your
sister’s house” and she said,”yes.” She goes well I saw a little 5 yr blonde
headed boy there. He had died there. She was telling my aunt Kelly
things about my aunt’s house and this lady has never been there.


Kids Can See More

The first one happened just a year ago when I had my son Jesse. We brought him home, had his room all set up for him, everything normal right? Well, every time we’d take him in his room to change a diaper he would always focus his eyes on somthing behind us & even smiled & laughed a few times as if someone was making faces behind us . Both my husband & myself had separate feelings of someone being behind us. Jesse is now 16mths old & now its changed to him looking out the front window & laughing & waving when I see nothing. It’s kind of creepy but I figure that if he’s now scared then I won’t worry about it.

Jackie Dembinski


Hi. I am using my best friend’s email to tell you about a true ghost story at his parents’ home. We grew up on the southside of Indianapolis. I have had extensive experiences with ghostly phenomenon ;however, I have never had such a vivid account as this.

When I was about eighteen years old, I had about four years of friendship under my belt with this family. They had often told me about Laslo, the ghost. I was at first apprehensive. This was until my first experience.

I was coming home from work one evening. I worked the second shift at the central indiana regional blood center. I received a phone call to meet my best friend and his brother for a game that night. Opting against going home and going to bed, I went over to their home. They still lived with their parents. Once there, I decided that I was hungry and wanted some taco bell. As I was leaving, I noticed that the front room was extremely cold. Not thinking too much of it, I decided that I would make my way. As I exited the home and went to my car, I noticed that there was someone standing in the doorway. I didn’t think too much of it considering that my friends’ father often wore plaid pajamas.

Once I returned, I asked if their father had awakened and they told me “no.” I immediately told them about seeing what I had seen. They told me right away that it must’ve been “Laslo.”

They call the ghost, “Laslo,” in honor of the movie “Real Genius.” In which there was a character named Laslo who lived in the closet. They called the ghost this because the first time they had seen it, it walked into a closet. This freaked me out. I tried to forget all of the experiences that I had had with this particular entity. I have heard it breathe but never seen an actual apparition. This story definitely needs to be investigated. Please email us back. thanks.


Liberty Loop Road

The story below is legend. Growing up in Martinsville Indiana, (probably the most haunted place in America) this story is common knowledge, especially if you are, or were, in the high school Folklore Club.
In or around 1936, there was a fatal, single car, accident on Liberty Loop road (some say Mahalasville road “Cramertown Loop.”)

Not much is known about the woman who was in the crash. I heard in one account that she was the wife of a prominent local doctor. With her in the vehicle was her infant. The baby didn’t survive the crash. The infant was buried in the Step Cemetery, which is located in the Morgan-Monroe Forest. A couple of days after the funeral the woman went missing and was discovered by her husband and some locals at the gravesite. She had exhumed the infant and was rocking it, while seated, on the stump of a nearby tree. The tree had been cut down in such a way as to leave a “Back” forming a nice comfortable chair. (The back has sense been removed, but the stump is still there.)

Many times over the years the woman went missing and was always found rocking the remains of her dead infant in “The black Lady’s Chair.” Even after there were no remains to hold, (the grave had been filled with cement) she could be found rocking in her chair next to the grave holding her arms as if she were cradling her baby. No one did anything to stop her since she either came from a prominent family or was married to a well to do doctor. No one knows when, or how she died. However, apparently death was not final enough to end her grief. An apparition can still be seen on the Black Lady’s chair rocking a ghostly infant. The apparition is known as the Black Lady, not because she was of African decent, but because she only wore black after the wreck.

This part is true.

In 1985 two friends and I went to the Step Cemetery at midnight to see what we could, if anything. We failed to see the Black Lady, but we succeeded in scaring the bajesus out of ourselves. From 1994 to 1998 I frequented the Forestry late at night with my oldest son. We were looking for Bigfoot. He was a little fella’ then and he loved this “game.” Of course we never saw Bigfoot either, but we had a few strange occurrences. On one occasion my wife and I saw a glowing sphere traveling up and around the treetops in the black oak stand near the cemetery. On another, my wife, oldest son and sister-in-law drove into a white vapor the caused the car motor to cutout and nearly stall. This, also, was near the cemetery. After that, we never went back late at night. We never discussed not going back at night, we just never did.


Little Girl

Hello my name is Marquita and I live in Bedford Indiana. My brother lives next door to me. Well any way his little girl that is 4 years old kept telling them that there would be this little girl come in her room and would not talk to her. We did not believe her until the other night her light kept going on and off. So my bother got his video camera and then went to the garage to finish doing what he was doing now this all took place around 2 and 3 in the morning. He came back in about a hour later and was looking in the camera and there he saw a real bright light that was a ball then it turned in a person. I saw it myself and his little girl keeps saying that it’s a little girl that has a ring in around her.

Logansport Home

I am a very spiritual person and have always believed there were other forces that as humans, we didn’t understand. It wasn’t until I got married and moved into the old Victorian-style house in Logansport Indiana, that I realized this was definitely true. Strange things happened in the house almost as soon as we moved in until the time we moved out, with things being worse when we would remodel or make a change in the house some way. We lived there for 5 years and I often drive by and wonder if the couple that is living there now, is having any of the same experiences. After we moved, we talked to the owner that had lived there before us and he asked us if anything “strange” had happened. He felt there were spirits in the house, which made him decide to sell it. He is a deeply religious man who recently ran for office in Cass County so I knew he wasn’t lying. He also basically had seen and felt the same things that we did. The only history of the house is that an elderly lady had died in her bed in the dining room.

Lonely Lillian

Below are my two strange occurrences. I don’t know whether I’m attracting strangers from beyond, or if these things were brought about by someone who knew me before they passed on. I may never know. What I am absolutely certain of is that they DID happen, I didn’t imagine either one, I wasn’t half-asleep or hallucinating or drinking or on drugs and I am DEFINITELY NOT an attention-seeker. By the way, the second occurrence took place in the main floor apartment at a house on Lincolnway in Valpo.

Lonely Lillian

My husband, his family and I could hardly believe our good fortune when we were able to get a home in a nice, established neighborhood in Lubbock, TX, for only a fraction of what the surrounding homes, very similar in size and square footage, were going for. We’d been in the home about a week, and boxes (some unpacked, some thus far untouched) were all over the place, in nearly every room. My husband and I were both nurses, and he worked the midnight shifts while I worked swings, in order to avoid costly childcare rates. On this particular night, I had gotten home from work just as he was leaving for work. Both children (barely school-aged, at the time) were asleep, and I settled down on the sofa to relax a minute before plunging into yet more unpacked boxes. I was flipping channels, disgusted with the late-night barrage of infomercials, when I glanced toward the hallway from where I was sitting in the den. As I looked back toward the TV, I thought “What?”, and looked toward the hallway again. There, just inside the top of the door, was a bright, pure white, glowing/pulsating circle. It just hovered there. I forced myself to look away, thinking it must be a car light from out front or something, and was trying to calm myself. Then I forced myself to look toward the door again, and it was STILL there, still glowing. Then, like a streak of lightning, it flew down the hall toward the children’s rooms. I hopped up off the sofa and flew down the hall in the direction I’d seen it going. Nothing. Two children, fast asleep, no light, no anything at all. Normal. I decided I was tired from the move, and had imagined the entire thing. Turned off the TV, turned off the lights, and went to bed. A few nights later, I was again flipping channels, and this time conked out on the sofa. I remember waking up but not opening my eyes, and thinking “If you DO open your eyes, you may see that light, again.” After a few seconds, I couldn’t stand that thought any longer, and opened my eyes. Yep. It WAS there, right where I’d seen it before: white, round, and glowing like an ember. Only this time it only took the thing a second to take off down the hallway, and I watched as it went THROUGH the front door, out into the night. Now I was shaken. What was wrong with me? Was I having seizures? Was I losing it completely? What in the world was up? I couldn’t be sure of anything, except that maybe I really was going crazy.

A few more nights went by, and thankfully I didn’t see the thing again. Finally, my husband and I had one night off together. After we got the children down for the night, we settled into the den to watch TV. I had been thinking about mentioning this, but honestly didn’t want him to doubt my sanity as much as I was beginning to. In the end, I couldn’t keep quiet and I asked him, “If I tell you something seriously, do you promise not to have me locked up?” He shushed me, saying he wanted to see the end of the
program we’d been watching. I had nearly decided to forget the whole thing, and was losing my nerve to talk about it pretty fast. As soon as the show was over, he hopped up off of the sofa and walked behind the breakfast bar to make a sandwich. Before I opened my mouth again, he looked me right in the eye and said “So you’ve been seeing that white thing zooming around the house, too, haven’t you?” Well, that DID it. My eyes immediately filled up with tears, I got a bad case of goosebumps, and started saying “I want to move! I want us to get out of this house, right now! I don’t even want to stay here tonight, or ever again!” He grinned at me and took a bite of his sandwich, and calmly replied “But we just moved in. We can’t legally just pick up and move.” I was ranting and raving and threatening to start re-packing, while he sat there and ate his sandwich, nodding his head “Yes” and “No” to my comments on occasion. Finally I ran out of things to say. I sat back down on the sofa, and wondered aloud what we were going to do; how were we going to keep on living there, and what in the world could that thing we’d seen actually BE. My husband sat and seemed to be in deep thought for a bit. Then he said “Has it seemed to TRY to scare you? Have you actually felt THREATENED by it? Because I can’t say it’s scared me; it’s been kinda fascinating, in a strange sort of way.” For the first time, I searched my memory and found that it hadn’t actually frightened me, so much as startled me. Then I found myself saying something really strange: “The room feels so lonely when I see that thing. It’s as though it is looking for someone to talk to, or be with, or….I don’t know, it is sad and it wants company, or something. Is that too weird?” He shook his head and said, “Nope; that’s how it makes me feel, too. Almost like I could cry, it’s so sad.” Somehow, we ended up going to bed and sleeping that night, and I think we both felt better knowing that neither of us was crazy, after all, and that although we still had no idea what it was we were seeing or dealing with, I wasn’t as afraid of the THOUGHT of seeing “it”, again.

After the night of our discussion, I didn’t see it again. It was a relief, in a way, but left me curious as to why it had shown itself to begin with. At any rate, several weeks later, hubby was alseep in bed one night, as were the kids, and I was perched on the sofa watching “Nick at Night”. I must’ve fallen asleep sitting up on the sofa. I woke up being tickled behind my right ear. The tickling moved around the back of my neck and ended after briefly ticking my left ear. My first thought was that one of the kids had gotten up for a drink, and decided to tickle Mom. I turned around to “catch” my tickler, and NO ONE WAS THERE!!!! I don’t remember my feet hitting the floor until I was half-way down the hall, and I burst into our bedroom and yelled “It touched me! It tickled my neck!!” He literally hopped up from the bed and ran back into the den, with me right at his heels. We checked every room in the house, every closet, even the garage, and of course, the kids’ rooms. They were asleep. No one else was around. All the doors and windows were closed and locked, as usual. At last, he sat on the sofa and said “Go tobed. I’ll stay up for a while and see if anything else happens.” I have no idea how I went to sleep that night, but exhaustion finally won.

After that night, I decided the prudent thing to do would be to find out about the previous owners of the home. We’d gotten the house from a realtor, and hadn’t really discussed who used to live there before us. I casually asked some of the neighbors, and found out that there had only been one family in the home before us: the house was built in 1972 and a man, his wife, and their mildly mentally retarded son had lived there until the
wife finally died at age 92. No one seemed to remember for sure, but many said that they believed she’d passed away at the hospital. Her name was “Lillian”. Her husband had passed away several years prior to her death, and she had lived in the home with their son until she died. The son was apparently living, semi-supervised, in his own apartment since her death. All of this was very informative, but didn’t tell me what I really wanted to know? Who kept showing up at my house, glowing and tickling me?

Not more than a couple of weeks later, I saw the “glowing thing” again. This time, foolish as I felt, I asked the thing aloud: “Is that you, Lillian? Don’t be sad. We are going to take good care of this house.” I swear the thing glowed more brightly for an instant, and disappeared. DIDN’T zoom to any other area of the house, as I’d always seen it do before. This time, it just disappeared. I felt even better after that, with some sort of “normal” communication having apparently been established.

I didn’t see it very much after that night. Sometimes I had the distinct feeling that I was being observed, but I never saw my observer. My hubby frequently reported that he’d come home from work early in the morning to the smell of bacon cooking and the sounds of pans and pots rattling, only for the aroma and sounds to disappear as soon as he stepped foot into the kitchen.

About a year later, we had the opportunity to move out-of-state, and I knew that Lillian knew we were leaving. Sadness could be “felt” in every part of the home. The last time I left the house, I told Lillian good-bye, and that someone new would be coming to care for the home. I’ve never seen the white, glowing ball again.

Margret H.

Man with the Brown Hat

We bought our house in 1991. Just a 20 year ranch style home. I wasn’t totally thrilled with it, but my husband was. We moved into the house that following November. We had two kids, and their ages at the time was three months and two and a half years. In the beginning it was little things. We had a cut out opening in the wall between the dinning room and the family room. Next to it was a doorway to the kitchen. For a long time, I would see things walk thru or pass by the opening in the dining room. I would think it was my husband and when I would go to look there was nothing there. It was really creepy. The dining room has always felt a little uncomfortable. Cold spots that make the hair stands up on the back of my neck or I get a chill down my spine. Like someone is standing right behind you. At night, unless I absolutely have to, I don’t go to the front of my house. There have been lights turned on in the middle of the night. We have a long hallway, and when I have gotten up in the middle of the night and I looked down the hallway, the kitchen light has been turned on. They had been turned off when we went to bed. This started right away when we moved in. It wasn’t the kids, they were just babies and it wasn’t me or my husband? To this day it still happens.

When my son was about four, he was walking through the dinning room when he thought he saw someone, who looked like his dad, sitting in the antique rocking chair. When he realized it wasn’t his dad he yelled. I asked him what he saw and he said there was a man with a brown hat and beard sitting in the chair. Since then he walks quickly through that room. Another time, he was getting ready to brush his teeth, he laid down his toothbrush and turned to get the toothpaste. When he reached to pick it up it was gone. He was so mad. We looked around, searched high and low. The next morning we found it. It was in his dresser drawer with his socks. This has happened to us all. My husband had started a new part-time business. He had his first check in hand and was ready to go out the door. He laid the check on our kitchen counter turned around to pick up something reached back to pick up the check. The check was gone. We looked all around, he was ready to leave for work and was running late, and was really upset. Feeling a little stupid, I had learned a trick. When things disappear, you ask for them back. <after so long you get good at this. Especially if it is important.> I went to the dinning room and basically asked in a firm voice to give it back, it wasn’t funny and was very important… My husband at that point thought I had lost my mind. I did feel real stupid but money is money… He made a joke as he was walking through the family room about “how that really worked wonders.”… As he went to open the door leading to the garage… the check literally fell out of no where. He shut up. And I said “thank you.”

One time in the summer, July or August, it was really hot. We do not have central air. But we had a unit that went into our bedroom window. We would put the kids in our room to sleep. This one night, we went to bed and shut our door. As we were dropping off to sleep, the smoke detectors went off. The one in the back of the house as well as the one in the dining room/kitchen. My husband, being a volunteer fireman, jumped up and I grabbed the kids. As we opened the door to see what was up, there was nothing there. No smoke, nothing just the detectors going off. The units are just your standard smoke units. As he walked to the dining room, they both shut off. Now I could maybe understand one malfunctioning … but two … and so far apart?

There are tappings and unexplained noises. Trinkets and things getting turned around, hanging things swinging for no apparent reason. One time a candle literally “blew up.” I was having a party with a bunch of friends. This lady was sitting the dining room, in the antique rocker. Her and another woman was in there when the candle and the holder blew up and out. The candle landed on the carpet and had the woman not been setting there to see it we could have had a fire. She was freaked out. The candle holder was a chunky glass holder and there was no explanation of why it happened. As time has went on, things that happen are just “the ghost in the house.” You live with it. Joke about it to friends, but knowing that something is up.

When my daughter was about four she woke to a woman reading her a story called “punzel” <rapunzel?> she said she thought the woman was me but she was all white. She wasn’t scared, she just listened to the story and went back to sleep. My daughter used to sleep in a room that is now our spare room. She hated this room and would often come sleep in our room or in the bottom bunk of my sons room. On night I told her I would sleep with her. That night I woke up, and as I looked to the end of the bed I saw a dark shadow figure. I thought it was my husband, and as I called out to him to ask what he wanted, it disappeared. It really bothered me and I put my daughter in bed with us that night. We also moved her room. Another time, I was putting my daughter and son to bed. My daughter did not want to sleep in her room. She wanted to stay with me. I told her it was bed time so she agreed to sleep in my sons room. At this time she was about eight years old. I preceded to kiss my son when I felt something brush behind me. I looked to the side and saw a little girl running out the bedroom door. She had brown/blonde hair and a white, what looked like a nightgown on. I yelled at my daughter, because that’s who I thought it was, to get back in here. My daughter who was still on the bottom bunk said, here I am Mom… I freaked out! I couldn’t speak. What I saw was so real, very real. I know that I saw something, it was a little girl about the size and age of my daughter at that time….

A few weeks ago my daughter and I was sitting at our computer which is located in our kitchen on a bar. We have redone our kitchen, family room and dining room. It is now an open area. Anyway no one was home but us. As we were setting here, there were some pennies at the end of the counter where my husband had laid them down. We heard a scratching noise. I looked down at the end of the counter, when all of a sudden a penny went flying off the counter. All by itself. We both were stunned, looked at each other, and my daughter said…”I didn’t do it.” The penny flew and hit the refrigerator. Another recent incidence just happened Saturday, July 21st. I was getting ready to get a shower. When I heard this tapping, and a little voice say “could you please let me out?” I stopped thought my daughters door may have gotten jammed or something. I went to go look only to find that my daughter and husband were out back at the garden gathering sweet corn and my son was riding his dirt bike. I have no idea what I heard. I thought I heard a child’s voice.

We have researched the house, and found out that our house sits over the foundation of an old home that was built in the early 1800s. The land was homesteaded, and stayed in the same family’s hand until this home was built in 1972. The original home burned in the late 60’s. The land and the area around has had a rich historical background. Settlers and Indians fighting over this land, as well as this area was a very favorite to John Dillenger, as he had a cousin and a lady friend who lived just down the road. We have also taken pictures, in which things have showed up. We have used computer camera, as well as a 35mm with 400 speed film.

Somewhere in Central Eastern Indiana

Mary’s Statue

Merrillville Indiana: This is a true story. it was Halloween night, and my sister and two friends and her boyfriend went to a cemetery, that’s supposed to be scary, and not just near Halloween time, but any time. Well anyways, they were walking through the cemetery with a flashlight. They came upon a sign that said when you walk behind Mary’s statue that there will be a woman in a white dress standing there with five children running around playing, and that once you see her and you run back to your car, your windows will be fogged up along with handprints on the windows, and then your car will not start back up. They said whatever and walked on. Well they walked behind Mary’s statue and they saw the woman with the children playing as clear as day. My sister and one of her friends ran back to the car while her other friend and her boyfriend walked on to see if she was real. My sister’s car started, but the handprints were on her fogged windows, they ! locked the door and her boyfriend and her friend came back and told them that they walked right through the woman with the five children playing behind Mary’s statue!

( The reason the children, who were 2-8, were dead at a young age is because they along with the mother were murdered.)


Ashley Kalemba

Chaos Comment: I’m willing to investigate with one with you anytime Ashley. It sure doesn’t sound like harmful spirits.

McCormick’s Creek State Park

This is a second-person account from one of my dearest friends who is by no means a believer in ghosts….until her stay in McCormick’s Creek State Park in late fall of 2001.

She and her boyfriend were regular campers, and decided to get in one last trip before the park closed for winter. The made a routine weekend trip out of their stay, and since the park was nearly empty they had multiple sites to chose from, and chose one that backed up to a wooded area, but was still relatively close to the main road. (Forgive me, I don’t know the exact site number!)

At any rate, while they were settled in for the night, they started to hear footsteps coming from the wooded area. The steps were distinctly heel-to-toe and were not that of an animal, as they didn’t have the right gait to be a four-legged creature. These steps would walk up to the head of the tent, walk around the side, and then stop at the base of the tent where the zipper was. At first, my friend dismissed this as her imagination, and feel back to sleep. But, later (about 2 hrs. or so), she her the steps again and squeezed her boyfriend’s hand. At this point, she realized that he was awake too, and they could both hear the steps. Neither of them said a word, for fear that someone was trying to sneak up on them.

This pattern continued throughout the night, about four times. What they thought was the strangest part of the footsteps, is how they would just stop at the base of the tent, but then they couldn’t hear anything walking away. It was like someone, or something was just standing there, and then disappearing. They also said that there was a full moon that night, and that whatever this thing was, wasn’t leaving any shadows as it walked around the tent. (They also explained that everything else was leaving shadows that was near the tent like trees, branches, leaves, etc.)

When morning came, they quickly packed up their things (after no sleep), and left for good. Later when they were telling this story to friends, they were told that McCormick’s Creek State Park had an Indian heritage, and that could have been an area with a meeting site, or graveyard, etc. Do you know if there is any truth to this? Have you ever heard of anything like this? What do you make of it?

Crystal Grave

Misty White Shape While Jogging

My name is Derek Bottorff and I am 18 years old. I live in Brookston, IN. It is near Lafayette. What got me into ghosts was one night I went out to go jogging. While out in the park behind my house I saw something in a misty white shape move across a couple of backyards. After I saw that I decided to continue jogging. A little later that same night I saw the exact same thing hovering over my neighbors garage. I still decided to continue jogging. The very shortly after the second sighting a very strong
wind gust rushed past me(it was a very calm night), I broke out in a cold sweat, the portable cd player I was using started to play in slow motion and sounded really messed up, and also the numbers on the cd player were all screwed up. All of that happened in the short time that the wind gust happened and as soon as the wind gust stopped all the other things stopped too.
After this happened I decided that it was probably a good idea for me to go inside. After ! that night I have been using the internet to find out everything I could about ghosts. Then I stumbled upon your web site.

Moody Road

Tonight, my friends and I thought it would be cool if we went out to see “haunted/scary” things in our area (Lowell and outward). Josh took us to Moody Road. Three of the five of us had never been out there before. We flashed the lights and continued down the road, turned out the lights and parked by the tree. It took a minute for our eyes to adjust. We saw it. The light looks just like a candle latern, but there were red things shooting out of it. Josh and I were trying to figure it out the whole way home(Lowell). This was my first time out there.

More on Nicholson Mansion

I’m not sure if you allow this but I found a site discussing the Nicholson Mansion. It mentions a bit of a photographer getting a picture of the mansion and thinking he saw a little girl in the window. I thought this would be acceptable since it is part of the topic and I became interested and searched the web for the Rand page. lol.

The link to the site is It mentions the mansion there. Very interesting story! I appreciate your time and your area for posting experiences.

Thanks again,


Morocco IN Haunted House

When my Aunt lived there a lot of things would happen like the cold spots and things would move and fly at you. She had a son that was about 3 at the time and he use to wake up and tell his mom that the old lady would not let him sleep and that he seen cars go through her in the street. She use to pull his hair when he slept even during the day I’ve seen it and my aunt. My aunt took me stories about when she had all the neighborhood lady’s over to play poker that when it got to loud that the old lady would pick up a pair of shoes and throw them on the ground so everyone would shut up. When you were smoking she would ash you cigarette and you can see your cigarette lift up and ash.

In the attic of this house were a lot of old pictures of the town when if was first there and went the how was new. some of the pictures were of the people who lived there one was even of a funeral of a baby that looked like it was held in the house.

More things that happened was when I was there she told me to hook the bedroom door shut which was off the living room. The hook was an eye hook so I hooked it shut and as soon as I sat down on the couch the hook came undone and the door flew open then she told me to go sit in the chair next to the door which was on the wall that separated the living room and the bedroom. So I sat in the chair and I started to hear a baby crying and there was none in the house but me and her at this time. after that I went to the kitchen and as soon as I sat down the ashtray and the pop can on the table picked up and slammed down.

Thank You, Korea

My Grandmother

Hi, my name is Kate and I now live in New Albany Indiana but was born in New York. I do not know if it makes any difference or not where I was born but I have been able to see and hear and talk to ghosts since before I was able to talk and they have talked to me too.

This happened about 5 or 6 years ago in my grandmother’s old beach house in Normandy Beach, NJ. Now she and died two months before this of gangrene caused by unattended diabetes and the doctor cut of her left leg in an effort to stop the gangrene from spreading but it didn’t work. So that January, I think it was, she died. I had been over her house many times since I was a small child. We would watch TV together, etc. and as she got older, I kept her company as much as I could, given the circumstances.

Two months or thereabouts after she died, I went back to the beach house in order to take back some items I had left that were mine. The house was quiet and eerie but I ignored the feeling. I was used to being alone and it did not bother me. I walked through the front door and went to the hallway that was connected to the kitchen/dining room and there I saw my grandmother standing at the other end of the short corridor. In one hand she was hold the leg that had been cut off and she was glaring at me. She looked quite solid. “uhm…hi?” I said, staring at her in shock. “What are YOU doing here?” she hissed. ‘GET OUT!” With that she waved her severed leg at me and surged forward, shouting at me that I was an ingrate and should not be in her house. I got scared, needless to say, and ran for the door, forgetting to go look for the items I left behind, deeming them unnecessary. She followed me to the front door but did not pursue me after I slammed it shut.

When I looked back from a safe distance away, I saw her face through the window and she was still scowling. I have not returned there, though I still wonder why she seemed mad at ME since I was the only one who liked to spend time with her.

Thank you for this opportunity.
Kate Pratt

My Great Aunt

My second story has actually happened in the last few months. My great aunt died a month a half ago in New York and on the day she died, she came to me. She wanted to see my then 6 and a half month old twins, since she had never seen them in life. She told me that I should not feel guilty for not coming to her funeral (I do NOT get along with my family and was not welcomed or aided to go there, since I also have very little money) and that I was good for living on my own away from the abusive people who I lived with growing up in New York! She said she would watch over me and my kids and that I should remain strong because I was all those kids had in the world.

Last night, I was on an IM with a friend of mine from Maryland who ALSO has this gift, though not as developed as mine. Now the only one in my family who even talks to me anymore is my father and he (my father) has recently been helping me out financially, etc. I feel resentful for this “help” because of the inevitable strings attached, even though it would REALLY help my family.

Anyway, I was talking with my friend, Ross, and when I made mention of the fact that it galled me to accept help from a man who had hurt me while I was growing up, Dolly, the great-aunt who died just a few months before, showed up unexpectedly. *smile* She was holding my son, who was playing with her hair (apparently he has the Gift, too) and she told me that I was too proud and that he (my dad) has been trying to make up for the past and that I should give him a chance to.

I also ended up telling her how guilty I still felt at not being able to be at her funeral and how I would always seem to ask for money or feel like I took advantage of her. SHE smacked me upside the head (literally) and told me to stop it, that she had been happy to help and that help offered is not taking “advantage” if it is offered to begin with and not asked for.

We had a nice chat and she played with the babies, who seem to have both been able to see her (apparently my daughter has the same gift, too) and then she left after I had gotten over myself and decided to accept the extra help. It’s tough to be a single mom with twins in the middle of a divorce from her abusive husband with a first family who doesn’t seem to care less.

I have also had experiences with some who have passed on! Who died at the 9/11 incident but will not relate them here. Anyway, the ghosts of my family are quite prevalent and some help out while others don’t. Needless to say, this is the first time I have spoken of this outside of my closest friends because in my family the Gifts are not believed in or respected.

My Gift is so strong that I have seriously considered becoming a ghost hunter or something of the sort but have no idea how to start such a venture. But in MY family, starting with my twins, I will make sure that the gifts thrive and become strong.

Thank you for this opportunity.
Kate Pratt

New House Not Alone

My name is Kathy and I have some unexplainable events going on in my house. They run from objects disappearing from one place and showing up later in another place. I get an overwhelming feeling that I am being watched all the time, even when I am by myself. I have two children, a four year old girl and a 5 month old baby boy. I have noticed lately that my daughter says she sees a man in her room and talks to him all the time. She calls him David, which was the name of my brother who died 11 months before I was born. It gets cold in Annie’s room and colder in her closet. I dread going into her closet to get anything. Just the other day I had someone knocking on the door and when I went to answer it, no one was there. I checked to make sure that it wasn’t my daughter at the time because she was playing outside while her step dad worked on his truck. She was up front the whole time, and no sooner had I shut the door then someone knocked on it again. I answered it and no one was there. Our garage light goes on and off by itself sometimes. Well, that’s about all for now. I would appreciate any response that you might give to my problem.

This is a new house and we are the first occupants in it. I found a mysterious bruise on my daughter’s butt and on her back that wasn’t caused by my husband, myself, or any accident or fall. On top of that I have found out that whatever it is here doesn’t like me. I was asleep the other night with my baby when I sensed someone standing over me, opened my eyes to see nothing there, but heard the words “Die, Bit** Die” as clearly as having a regular conversation with someone. The feeling of malevolence is present everywhere I go in the house. (Somewhere near Indianapolis, IN)

Kathy B.

Nicholson Mansion

1967-1977 are the YEARS I lived in the house, which was located in its original place at 6510 Mann Road (corner of Mann and Mills Roads). The house is now on Southport Road. I do not know who owns it, but saw on another website that it was sold for $145,000. I also saw that it has been painted yellow with dark trim, black I think. Of course it looks quite different now. When I lived in it it was white with dark green shutters and red trim on the roof. It was a very beautiful house. It was not uncommon for people to stop and ask for a tour.

My sister was there the day they cut the house in two to move it. She said it was a very sad sight. A friend of mine sent me the newspaper clippings about the “haunted house.” The window that was featured in the story was located in my oldest brother’s room. I never heard a story about a young girl dying in the house. When we lived there, we had been told by someone in the area that the house was once a boarding house and that someone had hung themselves in the middle bedroom upstairs. We kept the room as a common area for a long time, but eventually my second oldest brother moved into it.

I think my brothers may have contributed to the haunting rumors. The whole time we lived there, they hung a stuffed dummy from the front porch every Halloween. Of course, we never had any trick-or-treaters!

My room was the one with the balcony. I shared it with my two sisters until the older kids moved away from home and it became my room. The house looked different from the original photos that are posted on the Rand site.

North Street Home

I grew up in a haunted house. Okay, some people find it harder to believe that I grew up than the haunted house part.

The earliest ghost incident I can remember was in about 1968 or 1969. I was a youngin’ about two or three years old. We lived on North Street in Indianapolis. My father was a jeweler and had a repair shop in the basement of the house. I remember being down in the basement with dad. He was at the bench working and I was playing. The television was on and I remember very clearly that the Flip Wilson Show was on. Was had a boxer (Dog, not pugilist) named Ella. Ella came down stairs and was whining. Dad thought that she had to go “out,” but she refused. She went to the bottom of the stairs and started growling. I don’t remember what dad’s reaction to that was, but I remember thinking it was strange. Ella was by no means an aggressive dog. After a while we heard footsteps upstairs and dad said that mom was home. He went up to greet her. I did to. Ella did not. I just went to the top of the steps; dad went into the living room. He came back and said it wa! s a false alarm and took me back down stairs.

Old Dog New Tricks

Hi I really enjoyed your site. I am from Terre Haute originally and spent many weekend nights as a teenager visiting Stiffy Green. I have always been fascinated with the story.

In the early 1990’s, as an adult, I attended a meeting of the Terre Haute Historical Museum. This particular meeting was regarding Stiffy Green. They actually had Stiffy at the meeting and we were able to examine him closely and even touch him. The man that conducted the meeting had what he said was the “true story” of Stiffy Green. He said that the dog was actually a stone statue and it sat on the steps of the Heinl family home.
When John Heinl died the dog was removed and put into his mausoleum. Stiffy guarded his masters tomb for many years and provided many hours of thrills and scares for local teens. He was eventually moved into the historical museum and repaired because of vandalism. Vandals would throw items at Stiffy and actually chipped off a piece of his head.

I just wanted to let you know the “other” story I had heard about Stiffy. Although the Stiffy I saw and touched was a stone dog, I would prefer to believe the legend.

Thanks for your great site!

Omens of Death

This other story is bizarre and I don’t know what it means. It was in July of 1995. My father was battling cancer and was nearly bedridden. My mom and I were in the kitchen and she was getting ready to make him some lunch. We had a cat, he was my dad’s cat, a typical indoor cat. He was super close to my dad. We were in the kitchen, my mom, myself, and the cat (Tiger was his name) and all of a sudden, 2 large black birds came out of nowhere and were flying around the kitchen. It was like the birds were just there.

There was no possible way or reason they could have gotten into the house, no holes, crevices, nothing. Not even the chinmey. Tiger, the cat, went nuts, jumping up in the air to try to capture them, like a cat would. They were flying over us and I ran to the back door. I opened it and had it stay open with the door latch. My mom got the broom and was swinging at these birds. They finally flew out. Afterwards, we investigated the whole house to see how they could have gotten in, and there was absolutely no way. No way at all. WE have sold the house 3 years ago, and it was not a haunted house as it was built by my dad, and it wasn’t built on any haunted land or anything.

I later mentioned this to a friend at work and she gave methis look. She said when 2 black birds appear like that, that means death is near. I told her then that my dad had cancer. He died 6 months after that. Could that be true?


Chaos Comment: Yes. it can happen and be an Omen. How is the question…

One Last Peek

Below are my two strange occurrences. I don’t know whether I’m attracting strangers from beyond, or if these things were brought about by someone who knew me before they passed on. I may never know. What I am absolutely certain of is that they DID happen, I didn’t imagine either one, I wasn’t half-asleep or hallucinating or drinking or on drugs and I am DEFINITELY NOT an attention-seeker. By the way, the second occurrence took place in the main floor apartment at a house on Lincolnway in Valpo.

One Last Peek?

After many years with my husband, I found myself in the sad position of having to leave him for the safety and welfare of my children and myself. I moved 1,200 miles to get us away from him with nothing more than the clothes and toys we could stuff into my ’94 Taurus. We had been away from him for nearly two and a half years when I got the call from his sister one cold morning, saying he’d been fatally shot in the back of the head. Probably never even knew what had hit him.

Somehow I got through those first few days, taking all the “What if’s” and trying to sort things through. I still know to this day that I’d done the right thing in leaving, although I wasn’t happy with the way things ended. I know that, despite all his many problems, he truly did love his kids, and it saddened me beyond belief to know that I’d taken the one thing that truly meant something to him. About 6 weeks after his death, I was up late one night surfing the ‘net. The children’s room was right next to the living room, and I heard the sound of something similar to cellophane crackling. I thought that one of the kiddos was up to go to the bathroom or get a drink.
I looked toward the sound, and out of the kid’s room right into the living room came a dark figure. I had been outside to smoke (I NEVER smoke in the house – – – I have KIDS), and my first thought was I’d left the backdoor open and someone had come into our home. I was terrified. I quickly estimated his heighth to be about six feet. Then, out of the blue, it struck me: although I could see it’s shoulders moving as it walked toward the living room window, I could not see eyes, nose, ears, or mouth on it. Or clothing of any sort. It was an opaque, totally black, couldn’t-see-through-it humanoid type thing, “walking” out of the kids room into the room where I was sitting at the desk. The best possible description I can give is that it exactly looked like one of the “Blue Man Group”, only it was black and there were no “whites” to where the eyeballs should have been. I remember at that point drawing in a loud, sharp breath, a gasp if you will. At that, the thing TURNED IT’S HEAD AND LOOKED RIGHT ATME, AND IMMEDIATELY DISAPPEARED. Was I not supposed to have seen it? Or had it planned to only allow me to “glimpse” it? One thing I was and remain certain of: it saw me, just as I had seen it. Perhaps I scared it as much as it had scared me. I’m sure I’ll never know. But I have frequently wondered if that was the children’s father, passing through for one last peek at the two whom he’d loved so much, now that he was no longer seemingly a threat to them or anyone else. I have not seen it again, nor do I care to.

Margret H.

Otis Indiana House

Hi, here’s my haunted house story. I’m leaving quite a bit out because otherwise it’d be too long! The house is in Otis, Indiana and is a new built home. I tried to cleanse & bless the house using a smudge stick, but the smudge stick kept blowing out. We heard a banging noise daily. The noise didn’t come from one specific spot in the house, it enveloped the entire home. Other people who have come to the house have heard the banging. I’d see bright flashes of light in the tv screen when the tv wasn’t on. Late at night, I’d see clusters of bright, little white lights in different spots in the house. Some of the photographs I took while living at the house came back with orbs & flashes of lights streaking across the pictures. At the time, I blamed it on the processing company. Our phone never worked right and neither did our satellite tv. Our satellite service accused us of not following their directions, etc. While my husband and I were in LaPorte one day, we were discussing our homeowners insurance policy and what would be covered in the event of a house fire. When we returned home, all of the smoke detectors were going off & kept going off even after we cut off he electric power to them & took out the batteries. I would hear old music playing at different times of the day and night. I found that the occurrences were less if I greeted “them” when I came home & told “them” good-bye when I left. For some reason, heart shaped cookie cutters would disappear. I would buy a new one and within 2 days it was gone. I saw a cookie sheet that was on top of the stove rock up and down by itself. Our clock above the fireplace decided to come crashing down in the middle of the night by itself. The bathroom door would close whenever my daughter went into the bathroom. This door had to be pushed really hard because the door wasn’t level (my husband never got around to taking the door off & cutting it to fit the door frame). She got to the point where she was afraid of using that bathroom and she was afraid of the tiny lights that appeared in her bedroom, above her window, at night. My infant son would look up into the corners of the ceiling or over my shoulder & giggle & coo & smile. I have read about people experiencing “cold spots”. What I experienced I can’t call a “cold spot” but I guess there’s no other name for it. I was walking into our bedroom, which is located at the bottom of the stairs (stairs going up). I entered a place so cold I expected to see my breath. It felt like I remained in that spot for a long time, but in reality it was only a matter of seconds. I could feel the coldness inside of my body, inside of my lungs, my organs, etc. I didn’t feel cold on the outside of my body. I didn’t stop walking towards our bedroom and it felt like forever until I was out of that “spot” and felt the warmth rush of air surround me, inside and out, once I was in our bedroom. In reality, the entire incident probably took only a second or two. I have never in my lifetime been so cold, and I don’t like being cold! It was probably the most incredible supernatural thing I have ever experienced. To this day, I remember how the coldness just took my breath away. It was unreal. I don’t know who the spirit or spirits are. Someone else lives in the house now & I have no idea if they have encountered anything or not. I would love to find out any history about the area but it seems like I hit a brick wall when it comes to that but I keep trying. I’m so glad I have found this website. When you discuss these types of things happening with other people who haven’t experienced it, I find you’re doubted or told outright that you’re making the story up. It’s nice to know that there are others who have experienced the same things & that we can feel at ease here! Thank you! Kelly

Our Dogs

My house is located in Chesterton IN out in the middle of the woods. My father built our house and its only 8 yrs old and we are the only family ever living there. Recently, I was home alone and my dogs were in the room with me. We have a really old dog that doesn’t do too much normally. Well this particular night she started barking and growling sounding like I have never heard her sound before. The other two dogs joined in sounding terrified but protective of me. I was looking around my room and saw nothing. Later that night I was woken up by a high pitched noise I looked out and saw my dogs standing up staring in the corner at that same moment I saw a women in a white gown float by and disappear into the wall. I looked out into the hallway and at the moment the hallway light turned on. I got up and turned it off and returned to sleep. Another time I came home late and my door was cracked open I saw a figure! look into my room I figured it was my father and called out to him and no one answer. About 20 minutes later I woke up to the sounds of my parents coming home. There was no way that figure could have been anyone for I was home alone.

Second Story

Purdue University’s Union is haunted. Figures in pictures move. The sub-basement of that building has something that breathes heavy and calls your name. You see shadows in the same area also. That place seems to me to be a hotspot.

Third Story.. This is more of a question

Does anyone else see figures along 43 heading North towards 65 just passed the Mental Institute?? These figures frighten me very much, I know I shouldn’t be scared of them but they seem almost military like. Now this is located near Old Soldiers Home Rd. Am I picking up soldiers from the battle that took place here? This is happening in West Lafayette IN (Tippecanoe County)



Ouija Board


Was just looking over your website – very interesting!!! I’ve had two
experiences that I have always thought was weird, but never shared them.

1) While babysittting my cousins, we found an old Ouija board. Started
playing with it, asking the same dumb questions everyone asks. “Does so &
so like me”, blah .. blah .. blah .. But then we did get in touch with a
spirit who said she was burned in a fire and was deeply in love with – if I
can remember right – a married man. It was sad hearing her story, but at
times got very violent. It was almost as if another spirit took over.
>From there I swore those Ouija boards off.

2) When I was 16 yrs old, I had fallen asleep in our basement while
listening to my dad’s stereo. He had passed away when I was 10. I had a
strange feeling that someone was standing over & woke up frightened. I
started punching all around me till I finally found the nerve to find the
light switch. There was nothing there.
Thanks so much!

Michelle Suits

Our Family In Old House


I found your email address on Indiana Ghost Trackers site. I wasn’t sure which email address to use to I just chose the “top dog.” My mother recently died. She had pancreatic cancer. She suffered for almost a year. I cannot describe to you how slow, painful and horrible pancreatic cancer is. I’m veering from the subject though.

I am a big fan of “Ghost Hunters” and similar programs. I guess it’s that part of each of us that hopes there is a way you can stay behind and watch over the ones you love. I truly believe if there is a way for that to be done my mother would have done it. She worried about everyone so much.

My sister has two homes. During her illness, my mother lived in one of them. It was convenient for all of us to stay with her there. She died in that house, while I was with her. I can tell you that my daughter and I have taken pictures of orbs as good if not much better than the ones you show on your site. I told my mom if there was a way to come back that I wanted her to try for me. I believe she has done that.

I am veering again. The house I grew up in was very haunted. It scared me to death. Not just footsteps and “touching” but lots of things. The last time I spent the night in that house was when I was about 20. That night something squeezed my hand during a conversation with my mother. It was just as if someone was grabbing your hand to shake it only they squeezed. I don’t mind ghosts but I DO NOT like physical contact. I never stayed there again.

I do know for a fact that there are graves in the yard. The first time my father plowed up the garden they came up. They came up for years. Halves of tombstones. He just threw them over the fence and kept plowing.

My brother and sisters have talked of a woman in white that would stand in the window of the house, which was built around 1840. I never saw her. I heard footsteps ALOT and felt a presence but I never saw her. I remember some nights of hearing someone walk up the steps where I just covered my head with covers. Sometimes I knew they had come to my room but I felt safe as long as my head was covered and I couldn’t see them. I remember feeling terrified so much in that house.

When my mother died in April we had a CD made of everyone’s photos combined. My aunt had given me a photo of when we were young when my parents had just bought the house. It was really run down and my father was restoring it. You can see by the photo that he had 2x4s by the corners of it in preparation for painting.

When my mother died we had the family photos put on CD. The photos back in the 50’s were about 3×3 or so. Nobody had ever seen that photo any larger. All these years I thought what I saw was the reflection of the sun on the window. I am sending you this photo.

When this photo was taken there was nobody else there. My grandfather took the photo. Look at the side lite beside the door on the right. That is behind the door. To be that tall you would have to be about 6’2″ or so. This is no fake photo. This is real. Nobody else was there that day. I have called my aunt to confirm that. She is one of the people in the photograph.

I guarantee you that this photograph is completely original and untouched. We would never have seen the figure in the window had it not been for my son asking me what that was in the picture. I told him at first it was a reflection and he said to enlarge it. That’s when I saw the person in the window. Let me know what you think.


Playful Visitor or Creepy Pest

I found your site via a medium that I had visit our home. I live in South Lake County,
recently moved into my home almost a year ago. We have been experiencing what we think is a haunting, ghost or whatever you want to call it.

We are past the point of trying to make up excuses for everything we
are experiencing and far beyond the point of caring if anyone believes us or

Our home used to be a barn used as a religious retreat – sort of like a
commune for hippies…….this must have been at least 40 years ago as the
barn was then purchased and made into a home in 1969. They kept the frame
of the barn and just built on rooms all over the house.

Under the Cedar is black/green shingles that barns were made of back in the day, i guess?!?!?
In our attic are barn door windows boarded up so we definitely know that
this was a barn. But documents to this home only date back to 1969 when the
additions were added on to make the “structure” a home.

We had a medium come in, she thinks it is a little girl, which makes sense
as it is very playful and is now starting to make contact with my little
boys (I have 4).

A few things we have experienced: Lights going on by themselves, we
continuously turn them off yet to find them turned on again (only on the 2nd
floor – the boys rooms). We also have a closet door upstairs that we
continuously close to find it open all the time. We hears balls bouncing at
night all the time, footsteps and voices on our baby monitor. Most of the
time we can not make out what is said.

A few nights back my 3 year old woke up screaming and we heard…….”it’s alright Bobby, Bobby it’s
alright”. This “haunting” for lack of better words was talking directly to my son.

The next day I asked my son what happened and he proceeded to tell
me that a little boy/girl tried to pick him up and he/she was mad at
him……it is hard for us to decipher realty with imagination, but I tend to
believe my son as this was not the first time he has mentioned seeing and
hearing things.

He once told us he did not want to go upstairs anymore because there are ghosts that call him Bobby. He also told us that it comes downstairs and runs back up.

My dog has not been the same in months, I think she senses something. A few months back she was upstairs sleeping and started barking ferociously, my husband went up to investigate and she
flew down the stairs with her hair standing up on her back – she was scared. She also does this periodically through out the day – staring into air……not seeing anything.

About 8 weeks ago we had a baby and brought him home from the hospital . . .
that is when we started seeing “things”.

Not sure exactly what we are seeing but know it is something as my husband and I have both seen it and my girlfriend has too, all at different times but all of us described it the same. It’s always peripheral, never straight ahead – always above our head a bit. It reminds me of fine newspaper paper printing (cream &white) with a light shining behind it……..sort of floats fast……..i dunno, it’s hard
to explain.

Our medium thinks it has something to do with us bringing our son home that we are able to see “it” now.

She did some automatic writing, and she thinks the ghost died from a fall from an oak tree – She thinks “it” cannot resist our family, especially our children. The medium thinks she
may be looking for a mother figure and found it in me – not sure if I believe all of that – but do believe in what I SEE and what I HEAR.

Two nights ago I felt someone staring at me and saw something at the head of my bed, i screamed for my husband and when I turned back “it” was gone. Again, I dunno, maybe I was sleeping and dreamt it (always making excuses).

Please Follow Me

Hey, this is a real experience as far as I know. I have never been so freaked in my life…

One night in my 7th grade year I was incapable of sleeping. So I got up and went to my bathroom to get a glass of water. When I came out I looked at the stairs leading to my basement.

It was a shadow of what seemed to be an outline of a teenage boy that was NOT wearing what is considered to be today’s normal fashions if everyone knows what I mean.

It was beckoning me to follow it or something. But I was too scared to do anything. I couldn’t move. When I gained control of my legs I ran back to my room as fast as I could.

About a few minutes later I peeked my head out of my door to see if it was still there. It was and it was still making the same beckoning motion with it’s hand.

I didn’t sleep for the rest of the night and I KNOW it wasn’t a dream because my water glass was on my bedside table in the morning.

I was so scared for the rest of the week but I never saw him again. All that remains a mystery is where he was trying to take me if I had followed him…

Chaos Comment: Don’t be afraid of this spirit. Who knows, he may lead you to money ! Then again maybe he just needs a little help from you. Lord knows we all need a little help now and again.

Please Pass On My Story

We all thought it would be fun to go driving out in the country and check out these places we found on the Internet from Scariest Places In Sullivan County You know we thought it was harmless. Well We thought wrong.

It was about midnight on a Saturday night we start driving down one of the back roads and my friend bethany said wouldn’t it be weird if we ran into a dead end and 5minutes later after going down this long dark narrow road we see this bridge like an old fashion bridge and we figure we’ll just go over it but when we got close there we know bridge there just piles of rocks,dirt and wood it was a dead end Bethany started freaking out because she had just said the thing about the dead end.

So we turned around and went back well when we went back we had to cross railroad tracks when we didn’t on the way there! We had made no turns because there was no roads to turn on we had just turned around and went back the same way we came well all three of us girls started freaking out. Then right after we went over the tracks there was this bridge that you could go threw 2 ways but it would lead right to the same road well when we went threw it we seen a little boy hanging from it!

We all started screaming and we spead up and went back to town to this gas station called the duel fuel where my sister worked and told her she thought we were just playing around till bethany walked in the gas station she was about to cry. So we had just decided it would be a good idea to go home.

Well the next night we had decided we’d take someone else with us and go back out there. We started going the same way we went the night before and we got to the dead end turned around and crossed the rail road tracks then a train came down them we went on the bridge and seen the boy again but something was different this time the car died in front of this cemetary called Arnett’s family Cemetary but the weird thing was their was only one tomb stone and it had belonged to a John David he had died when he was 9 years old.

When we were walking out of the cemetary their stood a boy about 29 or 30 years old I’d say we were scared He said what are you girls doing out here at this time of night? And I answered we got lost and are car died but we are leaving sorry if we have been any trouble and he said no please wait.

So we turned around and he said can I tell you girls a story about that bridge down the road? Bethany said Yes and so he started telling us that there was this little boy who use to go down there and play every day until one night when his mother went crazy and hung him from the bridge. But everyone in the town had thought he was playing and did it so the mother was let free and now he still hangs there to tell anyone his story that will listen.

Then the boy said thank you for listening. Amber asked what might your name be? He said David but my mom always called me Johnnie boy because john was my middle name.

He said here let me see if i know whats wrong with your car and we got in the car and it
started right up like there was not a thing wrong with it we said it was nice meeting you and left the boy walked off towards this house by the cemetary.

Bethany said guys Did you notice anything how did he know we seen the boy? and he said the boy would tell anyone his story who would listen and at the end he said thanks for listening! and his name was David John we all got really scared but me I felt like he just needed someone to know his story he just wanted someone to listen.

We started going back into town again and Bethany said to me did you see what the date was on the tomb stone it was 1974-1982 which would make him 30 today and that is about what age the man looked. We went to the Duel Fuel the same gas station because my sister was working she thought we were joking around again until Bethany’s sister came in she was sitting there staring off into space and would not talk and was shaking. I stil! l was not scared like I said David john (Johnnie boy) just wanted to tell his story and I guess that is why I have told you because he wants people to know his story.

This was me and my friends the weekend before homecoming.

Thank you. Kensey

Chaos comment: Thanks for sending us his story. I do believe the truth will get out now. Rest in peace Johnnie boy.

Portage Home

I grew up in a middle class house located in a nice quite neighborhood in Portage, Indiana. The house was only 1 year old when my parents moved into the home. They started their family shortly after moving in and ended up having a total of 5 children. With that many people in one house there always seemed to be a logical explanation for strange things that happened. However, the older us kids got we started to share stories with our parents. They were horrified that we knew things were happening in the house and never told them, because they too have seen things. I belive their are several entities living in the house. Objects would move by themselves and several tops of candy dishes would be found broken on the floor with candy missing. The older I got I could feel someone watching me, all the time. Several of us, while alone in the house could hear our names being whispered. Vents for no apparent reason would open and c! lose as you entered a room. At one point my dad checked the attic to see if someone was living up there. At one point one of my siblings at home alone one evening actually saw in the dark from the living room into the kitchen 4 small figures staring at her as she watched TV. The real kicker is we had a friend that came to visit she brought her friend with her. This stranger was in the house for 2 minutes and started stuttering and repeating you have spirits in this house, 4 maybe 5. She eventually had to leave because they kept bothering her. We found our later this visitor has had other connections with spirits and has been able to read the future. She did tell us these are not bad spirits, they are here for unfinished business. They felt safe with us, so treat them well and they will be good to us. I am now grown with children of my own and I will not stay in that house alone.

-Mom of Two

Porter County Ghost House

Thanks for your great website, especially the page on the porter house on Waverly road!

I lived in that house for 22 years as a kid growing up. I slept in that front room upstairs. I can’t tell you the creepy feeling I get looking at the images in the windows. The old lady is evil- she hates kids. Twice she tried to drag me from my bed, awaking me.. I couldn’t move or scream. I have no experiences with the little kid there. He didn’t seem to appear until the new owners moved in. After about 10 years, the owner wouldn’t go anywhere in the house without his shotgun. He died a few years later. His daughter in law told me that her kid was playing with somebody he called “Mr shadow.” He would come down the stairs and before he would get all the way down he would jump to “Mr shadow” who would catch him. When his mom found out this was happening, she forbade him from playing with him.

Haven’t talked to them since, but I think I’ll drop by and find out what’s new.

You couldn’t pay me enough money to stay in that house alone today and I’m now 44 years old.

Chaos comment: This house is one I would love to investigate and spend a few nights at.

Posey Chapel Laporte IN

About your recent trip to posey chapel, I grew up in that area. that cemetery is not where you want to be hanging around to snap a couple orb shots or take groups of people. things tend to happen there. chains in trees, cement under gazebo a constant 70 degrees, big black dog that has wrecked at least 3 vehicles that I know of. that place is truly haunted. it was a favorite spot in my teenage years to go to, till that damn dog showed up. we kept hitting it as soon as we pulled out, but never found it. graves at the top of the hill under tree still not any grass growing on them, even though they have been buried for years. be careful if you go there again.

Chaos Comment: Posey Chapel is high is spirit activity. Everyone say you prayers before going in there though because it’s also a breeding ground of ritualistic behavior, not to mention the next door neighbor who sits out there watching people and yelling at them with a shotgun on his lap.

Raw Hide

As you can tell, I have experienced a lot of things in my 16 years of being here.. 🙂 This one isn’t chilling really, or even too scary….But the house my mother, step father, and I all live in now was built in 1901, but wasnt on the maps until 1906…A man by the name of Paul Mason had built the house, at least we think he did…Now when we first moved here, my sister lived with us, and she had a dream about a ghost in this house, named Suzie…So when our ghosts do things, we call them Suzie…Lots of strange things have happend here…Most of them kinda funny…One of our ghosts is a very smart, yet funny, and weird one…One night I was sitting with my 150lb. dog, Rufus, and was showing him how many raw-hides he had, because he just got a new one…So I piled them up in front
of him, and we were sitting on the floor in front of one of three of our kitchen doors…So we went to bed, and when I woke up I was told that his raw-hides were lined up from the door…Of course they messed them up so I didnt see this one..So in order for me to see it myself I piled them up again…When I woke up I ran downstairs to see what they looked like, I was very disappointed to see nothing had happend…So I began to walk back to my room, when I heard my parents bedroom door slam shut, and it only happends when they have their padio door open, and it was shut, so I pushed the door open and was like thats strange…So I walk through the kitchen door, and almost fell over myself to see that the raw-hides were now lined up, like an X, the light ones were on top, and the dark ones on the bottom, and when I picked up the middle raw-hide on top, I found that the ghost had put 2 half eaten raw-hides together to make one…So we left them there…And the raw-hides disappeared for a day, and when I woke up the day after, my sister was like I need to show you something, so I followed her to a fountain that we have near the same kitchen door…The raw-hides were in! side of the fountain, I dont think anyone will know what I am talking about, but there are 5 ledges on one side, and those raw-hides were like this: smallest to largest, one on each ledge..On the other side were the dark raw-hides, that they ghost couldnt put in any kind of order, there arent that many ledges on that side…We stopped buying Rufus raw-hides after that…And last summer we were all eating dinner in our living room, Rufus was laying in the hall right outside of the living room, and we have this antique light that nobody can touch in the hallway….We had finished eating, when this antique light cover, that is like 5lbs. heavy came falling down
and almost hit Rufus…He was so freaked out…Since then things have been kinda calm…But there is one thing that kinda makes me feel weird…I have recently moved from one room to another, and I had this pendant that is about 400 years old that hung on my door from my last room….My dog kept going back to that room t! o sleep until I moved the pendant into our new room…So whatever is here, he feels safer knowing its in his room….I think its not that he knows, but he can feel it…The only reason the pendant was placed on the my door in my last room was because my best friend stayed the night, and woke me up crying from horrible dreams of something grabbing her feet and evil faces, and blood…So we broke out the pendant, which I hadnt thought about in years, and after
that we talked a while until she calmed down, and then we both fell right to sleep..There hasnt been any problems for her since…

Chaos comment: It was a Rival brand of Raw Hide’s you bought. Those Dog chew manufacurers will stop at nothing to discourage competition ! I would have written a letter to the manufactuer a scathing letter!!! : ) Really though it is a strange story. Who knows what spirits will do. I would like to hear more about this 400 year old pendant. Very interesting …

Rest In Peace Steve

Here is my story… In 1997, my sister and I attended my cousins 21st. birthday party, and we met these two brothers that were 21 and I believe 22…Well the 21 year old was named Steve, and he had such a great personality, I will never forget it..Well the week of Thanksgiving that year we were at my Aunts house again, and we were just chillin out watching tv when the news came on to say that some hunters had found a body in a feild…A minute later my cousins friend called to say that he believed that it was Steve’s body that was found..Came out that it was true, and while we all sat up stairs and cried…Steve had come to me and said that he had been murdered, and he gave me an inicial, R…Turned out that one of the murderers was named Richard, and a girl had helped Richard and Brandon (the other murderer) her name was Rachel..Although I had only known him for really one night, I had cried so much..He had also told me to put on a song called “Miss you in a heartbeat” by Def Lepord.! …The song talks about waiting for someone, and how much they will miss the person…After I found out who had murdered him, I got this picture inside my head of what they had done to him..They had beaten him real bad and stabbed him over and over…The sight has never left my mind completely…The murderers pleaded no contest…I was told that in court they had said they were releaved to be caught…They killed him because he was a nark, he had smoked weed with them and he was gonna tell the cops…So they killed him for it..My family has always been connected to ghosts this way, but it was never outside of the family..I never could understand why he would come to me, I had barely knew him,
but I guess that was why, because my sister and one of my cousins liked him, and my other cousin in the room wasnt quite there all the way…It scares me to think this could happen again, but not to the point where I would try to block it…I am not too scared of
ghosts when I know! who the person is/was…RIP Steve

Chaos Comment: Rest in Peace Steve…


My name is Biggie and I have a haunted place in Texas about 60 miles from Dallas. I thought you would like to put this in your stories.

A woman named Sally once worked in this former brothel now turned restaurant. In 1871 the town became an oil boomtown. Sally met her death at the hands of one or two men about this time. She was pushed out of an upstairs window and died from her injuries. Since that time many details of her death have faded.

She now haunts the place and is very active!

The restaurant used to have a picture of Sally in the building until a couple of years ago. Sometimes you would see a halo of light over the picture. Many patrons and workers have seen an old light fixture swing back and fourth with no explanation as to what may have caused this. People have gone upstairs at night and felt ice-cold spots in some of the rooms.

A woman that works in the bar one day heard a strange noise. She went to look up the stairs in the direction the sound came from. At the top of the stairs stood her 2-year-old baby girl. The baby fell forward but as soon as she got to the bottom somebody or something picked her up and she was fine. It was like nothing even happened to her. Another time the same employee was serving drinks and a force of some kind made her drop all of the drinks.

Another employee was working until 2:00 am one night and he heard the dishwasher machine start up. I know that sounds normal but the only way you turn it on is by a lever upstairs!

I’ve been upstairs since then and I experienced the feeling of someone or something watching me. I took pictures at this point and they had a number of orbs in them. I have taken other pictures in the building and a large number had these had orbs in them as well.
I can feel a strong presence here! Maybe Sally is upset because no one really cared about what happened to her. I haven’t been able to get too many details of what happened so far.

Well, that’s about it. Sally’s story has just caught my attention. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


Chaos comment:
Awesome ! If you ever get a scanner please send the pictures ! Sounds like an active haunting to me !

Sandwich Shop Ghosts

Hi, I saw your website and since I live in Indiana I thought I would share this with you…
We were living in columbus about a year ago and my husband was working at subway out by tipton lakes. he was the assistant manager so he had to close the store alot. He was always hearing all sorts of noises in the back of the store and there was even a room back there that was always locked. He was told it used to be an ofice but for some reason they didnt use it anymore. My husband never had a key to the room and neither did anyone else working there. One night he called me from work and i could tell he was really scared. My husband is never scared so that shook me up quite a bit. He said that he kept hearing something in the back after he had locked everything up and while he was washing the dishes he looked over toward the freezer and saw a dark shadow of a figure move across the room. he never saw it again but after that i was afraid to go out there when he was closing up and he still continued to hear strange noises. Some other people that worked there said they used to hear alot of stuff too but i dont know if any of them saw anything.
I also have a friend that lives in hope indiana(which is where we now live) and she constantly hears noises and has called the police many times thinking somone is in their basement but they never find anyone or any reason for the noises. she also told me she woke up one morning and saw the ghost of a child standing in her dooway laughing and her son was asleep beside her as he sometimes comes in there in the morning. her sons toys are always turning on by themselves as well and she feels people sit on the end of her bed sometimes. she doesnt mind the thing shappening because she believes no spirit would harm anyone…

I dont really share her opinion and i would not stay if I was her… well those are the stories I have…
LaDawn B.

School of Ghost

Submitted by: Austin Lemberis

My baseball team and I had just finished our practice at an outdoor gym that used to belong to a private school called Le-Monds Academy. The school hasn’t been used in at least 20 years. So a couple of my teammates and I decided to brake in to what I like to call the School of Ghost.

As I took my first step into the school, I could feel a ghostly vibe go through my body. As we explored the school I heard a constant beating coming from the dark basement, kind of like a heartbeat. We didn’t think much of it until we started to here it getting louder. Since we were freaked me got confused and ran upstairs. We found cups still filled with water, like in the movie Ghost Ship.

We also discovered writing on the walls. So I wandered into an old science room. I walk into the room and froze. There was a plaque of the old principle staring right at me. So I got the others and we ran downstairs. We weren’t paying attention where we were running and we ran strait into the place I dreaded to be. THE BASEMENT!!! I literally felt something driving me out of that basement.

For the rest of the time I had practice there, I didn’t dare go closer to the school more than I had to.

School of the Blind

I read, with interest, the story published on your site of a series of

goings-on at the Indiana School for the Blind. Indeed, there were several
deaths at this institution. Several students killed themselves while at the
school, or so the story says, according to staff members and other students
who knew one of the girls. As I recall, her name was Angel or something
like that and she committed suicide at the school and she was not the first.
A young deaf/blind student drowned in the swimming pool there as well.
Unfortunately, I was present for that one. I don’t think that these stories
were hidden but I could be wrong. So much of the other terrible things that
happened there were.

School Spirit


I’m writing to you regarding the story called “school spirit” on your website. I attended the indiana world skating school in the summer of 1997 and stayed at the school for the blind. I knew nothing of the incident the year before when I decided to go there with 2 of my best friends for a week. We had a lot of weird experiences there and I was just telling my boyfriend about them. He suggested I look online and see if there was anything about a young girl dying there. I came upon your site and read this story. I heard about the year before from some of the skaters, and combined with our experiences (although we were in a different wing), I have always been really bothered by the atmosphere at the School for the Blind. I never believed in ghosts or spirits before I went there, but even at the age of 21, I am still so curious about what must have happened there. Is there any way I could contact this woman or that you could send her my email address? If you could let me know, that would be great. Meghan.

School Spirits

Something strange happened to me and several others – including children – when we stayed at a school for the Blind in Indiana. The only problem was I am the only one to have seen the “apparition.” Others heard it, felt it, sensed it but I got to see her. A young, thin girl. I immediately – at the time- felt she was one of the skaters getting up in the middle of the night, but she was not.

It happened during the summer in 1996. Many other things happened leading up to the “event” such as electrical socket blowing up, doors opening and closing, lights going on (not off), television channel changing constantly, voices, drafts, bunnies outside the windows of this eerie place every midnight, the face on the door of the closet in one of the dorm rooms, things vanishing, the cabinet doors in the kitchen swinging open – then slowly closing, locks on the van going up and down not allowing anyone out of the van (or in) for quite some time, etc., etc., etc. Like I said several people witnessed “things” or felt someone was watching. (the van was rented by the ice arena).

The night I saw the “girl”, I had several young ladies staying in the office to sleep due to the fact the television changed channels, turned off then on again — they were truly frightened. I allowed them to camp on the floor of the office and as I was speaking to them I walked over to the office window and looked thru the blinds and saw this young, 13?, blond thin girl walk up to the tv area, pause, tilt her head to one side, she then lifted one eyebrow in puzzlement (?) and I turned away and told the girls they awoke Johneen. It was not Johneen. This girl was way shorter – and way thinner. And she had on different pjs.

It was weeeeeeeerd. I still get chills. Are there any reports that a child may have been a victim of something there at some time? The dorm houses many children at different times, not all blind, many requiring constant supervision and meds. We just happen to rent the place for the summer.

Several things had happened to my 10 year old as well. It was very creepy. How could I find anything out? I heard I shouldn’t pursue this since I was the only one that “saw” her – that I may be inviting others????

The skaters and I nicknamed the young spirit, Jane Doe. I had complained to some female office workers (located in another building during all this fun) and they looked at each other and said the ghost must be back. I was peeved. I said I don’t care who’s back I don’t want them in the dorm we are renting.

Other things that would happen, would doors to rooms that were strictly forbidden for use by us would suddenly be open to the camping skaters. They used the stein way in the auditorium for fun, the garage where all the little bikes for the mini race track, the bowling alley, the gym, etc. These rooms were only open to certain girls – when they got in they’d call everyone else.

Rooms that were locked at the end of the spring semester but that somehow unlocked when the skaters arrived. I hated it. I never could find them.

Somehow, I get the feeling that it was a hoax put on by the employees of the school. But how they did the vision of that girl walking across the room (she was barefoot) and stopping right at the end of the kitchen area – is way beyond anything I can understand. How did they know I would go to the window at that moment and look beyond the blinds????

The grounds had storm tunnels, a bell tower complete with nasty looking gargoyles, a reflection pond with dead animals floating in it, and some other things that just looked unfriendly. The face appearing in the wood grain of the closet door in the dorm seemed to only gel my feelings on the place being visited. It didn’t help when the skaters wanted to rent videos about vampires and such. I lasted 9 out of the 10 weeks. Nothing remotely close to anything like this has ever happened to me or my daughter since.

I tried to ask around and was told to go to some state place to look up old death records – from when?? We even tried to look thru archives of the Local Paper but again, from when? If something did happen I have a feeling it was hushed. That they claim the child died either en route to a hospital or at the hospital. It would not look good for a State run place that cares for special children – to lose one somehow. I don’t believe that would ever be released.

Oh, after the year of fun – the ice arena changed dorms. They still stay at the same School but a totally different dorm. The newer one – with air conditioning.

No More Camps. : )

Barb F.


Hello there,

I am writing to you about a supposed haunting in Logansport, Indiana. As the story goes there is this s-curve in the road on Water Street and in the middle of the s on one side of it there use to be what i was told a man made swimming hole that is fed by a creek. the walls and creek are all still there but since it was was not in use anymore it has been slightly over grown. BUT the thing is what i was told is there was suppose to be a little boy that had been sucked down in the drainage pipe (which is still there and highly feesable considering the look of it) that goes under the road and he or she died and now it is said to be haunted. I along with my friends here are very interested in history and paranormal happenings so we went there but have as of yet had a chance to really investigate anything. I don’t know how interested you are in something like this but thought that i might let you know and if you for any reason do feel interested in checking it out then i along with my friends would be very interested in showing you where it is located and helping you out in any way possible. also before i go, i was wondering if you knew of any other stories or sightings in my area that you could let me in on to check out.

thank you


Seven Sisters

My husband went to high school in Cloverdale Indiana. One night around 9 or so he and several of his friends had went to the local graveyard to visits the “seven sisters” graves. They are all buried together in like a square or circle with a tree in the middle. He can’t quite remember the story of the sisters so if someone else can that would be very interesting! anyway the rumor had it that if you walked around their graves 7 times without disturbing their stones a wish would be granted to you. but if you disturbed any stone pure hell would become you. so here he is with 2 girls and 2 other guys walking around these graves. 1,2,3,4,5,6, around the seventh time and right in front of my husband plops part of a headstone. The guy in front of him did not touch it and neither had my husband, he had not gotten to it yet. They looked at each other and decided to pick it up and put it back. By this time the girls were scared so they left in their car and told them to meet at Hardees. they put the stone back and walked around. Plop. it fell behind my husband. He said that he tried and tried several times to put it back but it was like trying to put two magnets with a positive charge together, it kept resisting. The wind suddenly picked up and it got cold. The guys decided to make tracks.

My husband says that when they got half way down, his buddy looked behind them and said “Holy shit…look at that” following them down the hill faster than they could run was a large black figure. they got in their car and peeled out. the clock was off by three hours when they got in. My husband returned home that night and said that he heard voices whispering around him and things in the attic…something scratching at his closet door…smells of rotten flesh. He finally told his mom about it a week later and she laid bibles around his room and even one under his bed and in the closet. everything stopped that night.

weird huh?

My husband says that its called a shadow demon and that his mom was visited by one when she was a child. it awoke her in the middle of the night standing at the side of her bed. it was a shadow figure with glowing eyes. it grabbed her little necklace off of her neck and said “the day you find this is the day you die” needless to say she never went looking for the necklace!

sylvia likens and the banisewski home, in the 60;s sylivia and her sister were left with gertrude b. by their parents while they went to tour the country with the carnival. they hardle knew the woman but a few days! they left and the horror began. sylvia was burned with cigaretes tatooed on her tummy “im a prostitute and proud of it”, bathed in scorching water, deprived food, forced to drink urine, other hideous tortures that gertrude let her kids and the neighborhood kiddies join in on as they beat her and threw her into walls…its all in a book called “the Indiana torture slaying “real sick stuff!!!!!

Theresa( from our Indy Group)

Smells of Rotten Flesh

With My candles burning and the smell of Vanilla in the air I was laying on my couch one night watching unsolved mysteries, a picture of Shandra Levy was being flashed on the screen and a number on the TV for anyone with information about her disappearance to please call. At the same time, Out of nowhere a very pungent smell of rotten flesh filled the room.

I sat up and instantly said outloud (where in the hell is that coming from)? I looked back at my cat “Tuff” that was stretched out on the back of the couch as he lifted his head and sniffed the air, I got up knowing it wasn’t just my imagination and that my cat could smell this rotten stench as well. I searched my very small one bedroom apartment and in every spot I went the smell was there. Within 10 seconds of getting up and searching the smell left as quickly as it appeared. I walked back into my living room and looked at my cat and as I was walking all of a sudden it was like I was trying to walk thru molasses. There was nothing there but air, but I felt something and it was thick and slow and went thru my whole body and I was trying to force myself to go forward but I couldn’t, then all of a sudden it was like someone letting go of the back of my belt loop and I fell forward. OK, so I freaked out and called my sister and told her what had just happened, of course she believed me cause she has weird stuff happen to her too, I have in the past also but nothing like this and nothing like what IM about to tell you.

Three days pass with nothing else happening until that 3rd day, I get home from work and I go into my bedroom I sit down to check my email and as IM sitting there the whole house instantly starts to stink like someone just took a lid off a diaper pale and all its saturated diapers. I jump up and think what the #^(#^@ is going on, I search the house it is filled with this urine odor, then again as quickly as it came it disappeared. Now IM starting to freak out again, so I go into the middle of my living room and out loud say “LISTEN UP GHOST OR WHATEVER YOU ARE …I DON’T MIND YOU HANGING AROUND BUT QUIT STINKING UP THE PLACE I LIKE MY VANILLA CANDLES”

A few days pass its finally Friday woohoo the work day is over and IM heading home. I get home and as IM walking down the covered hall to my apartment I hear my cat majorly meowing IM 3 apartments away. I think that this is odd because he never is like this he’s always asleep. I unlock the door and open it and Tuff fly’s out the door meow meow …I say what’s wrong tuff and he wont stop meowing and he’s focused on the hall closet right at the front entrance. He is so persistent and freaked that I start getting a little nervous thinking someone has broken into my place. So I tell Tuff I will get him some food and I go into the kitchen grab the biggest Butcher Knife I can find and search every nook and cranny …I cant find anything. After 45 minutes my cat finally calmed down and came inside.

Saturday, Next morning….5:30 am Tuff wants out he’s batting at the plastic blinds that cover the sliding glass door, i lay there for a few minutes listening to his persistent plea of LET ME OUT NOW…i get up and let him out the slider door, i know he will want back in to eat then want to go back out within a 10 minutes (his routine) so i lay on my bed and wait for his scratch at the glass. 5 minutes goes by, scratch scratch … there he is, I get up let him in and lay back down for a few more minutes, I can hear him crunching his food, he stops then meows and i know he wants out again. I Get up and go to the slider door but he’s not there, I hear a meow and a scratch I turn around and he is waiting at the front door …I think this is different he never goes out that way in the morning. So I go to the main door to let him out, as I open the door I can see the beige carpet … suddenly something catches my eye by the bottom hinge of the door. It is about the size of a basketball as thin as a pancake and a blob shape its black with 5 to 7 white lights inside of it, it swiftly moves over my feet and under the lip of the door as I open it and I watched this thing whatever it is go to the left out in the hallway as my cat goes to the right in the hall. I jumped back and once again said WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? I was freaked …I thought maybe its just my imagination … so I open the door 3 more times again thinking it has to be a shadow but nothing appeared.

I got on the phone and told my sister I think I just saw an entity or ghost of some sort. 2 weeks went by and nothing happened, I told everyone at work what had happened and of course they looked at me as though I had lost my mind. I came home from work about 3 weeks later and started chit chatting with an old guy that lived in the complex he was telling me about how he used to live in the complex back in the 70’s when it was first built and how they had outrageous party’s it was for singles only…ect. Then he looks at me and said did you know that since 1975 until now there has been 12 people who have died here at these apartments? I just looked at him as he kept talking, he said 11 of the people committed suicide and one woman a dancer was murdered by a neighbor cause she refused to go out with him. He beat her to death with a baseball bat then threw it up on the roof.

I hadn’t mentioned what had been happening in my apartment nor did i. At first when this stuff was happening I thought that maybe it was my cat Abbey that I had to have put to sleep at another apartment on the premises a year earlier coming to visit, but with the new information I had just gotten from the old man makes me wonder if it could have been one of the ghost that died at the apartment building or maybe Shandra Levy? Anyway I moved and whatever it is decided not to be left behind and has followed me… I have a lot more true stories and witnesses that are roommates that have also encountered this or these spirit ghost.

Debbie Dunlap

Portland, Oregon

Chaos comment: Active spirits can in fact make quite a “Stink”. In my experience they are usually upset about something when the smells turn bad like this.

Someone Helping Me

When i was 5 i saw a ghost in my bedroom. i thought it was my birth mom since i’m adopted because it looked exactly like her and the clothes she was wearing that night to work. then all of a sudden the spirit went right thru the window. i got up out of bed and looked outside and saw lots of bright shining stars. i went to my parents room and i heard 2 sets of snores. i asked my birth mom if she came in my room that night and she said no she was asleep. my 2nd story is when i was in the car and i pulled over turn the music down and started thinking about the directions i got from a friend because i was going to their apartment. then all of a sudden i heard “are you there yet?” coming from the backseat. no one was around and barely anyone outside. i had always asked god if i could hear things that weren’t really there so i would know that things like that really happen. so after that day i had asked for my husband to hear things that weren’t really there so he would believe too. one night we were in the family room, late at night and all of a sudden we both heard “hello?” coming from the wall, because we both looked at the wall. we were both freaked out. my sister thinks we have a man and a woman living in our house but no one died here. it was a young woman’s voice around the age 20-30. after that night my husband and i talked about it and he thinks that someone came downstairs or one of my sister’s friends came over and said something from outside.first of all everyone was asleep and my sister’s friends don’t come over that late at night. thats just his way of believing another explanation to explain what happened. i think its me that has a lot of energy and i attract these kind of things. i have always been weird and something in my head told me i was going to have twins when i was a few months pregnant. i was pretty skeptical at first but when i had my sonogram done the lady told me i was having twins. when i first met my husband’s brother’s girlfriend at the time and i first saw her i asked “what is her name?” and the voice inside me said natalie. when we got introduced she said her name was natalie. i thought was really weird. i think i’m proned to weird phenomena. i have always been different from everyone else and i know someone up there in the sky is helping me.


Something Has Taken Control of the TV

I have always been fasintated by ghosts and hauntings. I really believe that the house I grew up in was haunted.

Nothing really happened until I was around 13-14 years old. I first started noticing strange lights on the walls and ceilings in my bedroom. It was actually like a mirror reflection on the wall. At first I thought that it was a reflection, but everynight they would be in a different spot. I shared a room with my bother until I was fourteen and when I asked him if he would see the lights he said I would hear strange scratching sounds coming from the corner of the bedroom.

The attic was converted into a bedroom so that we could have our separate bedrooms. The attic became my bedroom. Things seemed alright. I always had the feeling like I was being watched. One weekend I went camping and when we returned home I went to my bedroom and saw that my TV was on. I just dismissed it saying that I must have left it on or that the cat stepped on the remote. Eventually the TV started to come on by itself all the time, usually around 5 or 6 in the morning. The first time really scared me but i started to get used to it. It got to the point that it would come on three times a night. I hated that my sleep was being interrupted. I yelled out one night before i went to be for it to stop. It did. It only came on during the day while I was at school. I know that it was not my cat stepping on the remote because i took the batteries out and i knew it wasn’t the timer because i checked to be sure that it wasn’t set.

Other things happened also. One night while I was staying over at friends house my brother told me that he heard what sounded like someone bouncing a tennis ball on the floor. His room was directly below mine. One night my dad came to my room because he heard a loud thump and thought that I might have fallen out of bed, but I heard nothing. I would hear the loud thumps every now and then. Everytime I would check everything would be in place. One day while my brother was cooking dinner he was standing by the counter and about 3 to 4 feet away was the microwave cabinet behind him. A tupperware dish flew out and hit him on the leg. It did not hurt him, just startled him.

My animals would hear and see things that weren’t there. I had a rabbit that would run around its cage like it was chasing something, but there wasn’t anything.

I moved out about four years ago with my boyfriend. I think what ever was haunting my house followed me. I still get the feeling of being watched. Our VCR likes to come on and rewind itself without anyone messing with it. I have a cat figurine that would move out of place. I hear strange footsteps and my cats stare at things on the ceilings and walls that are not there. They would stare at the wall and meow at nothing. Something strange always happens no matter where we move. My mom and brother still live at the house and have not experienced anything strange since I have left. My brother had my old TV and so far it has not came on by itself. It has not came on in over fours years. Is it possible for a ghost to follow someone? If so why?

I have a couple more stories that I will send. All of my stories are true.

Written by Melissa

Chaos: WOW. A lot to comment on here. Yes ghosts CAN follow if they want to. They don’t normally do this though and when they do they tend to go back to where ever they came from after a while. Every case will be different. You cannot predict what a spirit will and will not do as they are like us. The question is are you sensitive enough to see them and this is what keeps them coming back. Those with the gift will have nearby ghosts and spirits make themselves known to to you. Sometimes you don’t have to be that sensitive to them but simply be willing to te believe that they are there. It’s not something to be afraid of but it can be a bit spooky. TV’s and VCR’s that work on their own are a sign of a haunting.

Something in my House

I know that I have something in my house that is not friendly and I am afraid that it is going to harm me or my two children and that has me worried. My husband thinks that it is just my imagination but it’s definitely not ! It started with my four year old talking to someone in basement furnace room just off from the family room. This was one thing that I had kicked off as an imaginary friend. Then one evening I went to bed and about a half hour later I heard this scratching noise at my bedroom door and I thought it was the cat till I found her on the bed with me. I became quite uneasy in the room so I left to sleep on the bathroom floor because my husband was in the other bedroom where he sleep be cause of sleep problems, and my kids were on the couch. After about 15 minutes I began to feel that the kids were in need of me being with them so I got up and was about two steps out of the bathroom when I saw this horrible black thing just floating in front of me. I could not scream or move or anything for that matter and I felt this heavy fear of it like it was very mean and that it was not in the mood for me to be there. It did not do anything but, after it left and went down stairs I went to the living room and cried myself to sleep.

I have lived here for 7 years and my other son does not seem to see or hear anything. Yes my cat has at time growled and has her hair on ends and scares there life out of me when she acts this way. the history of the house is it was built in 1984 and the owners divorced and then dean my husband had bought it. nobody I no has died that would have any thing to do with this cause this had been going on for 1 1/2 years.

I did at one time try to rebuk the thing and had a fresh scent of flowers for a half hour then my house started to stink so bad that my husband thought that the sewer had backed up

Can any of you help me? I will not give up my lovely home to anything.

Name withheld by request

If anyone would like to offer advice for her please send the email to me ( and I will forward it to her. I have advised her to seek a local psychic or priest. See lives in Minnesota.

Spooky Spots Where Evil Roams

When I was young, before and after 1997, my mom loved to take my sister and I out on Friday the 13th around Niles, MI. because they have lots of “ghost spots” there…We would go to Morris Chappel, Gravity Hill, you name it, we went to it…So one of our adventerous Friday the 13ths, my mom, my sister, Annette (a friend of ours), and Ruth (my moms friend) all got into the car and set out for a little scarey fun…My mom had talked about a cemetary that she had to go by now and then for work, and she talked of an angel that would change directions everytime she went by..So she decided to take us there and show us it…To this day I still cry when I think of what I felt (like now)…..So we drive up to the cemetary, and pull off of the road…We were sittin there talking about it, and my mom and Ruth just INSISTED that someone needed to go inside…I kept telling them I would NOT go inside..So my mom says, roll up the windows, and lock the doors, we are going inside…As so! on as we hit the inside of the cemetary, something evil grabbed my legs, I couldnt move, and I busted into tears, screaming for us to leave…Something evil is inside of that cemetary, I knew it by looking at it….Of course my mom zoomed out of there, and we never went back..I will never forget how it felt….I was so scared…

Chaos Comment: Posey Chapel? My guess is some sort of ritualistic thing happened there previous to your visit.

Still With Me

Lafayette Indiana

About 3 years ago.. my very best friend was killed in a car accident. Somebody was playing chicken with her.. and her being a new driver was not very experience behind the wheel.. she lost control of the car.. and hit a tree. she died instantly. I was in total shock for about 2 or 3 weeks.. i don’t even remember her funeral much or anything. But about 3 weeks after it happen…i had this dream.. about one of the things we always
used to do. at Christmas time.. we always handed out bells to our friends. Well…in my dream.. Crystal said to me.. “you Have to hand out bells now, for us both”. I thought…well okay.. but i don’t know if I’ll feel like it . But when Christmas came around a month later…i handed out the bells. On Christmas eve…I had this feeling that someone was watching me. I was at home in my room playing games on my computer. I felt a hand on my shoulder…it was so scary. But when i turned around.. she was standing there.. and she had a Bell on. I about freaked out. But in a way it was kinda a peaceful feeling too. I just KNEW that i would be okay.. and that she was still *with* me.

Becca Tyler

Teenaged Home

I have had many strange things happen to me in my life, but the one that stands out the most is the experiences I had in the house I lived in when I was a teenager. It wasn’t haunted in the usual way…..I never heard or smelled anything, and yet, I know there was something in that house. Let
me start from the beginning.

When I was 15, my mother remarried, and we moved into a house. From the very first, and I mean that literally, I knew there was something there.
The moment I stepped over the threshold, I sensed a presence. I didn’t know what it was, but I felt it. In particular, I sensed it in the basement, but tried to chalk it up to the fact that it was an old, Michigan style basement, and I have never liked unfinished basements for some reason. They
always spook me. Anyway, let me give you the layout of the basement: As you walked down the stairs, immediately to the left was a door to another room, which as I recall used to be where they stored coal for the furnace. Turning right, you were at one side of the main room, which we
used for laundry, and right across the room from the door to the coal room was another door to another room. That was used for storing things.
The other room, the one whose door was at the foot of the stairs, had a freezer in it. There were no windows, as I recall, as it was always pitch black, but there was a set of doors, like those used in a root cellar, that opened onto the back yard. That room, in particular, scared the heck out of me, and I hated it when my mother would send me down there to get something from the freezer. I was terrified I would find anything from a rat to a dead body, irrational as it sounds. I don’t recall ever telling anyone how I felt, as I feared they’d tell me I was being silly.

The longer we lived there, the more I felt depressed, and so did my mother. It didn’t help that my stepfather turned out to be a jerk. Years later, I found some pictures I had drawn while living there that shook me up……………severed hands, dripping blood. That is not the kind of thing I usually
drew. Why I did, I don’t know.

As time went on, my mother’s depression grew worse and worse. I tried to get her to talk to her friends or get help, and encouraged her to leave my stepfather. But she wouldn’t do any of those things. Finally, a year and a half after we had moved in, just before Christmas, the worst thing
happened: she committed suicide. My stepfather and I found her. In the basement. In the room at the foot of the stairs. She had hung herself.

I found out later that my mother had tried to kill herself before, once when I was nine, and once in that house………..again, in the basement. I know there was something there. My personal feeling is that it wasn’t just a ghost, it was demonic.

For several years after, whenever I went by the house, it seemed it was up for sale or rent, though it finally seemed to settle down. But it made me wonder. Strangely enough, when I attended the funeral of an aunt a few years ago, my cousin told me that some friends of his now owned it. I asked how they liked the house, and he said they liked it a lot, and had done a lot of work on it. I have no idea if either he or they knew my mother died there, nor did I ask if they had had any unusual happenings there. I didn’t feel comfortable saying anything. But I have worried over the years about the people who live there. I have no idea if whatever it was is still there. I just know the horrible feeling I had there, and the awful memories.


Yes, you may use my story. I would prefer to remain anonymous, so you can either change my name or leave it off, whichever you feel is best. If my story could help anyone in any way, I hope it does. I think the most important thing I could tell anyone is that if you sense some kind of presence, don’t shrug it off as imagination. Especially if it’s the kind that sends a chill up your spine. I doesn’t matter if it’s indoors, or outdoors ( which has happened to me at another location here in Elkhart………….it was the same kind of irrational terror I had felt in the basement of the house, only this time, I didn’t ignore it. I got the hell out of there fast!) , if you get that kind of feeling, the best thing to do is to get away fast. Don’t mess with what you don’t know and aren’t equipped to deal with. Leave that kind of thing to the experts, people like you, Mike, who know better than the average person how to deal with these things.


The Apartment

The Apartment me and my wife rented about 20 years ago in Salem, Mass. It had an extra room upstairs and the man who rented it to us told us use it for anything you want but don’t to use it as a bedroom. So we used it for storage and hung clothes up to dry in the winter and every time I went up there I had a strange feeling that I was being watched but I still went up and did what I had to do. After a couple of weeks my wife told me that it felt creepy every time she went upstairs. Then when we went to sleep we were being woken up by someone walking back in forth upstairs. I am getting chills while I’m writing this even it being 20 years ago.

We never went up to investigate these foot steps we were to scared and we lived on the top floor so no one lived on top of us. so this kept on happing for about 6 months. We never got used to this and we were in the process of looking for a new place.

One day I was laying on the sofa at home alone with my face looking to the backrest the room got very cold and I felt someone walking up next to me I had a chill it was creepy I didn’t move felt like I could ‘nt move but I felt it getting closer and then as quick as this happened all of a sudden the room was warm again and who ever was behind me was gone and we never heard the footsteps any more or felt like we were being watched we moved out about 60 days later. We feel that there had been a ghost in there we never seen it but we felt it and heard the foot steps but I had the feeling after the room went warm it had left also we both felt it was a man and just talking about this still gives me chills.

Chaos comment – If you ask me Steve, I wouldn’t have spent too much time in this place myself !

The Bible Picture

One night i was only about 10 my mom was cleaning out her closet and she found her old bible and in it was a picture of my cousin, my cousin died a birth i never saw him. well later that night i was scared for some apparent reason so i went to sleep with my parents i curled up a the foot of the bed ,it was about 9:00 clock or so scared to death i treid to sleep as i closed my eyes and opened again i saw a baby in a white gown walking toward me face as white as snow also had a glow arround its body as it walked toward me i couldnt see his face but any way he walked closer to me and the closer he got the scareder i got i closed my eyes for a breif sec hoping he would be gone and as soon as i opened my eyes it was 7:00 clock in the morning and he was gone. I have seen a lot of ghost in my short life ,and my mom has had a lot of experience with demons, ghost etc.. i was once told that we have a light that
only the spirits can see thats what brings them to us..

Charlotte, North Carolina ( jtat7679)

Chaos Comment: Yep, something like that.

The Black Eyed Figure

My names Andrew, and what happened to me is true. About a year ago when I was 13 I was sleeping in my bedroom which was in our unfinished basement, when I woke up to use the bathroom. It was 3:00 a.m. I looked by the basement door and saw a white figure it was short and had two black little eyes, I went to turn on my light and when I turned around it was gone. I went to the bathroom and when i went back downstairs it wasn’t there I was scared. The next day I told my mom and she didn’t believe me. I never saw it again.

The Cemetery

Hi-I’m a teenager living in a small town that is filled with devout Christians, me being one of them along with my friends and family. Well, one night my mom and I decided to investigate a local cemetery after dark with camera in hand. I had just put brand new batteries into my camera so I have no idea why what I describe next happened: I was taking a picture of Civil War graves when my camera just died. The battery power was gone and zapped. Majorly freaked, my mom and I decided to move on. I continued to feel like we were being watched as she and I continued on to an old grave that was falling apart. It was the grave of a woman, relatively young, and instead of it saying ‘Rest in Peace’ on the side it merely said ‘Rest’. Kinda freaky, but not sure if that was anything. My mom started to trace the letters on the grave when she gasped, became extremely dizzy, and nearly passed out. When she got her wits about her she said to me firmly, “Come on, we’re going home. I’ve had enough of this.” I was reluctant to leave even though I was scared crapless. We began to go back when I heard this voice calling to me: “Come back. Come back.” We just so happened to be near a series of infant graves. My mom tugged me back to the car and when we started to drive off I snapped a picture (I have a digital camera by the way) of some more Civil War graves. Instantly I got a picture back and was shocked to see an orb in the corner of the photo. We promptly left.

The Creepy Old Court House

I was curious as to any information regarding hauntings of the old court house in Crown Point. About a year ago my wife, son and I were visiting the courthouse for lunch and just a way to waste time. We decided to wander through the floors and the whole time we all just had an eerie feel. I dismissed it simply thinking it was because of us being alone and the place being “creepy”. When we came to the top floor, we found a set of steps leading up to a door (apparently to the roof or an attic).

As my wife and son began to walk up the stairs to investigate, I stayed down and was looking out the window (something caught my eye, but I’m not exactly sure what or why). While they walked up the stairs, my wife froze in her tracks, immediately turned and ran down the stairs, she continued down the other stairs to the floor below us. I followed not sure what was going on. When I asked her, she refused to talk about it, she just would say she saw something. I knew whatever it was must have been something because it wasn’t until months later that she would talk about it, and to this day she is still leery of returning. She wouldn’t give me all of the details, but she did say something to the effect of a man in alot of pain, like he was executed or hanged.

I just thought you may be interested to hear our experience and perhaps be able to shed any light on it for us.

Michael F.

The Dinner Guest

Our family has always been able to hear or see things from the past, great distances or another’s desires. I.e. homesickness, illness, death.

When I was a child my parents, six brothers and sisters lived in an apartment in east Chicago Indiana. The apartment still stands. The apartment was probably the ugliest and most haunted place I ever lived in. of the many incidents that occurred there one stands out in my mind more than most.

This is a rear second floor, three-bedroom apartment.

in December of 1968 or 69 we were about to sit down to dinner. it had just started snowing outside. as children we were in the habit of counting the stairs whenever someone came to visit. when we heard the usual step on the first set of stairs, we counted five steps, three to the next set. eight steps, two toward the next set. another eight steps, but instead of the usual three or four to the door the steps continued to our kitchen window.

We were all able to see the figure of a man clearly through the curtains, he leaned forward and knocked on the window. My father believing this to be one of my older brothers friends instructed my brother Alex to see who was knocking at the window. Alex opened the door, looked to his right and paled then responded; dad there’s no one on the porch. we all thought he was kidding. we could clearly see the person knocking on the glass. my father by then irritated went to the door. he told us, no one is on the porch and there are no footprints in the snow! the guest was still knocking on the
window! my mother a devout catholic frightened believed the silhouette to be the devil began to pray. the rest of us kids just sat there staring. we were too frightened to move! dad slammed the door and ushered us into the living room where we stayed for the remainder of the evening. the figure continued to knock on the window for several minutes and then just stopped.

again my dad and brothers looked outside. there were no footprints in the freshly fallen snow! The place was repeatedly blessed by our priest but the guest returned over the years, always in the winter, always in the night.

submitted by Maria c. Sisco(NWI IGT Member)

Chaos Comment: I would love to investigate this one, unfortunately I may need a bullet proof vest if this is a bad area now.

The Exorcism

I grew up in Northwest Indiana. I was born and raised in Valparaiso. Back in the day I had a buddy named Josh whose mom was a fairly religious individual in her own way.

Well, one night he gives me a call and asks if I want to go to an exorcism. Not exactly a typical request, so I jumped at the chance. We head out to this beautiful house somewhere off of US 30 a ways (headed towards Merillville from Valparaiso.

It was a two story house with a murky little pond in the back. The house was kept up meticulously by an older couple who had lived there for quite some time I believe.

Anyway, apparently a specter (sp?) type apparition was causing some problems. It started by revealing itself to their daughter who was home from college in the middle of the night. It stood around 6 foot tall and had a pretty pair of glowing yellow eyes. Naturally it scared the hejeebus out of the young lady, and she moved.

The parents really thought nothing of it until it appeared to them in the middle of the night at the foot of their bed.

After this, they started noticing books in their book storage room (a little nook off of their kitchen FULL of paperback books and other assorted stuff) were open and turned to a further page every morning as if something was reading them in the middle of the night.

So, we head into this house and I look around. There was a fairly creepy feeling hanging around, but nothing you wouldn’t feel in a cemetery type place, just a moderate amount of spooky.”

My pal’s mom had just finished exorcising the house and was laying down in the guest room. I was in another room that was empty save a few shelves with knick knacks. Suddenly I felt something.

The air smelt like someone sprayed dry orange Tang in the room. I felt this feeling crawl up from my toes up to the middle of my stomach. I then said the dumbest thing I have ever said in my entire life. Ever. “I feel you here. Why are you here? Can you show yourself for me?” I’m not sure exactly how much time passed, but it felt about like 3 or 4 seconds.

Then I hear this deep, loud, threatening growl come from DIRECTLY behind me. If you’ve ever seen a movie with a ship, and the sailors are talking in one of the lower decks, you’ll hear this deep “GRRRRROOOOAAANNNN* of the water putting pressure on the ship’s hull. That sounded EXACTLY like the sound I heard.

About 3 more seconds passed and I hear my pal’s mom go “Did you hear that?” My goosebumps settled a bit and I said “Yeah. Yeah I heard that.”

We checked the closet right next to the place I was (the dog was going NUTS) but it was just an empty closet. No water heater, no full size replica of the Queen Anne cruise ship complete with bounteous ocean.

So if you ever feel something crawling through your body that shouldn’t be there, under NO circumstances do you EVER EVER ask it to show itself. EVER.

Hope this helps your collection and keep up the good work,

ChrisAIM name is:

Chaos Comment: Very True, be prepared if you ask something to show itself.The last time Wraith did that something threw him over a fence ! Of course he was fine, just angry and a bit muddy.

The Fire

House On State Road 37 on april 22 2001 a fire broke before the fire at night people would pass by and see lights going on and then off for no apparent reason The house belonged to Imogene Thacker and Ralph Brye they now live in Ky. From 1992 to 1999 they lived in the house with Imogene’s son Kurt Brye. Some say that Kurt who suffered from muscular drystrophy spent much of his time reading from the bible and writing what Brye called religious tracks According to the towns Fire Chief, Kurt died in the house of natural causes when the house caught fire flames swept through every room in the house. Kurts room appeared untouched by the fire .

Dawn Taylor

Chaos comment: What can I say. I believe in God, who knows….

The Foot Fetish Bandit

A friend of mine told me this story. When it occurred she was about 16 years old. One night, she lay barefoot in her room, slowly drifting off to sleep. She felt someone tickle her foot (she is very ticklish) and woke up to find no one was there.

The following morning she told her mom about what had happened. Her mother told her she too had the same experiences lately.

The next night my friend was home alone taking a bubble bath with her feet sticking out of the tub. She was drifting off to sleep when she felt had the sensation that someone was again tickling her feet. Since she had left the bathroom door was mostly closed, and she had a cat, she assumed it was her cat. When she got out of the tub she noticed the door was all the way open!

Her mom got home a short while later and she found out that her mom was out taking the cat to the vet.

Frightened, she told her mom what happened. Her mom searched the house and found an open window. Could it have been a perverted robber? If so, nothing was stolen.

To this day, when things are quite around the house and she finds herself drifting off to sleep, she still occasionally feels someone tickling her feet!

Chaos Comment: Makes you want to sleep with you socks and shoes on doesn’t it?!

The Ghost of Christmas Past

As I laid in bed dozing in and out of deep slumber, I heard the bustle of my ‘three’ little boys (two sons & a hubby) playing with Santa’s gifts… not yet wanting to rise out of bed, I dozed back off. While I was enjoying my blissful sleep, I heard my hubby ask my seven-year old to go wake Mommy. I dozed again and awakened to hearing my son telling my hubby that a black, shadowy person was standing next to Mommy and then when he saw it, it ran into the bedroom closet. Upon arising ~ yes I got up rather quickly, never met a better alarm clock ~ I proceeded to ask my son about the figure. He said it was just like the one he had seen months ago (January, 2001 ~ I have it documented) but that this one was bigger…. he suggested it was a ‘mom’?!?! Hmmm, guess I had a Christmas well-wisher in the room with me! Now, a story about my closet……….. I have had a leaking hot water heater problem the past few months. Last year we had a new unit installed and then about 60-days ago we realized we had a leak in our bedroom closet ~ which butts up against the bathroom wall that lies behind the hot water tank. We called the hot water tank people (warrantied) and they revisited our home to reinstall a new unit. When the installer was here he replaced the heater and then determined that the leak was inside the wall and that it was exactly where their installed-copper pipes connected to our pre-existing pipes (places a question of fault, but anyway…). Still that drippy leak continued soaking our closet carpet which by now we pulled up and had just laying on bedroom floor as well being faced with this huge dilemma of having to rip drywall out of our bathroom and pay for some expensive plumber to do the work. For the past six-months or so my three-year old has kept telling us about his Grandpa and that Grandpa said this, or Grandpa is buying him this, or Grandpa is taking him here or there…. you get the gist. I decided to sit down with him and explain to him that his Grandpa died a long time ago and that he lives in Heaven with Jesus and once you go to live with Jesus, you don’t come back. He arguably stated that even though Grandpa went to Heaven, he had come back. Hoping to get a clue to provide myself with some sensible explanation to all this, I asked him some questions. What color hair does he have? ~ ‘brown’ (Doh!). Ok, what does his clothes look like? ~ ‘he wears a white shirt (a white-shirted man has been seen around my family for many, MANY years even by my skeptic mother dating back to the mid-70’s)’. How old is he? ~ ’50’! That was the clincher… my Dad passed two-months shy of his 50th birthday. Ok, still not letting on that Mommy is starting to FLIP OUT… I asked yet another question…. When was the last time you saw him? ‘He fixed the leak in the bathroom wall!!’ WHAT? Low & behold we go to check and our leak is fixed!! What a Merry Christmas! 🙂

Indianapolis, Name withheld by request

The Ghost Whisperer

I am a resident of Speedway (an Indianapolis suburb), and have experienced what I believe to be paranormal phenomena at intervals during the 25 years my parents have owned the house located at (withheld) W. 14th Street. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was half-asleep when someone–I believe it was a ghost– whispered in my ear; later the same night, I was almost asleep again when I noticed a Mexican guy standing next to the couch on which I was sleeping. He was speaking to me; however, I don’t remember anything he said. I also do not recall what the whisperer said, although it was a short sentence that didn’t quite make sense.

Tim Davidson

The Ghostie

I have lived in Indiana all of my life. Currently, I am in Terre Haute, Indiana, but, from 1958 until the
summer of 2001, I lived in LaPorte, Indiana. In 1992, I worked at the Children’s Campus in Mishawaka, Indiana. At that time, I worked the over night shift in North Hall. There, I had an experience that, for lack of any other explanation, I believe must have been supernatural. I was wondering if there have been any other reports of ghostly activity in this facility.

The incident that I experienced was strange and, in retrospect, seems humorous, but, at the time, was
quite frightening to both of us who were on shift that night. I will try to explain what happened that

This occurred in May of 1992. I had been working the overnight shift in North Hall for almost a year, and, I was familiar with the normal creaks and groans of the building. North Hall is a residential building, housing adolescent females. It was considered a PAC (Preferred Adolescent Care) unit and housed kids with more serious difficulties. As such, it was usually manned by two staff during the overnight shift.

On this particular evening, when I arrived for work at approximately 11:00 p.m., I noticed a green helium filled balloon with a long string attached hovering near the ceiling. As balloons were considered “contraband” due to safety issues, it was unusual to find a balloon of any kind on the unit. I asked departing staff about the balloon and was told that a new staff member, not knowing that balloons were forbidden, had allowed a resident to bring the balloon back from a dance in the facility gym earlier in the evening. I asked staff what they wanted us to do with the balloon, and was told to either get rid of it or leave it for day shift to deal with. No big deal.

The woman I was working with that evening, Judy, was taking classes at Indiana University at South
Bend and, as it was just before finals, she was studying that night. So, it was very quiet on the unit. The girls were all asleep when we arrived and remained so throughout the night. Judy and I were seated at a long table in the dining area of the unit. This table had room to seat 8 people — one at each end and three on each side. Judy was seated on the side in the first chair to my right. I was seated at the far end, facing the long hallway. From my position, I could see all the way down the hall and the doorways of all the residents’ rooms.

The rule was that staff was to perform bedchecks on our residents every five minutes, throughout the
night. However, once residents were asleep and things were quiet, it was normal for those bedchecks to get further and further apart as the night wore on. And, as the unit was quiet, and we heard nothing unusual, by about 1:30 in the morning, we had pretty much quit making routine checks.

Judy was quietly studying, and I was working crossword puzzles and reading to keep myself occupied. The green balloon was in the same room as us, still on the ceiling, near a large open doorway.

Sometime between 1:30 and 2:00 a.m., I glanced up from my book and looked down the hallway. I noted that the balloon had started to lose altitude as it was no longer all the way up to the ceiling. My thought was, “good — once it comes down, we can just throw it away and we won’t have to deal with first shift,” who could often be a pain when it came to things left undone by second shift.

I went back to my reading. A few minutes later, I looked up again, and noticed that the balloon had gone through the doorway, into a short hallway, and in the direction of the long hallway. I also noticed that the balloon was again touching the ceiling. Again, I didn’t think a lot about this. My thought was that, perhaps it was a bit cooler in the short hallway which might have given the balloon a “second wind,” of sorts. I returned to my book.

In a few minutes, I again looked up, and noticed that the balloon had moved to the opposite side of the short hall — a distance of perhaps five or six feet, and was now against the top of another open doorway — this one smaller — more like a regular doorway without a door. Again, I didn’t think much of it and went back to my reading.

After a time, I don’t know how long, I looked up again and was surprised to see that the balloon had gone through the doorway and was now in the long hall. The balloon would have had to come down a few inches to go through the doorway, as it must have before, but, like before, it was again up against the ceiling, on the right hand side of the hallway. Now I was beginning to think that this was odd. I was reluctant to go into the hallway at this point. I attended to the air around me — trying to see if I could feel a draft or any air movement at all that might explain what the balloon must have done. I didn’t notice anything at all. It was May — warm enough that there was no need for heat and yet early enough in the year that the air conditioning had not yet been activated. Still, I convinced myself that there might be air currents moving near the ceiling that I could not feel from my position. After watching the balloon for a couple of minutes and seeing nothing — no movement — nothing — I went back to my book.

A few minutes later, I looked up and was surprised to see the balloon had moved further down the right side of the hall. But, as I watched, I saw no movement at all. Now I was concentrating on the hanging string, thinking that, if nothing else, I should be able to see the string move if there was any air movement. But, the string was completely still. At this point, I made mention of the balloon to Judy. I said something to the effect of, “I think the ghostie is playing tricks on us.” Then I explained to her what I had — and hadn’t — seen the balloon do. She leaned forward and looked at the balloon for a couple of moments and said, “Huh — strange.” I said, “Well, all I can tell you is, if it starts coming back, I’m outta here — you’re on your own.” We laughed and she mentioned that she was closer to the door than I was and good luck to me beating her to it. She went back to her studying, and I sat and watched the balloon for awhile. Nothing happened — no movement that I could see. The balloon stayed on the ceiling in the exact same spot. The string remained stationary. I returned to my book.

After just a couple of minutes, I looked up again, and, sure enough, the balloon had moved yet further
down the hall. It had passed the open doorway of a resident’s room and the open bathroom doorway. It was about halfway down the hall, near and area that opened to the right into the “supervisor’s office” — not really an office — more of an open outdent where there was a desk and filing cabinets. My thought was that now the balloon would probably be blown or pushed by whatever was moving it into the sup’s area and we wouldn’t see it again. (I might also, at this point, mention that the spot where the balloon stopped at this time was directly across the hall from a resident room — room #6 — this may or may not be significant and I will explain later). Anyway, after staring at the balloon for about 10 minutes, I went back to my book.

The next time I looked up, the balloon had crossed to the opposite side of the hallway, and, was on it’s
way back. It had moved about three feet closer to where I was seated. I said, “Uh, Judy?” She looked
up. I said, “It’s coming back.” She leaned forward to look down the hall and said, “Hunh” I said, “Yeah — I’ll just be going now.” and we both laughed. I wasn’t so sure I was kidding, by this time. Still, I was becoming more and more fascinated by the green balloon. Again, I watched for sometime — we both did — although, I believe I was more concerned than Judy. But, after seeing no movement of any kind, I went back to my book.

A few minutes later, I looked up again — and, then things started getting really strange. The balloon was back at the small doorway between the long and short hallways. As I watched, it slowly moved down and came toward us through the doorway, rising back to the ceiling as it entered the short hall. It slowly came across the ceiling toward the spot where it had started. I told Judy to look. We both watched as it came down, as if to come through the large doorway. It started its descent — and then, things got pretty creepy as we watched that balloon do things that balloons shouldn’t do without assistance.

As it came through the doorway, it suddenly sped up and dove toward the end of the table closest to it
(near where Judy was sitting). She pushed her chair backwards as the balloon, now only inches from the floor, maneuvered its way between the chair at the end of the table and the table leg, turning in such a way as it did so as to come out from under the table right where Judy had been sitting. From my seat, I watched as the balloon continued quickly, still hovering about four or five inches from the floor, along the side of the table, behind the other two chairs toward the end of the table where I was sitting. At this point, I moved my chair back and went to the left, into the unit’s day area. I watched the balloon make its way to a school desk that was in the corner, just behind and to the right of where I was sitting. It went underneath the desk and up into the seat of the desk where it hovered about three feet above the seat. By this time, Judy had moved through an open doorway and was watching from the big doorway where the balloon had started.

Neither of us knew what to think — balloons don’t do that kind of stuff on their own. We were talking
about what to do — should we call someone? We knew we couldn’t leave — that would mean our jobs — but, neither of us wanted to stay there, either. We watched the balloon for what seemed to be quite
some time. We had almost decided, between us, that it was done — but, we were wrong. Suddendly, the balloon went back down, underneath the desk, the same way it had come. Once it was clear of the desk, it popped back up to about the same height it had been when “seated” at the desk and continued, quickly, along the short wall — which was the outer wall of a kitchenette area whose doors were closed at the time. When it came to the corner of the kitchenette, it made a ninety degree turn to the right and continued along the other wall of the kitchenette, until it was in the next corner. There was a large trash can in the corner and the balloon dropped behind the trash can. We both heard it hit the floor. We didn’t move. We continued to watch. After a few minutes, the balloon popped back up — to about the same height, and moved along the next wall. It travelled about four feet and then dropped onto a small table sitting next to the doorway. We watched for quite some time — neither of us quite knowing what to do or what to expect. We finally decided that the balloon was done doing tricks and came back into the room. Neither of us ever went to check on the balloon. It stayed right where it had landed for the remainder of the evening. This entire ordeal lasted a little over one hour, as close as I can figure.

Now, the significance, if there is any, of room number six. In the 1980’s, there was a death at the
Children’s Campus. A fifteen year old female resident had been suffocated to death during and
improperly done restraint. The people involved were investigated. One was charged and served time for negligence. It is well documented and was in the local papers at the time. I don’t know any real details of that incident, as most of the people employed there at the time were gone by the time I came, and, the others were reluctant to talk about it. But, the rumor was that the death had occurred in North Hall and that the girl had actually passed away in room number six. I have no way of verifying that.

The reason I had made mention of “the ghostie” to my co-worker was that we had all agreed that, there were times when it seemed that things weren’t quite right around the unit — that we were being watched — particularly if we had to go into the basement, which is where our storage and laundry areas were. Although none of us had ever really given this any credence, crediting it to working midnights and our own sense of uneasiness at going to the basement in such a place, we did, from time to time, make mention of “the ghostie” to explain odd feelings or events — like things falling off the walls in the night.

There is a small post-script to this story that, again, may or may not be related. The three of us that
worked 3rd shift at that time (one of whom was off that night and who, for many months, wrote off our story as a tall tale) left the shift to work days or afternoons over the next couple of month. Judy was working primarily days. Brigitte — the third co-worker, had taken a position as 2nd shift relief
supervisor. I had moved to a mostly 2nd shift schedule. We all stayed in North Hall, however. One
night, when I got off at 11:00 p.m., Brigitte and I went to the local Azar’s, which was a habit of ours. We sat there until about 2:00 a.m., drinking Cokes and talking. After that, she drove me back to The
Children’s Campus where I had left my car.

Being so late in the evening, there were very few cars parked in the parking lot. Mine was parked some distance away from the others as the lot had been nearly full when I came in and I had had to park on the opposite side of the circular lot in front of the administration building. The night shift was parked nearer the unit where they were working, which was customary. Brigitte and I sat in her car, parked next to my car, continuing our conversation. After about 20 minutes or so, we both heard three knocks on her back window. We turned, at the same time, to see who was knocking on the window, expecting to see the Night Shift Coordinator or another staff member. However, when we turned, there was no one there. We were a bit spooked, to say the least. We turned the opposite directions, looking all around the car and the lot. We saw no one. As we hurriedly locked our doors, Brigitte asked, “What do I do?” I said, “Start the car — GET OUT OF HERE!” Brigitte said, “What if he just dropped down behind the car and is laying behind my tires?” My response was, “Run his ass over — will serve him right!!!!” With that, Brigitte started her car, put it in reverse, and hit the gas. I guess she really did expect to be running someone over, because she hit the gas pretty hard. Inadvertently, she backed halfway around my car — the only thing other than hers that someone could have been hiding behind. We both looked as she shifted into drive — no one was there. As we pulled away, Brigitte said, “You know, I never believed you about that green balloon thing until now — did you ever notice this stuff only happens when you’re around???”

We drove around a bit that night — both of us afraid to stop or go back. Brigitte finally became
convinced that there was someone hanging to the undercarriage of her car — seemed to be the only
logical explanation — and, she had recently seen Cape Fear. So, we pulled into an open 7-11, where she got out and checked underneath her car. Of course, there was nothing, and no one, there. Finally, we returned to the parking lot where she said, “Just get out — don’t talk — for obvious reasons, I’m not hanging around.” I made her wait until I had unlocked and started my car before leaving. She made me promise to follow her home. After that night, we still went out after work from time to time, but we never again dallied in the parking lot, talking after dark.

Well, like I said, compared to some stories I’ve heard, this one may seem rather unremarkable. But, I still believe that there was something odd going on at The Children’s Campus in 1992. I like to tell myself that it was the 15 year-old girl who had been killed, having a good time scaring the staff. I always hoped that she had herself a real good laugh watching us jump around and shake in our shoes. And, for the rest of my life, helium-filled green balloons will hold a different meaning for me.

I should add that psychic experiences run in my family and, as a child, my mother always said that I had abilities, if only I would learn to use them. Never really knew what that meant, but, it made me feel special, somehow. I have had dreams that I believe were paranormal in nature, as well, but, this
experience is the one that has given me greatest pause. Just thought you might be interested. Please
feel free to write me back if you have any questions or comments. I would certainly be interested in
hearing your views.


The Gravestone Ghost Part II

I’m not sure how to start……I was reading something on your site tonight……just happened to stumble there??? Anyway I read a story called “The Gravestone Ghost”, I felt as though I was beside myself. This is so strange that I almost don’t believe it. Years ago I was walking through Patton Cemetery as I did on a regular basis. I have many relatives buried there and I am the primary caretaker of the graves. I was walking my dog on this particular day and had just come from the area my grandparents are buried in. I decided to take the dog for a walk around the whole cemetery (its large and has narrow winding roads that go in a very strange pattern) for some exercise. I came upon some gravestones, that were just feet off the road, all piled up. I don’t remember how many there where exactly, maybe six or seven? It really bothered me so I wanted to try and put them back in their proper places. As I started to move them the strangest feeling came over me. I got a very “freaked out” I guess? Though this is a creepy looking place and very dark even in the daytime (as mentioned in the story I was reading) I was no stranger here. I hadn’t been the slightest bit uneasy here in all the years of taking care of the graves. “Someone” did not want me touching those stones. I have never been that afraid before of anything in my whole life! The dog started whimpering and shaking very hard. Needless to say I did not stay around long enough to question things. For the next couple nights I had dreamt ( I’d hoped) that this rotted corpse with long nails was at the foot of my bed. I remember it having this horrible stench. It’s strange how vivid it is in my mind, I can smell it now as I type this. Until reading the story “The Gravestone Ghost” posted on your site I had completely forgotten about the whole thing. Then in an instant I was in front of those piled up gravestones again. Now I know why I don’t go to that part of the cemetery. I must have blocked it out and hope too again. So I ask this…………coincidence or shared experience?

Name withheld by request

Chaos comment: The skeptical side of me here can’t help but wonder if this is for real or simply contrived. The Jury is out on this, I’ll let you know if I can get more information …

The Grayish Shadow

From Brad: My friend, Kim sent me a picture that her brother took of himself with a digital camera. She always tells me that her house is haunted. She claims that the laundry room is always cold, even with the dryer running in the summertime. Anyways, in the picture I’m sending look behind Joe in the dark doorway to the left, See a grayish shadowy figure? I can almost see a face and the outline of a body! Do you see it as well or are my eyes deceiving me????

Kim and Joe were the only people home and the doorway if u look thru it all u see is a wall, there’s no mirrors or pictures in that room, it is my moms room.” – Kim also stated to me that her mom has heard “Voices” in the room and heard footsteps.

Kim Wrote: when I was about 7 I was jumping up and down on my bed and I fell off but before I hit the ground something caught me and put me back on the bed, I swear it was freaky, I felt hands, they were BIG hands, and in this house I’ve woke up and seen about 8-12 black figures standing around my bed then I blacked out, if u sleep in the living room u can hear footsteps and one of my friends was in my moms room once (where that figure in the picture is) and something pushed her and she fell, one of my other friends was sleeping in the living room and she was hearing footsteps and she felt like someone was watching her and she turned around and saw a black figure and assumed it was my brother, but the next morning she asked him and he hadn’t been up. When I sleep in my brothers room the door closes on its own and radios come on by themselves. Something I’ve noticed lately is that my blankets are REALLY hot to the touch (they are made of silk and are usually very cold) just 4 days ago one of my close friends passed away and now my blankets are really hot, its odd, I don’t know if me playing with Ouiji Boards have anything to do with that though.

The H House

The H House is one of the most scariest places in Indiana. One night my
friends and I went out there on Thompson Rd. in Shelbyville and when we
approached it we saw the curtains move violently, We all freaked out and
wanted to leave but we had to face our fears. Ghosts and spirits will fly out
and chase you as long as they want so don’t make them mad. The barn across
the street is where the owner hung himself from depression. It’s in there and
he is too so watch out!


The Man In Black

I just found your website. I was very surprised to find a website about ghosts in NWI, since I was born and raised in Hammond, and had many experiences in the home I grew up in and also in my high shcool, Hammond High School.

The house I grew up in in Hammond was built in 1938. Only one other family owned it before my grandparents bought the house in 1963. My parents bought the house from them in 1984. While my mother her sister, and two brothers lived there nothing strange occured. But after we moved in things changed. The room I shared with my sister was very strange. At night while we were alseep we would always see the figure of a man in black whatching us sleep. This would happen every night, and you can never see his face or even what he’s wearing. But the feeling you get from him is that he means you no harm. So we were never affraid of him. My sister still sleeps in this room and is now 19 years old and still every night she see’s the man. My mother has felt somone touching her while she has been in the bath tub and in the shower. She had an unseen hand grab the soap out of her hand while she was in the bath tub. We all have heard footsteps. My bedroom was in the basement in what used to be a studio apartment until my grandfather remodeled it for my uncles to use as a bedroom. I never have felt comfortable in that room. There is an uncanny feeling of someone or something whatching you. I have had the feeling of someone standing over my bed while I’m asleep and opened my eyes to see no one there. I have also been psyichally thrown from my bed by a man in black. I woke up one night and he was standing over me I dont think he is that man from the bedroom upstairs because the feeling from him is hatred and fear. He threw me into my dresser and it woke my parents up. As soon as I hit the dresser the man disapeard. But my mom and dad could still feel a presence after he had gone. Thankfully I wasn’t hurt, but I had alot of bruises. Another night a few years later, a week before I left for college, I w! oke up one night to see a beautiful litle girl completly bathed in white light. There was such peace eminating from this presence that I just went back to sleep. A few hours later I woke up to find the man in black only now his face was like an animals only much more grotesque and he had claws. He chased me from my bedroom and pushed me into the stairs. My parents were awakened by my screams and went into my room. The hair on my mothers arms stood up and it was cold. Besides that other things have happend to me in that room. My best friend and I have seen a white figure (dont know if it’s male or female) walk through my bed into the wall. Also I have been looking in the mirror and seen my face change before my eyes. Like getting older and older and older. This has happened to my best friend and also to my sister. And only in that room. Also my sister and I have had weird dreams about that room alwa! ys about a boy who is about 19 or 20 named Matthew Jones and he is always dressed in 1940’s clothing and he is always in my room talking to me and I cant hear him. My sister has the same dream about not being able to hear what he’s saying only in her dream there are alot of other people around and they are all crying only she cant see their faces. The weird thing is that the people who owned the house before my grandparents bought it were the Jones family.

My parents still live in the house and things haven’t happend in awhile. But it seems like the pressence is stronger durring the summer time. Especially August. To our knowledge no one has ever died in the house. But the strange thing is that after I moved out I’ve never had the dream again! I have also had experiences in my high school. There is a presence of a boy in what is now the music, choir, and band rooms. The area used to be the schools pool. And a boy drowned to death in the pool. After the fire in 1968 that destroyed the inside of the school they moved the pool to the other side of the school. A few of the students and teachers have seen the boy always wet and wearing swiming trunks. I never saw anything, but I never felt comfortable in the rooms alone. A couple of years after I graduated I worked for the school city of Hammond as a substitute teacher and I had to sub for the music teacher. I had to leave the room when there were no classes because I could feel someone whatching me. Also there is a presence in the auditorium. I was involved in Drama club. And one night durring a performance I was the only one behind the curtain. I felt someone brush up against me and it was cold and no one was there. There are alot of students who refuse to be alone in the auditorium. Also other strange things like I’ve been alone in the building before and I’ve had classroom doors slam shut on me when no one else could have done it. Just wanted to share some of my experiences. If you have any questions about the stories you can e-mail me.

Rebecca Quigley

Chaos Comment: Your old home sounds like a place I would love to investigate. Have you researched the house at all? It does happen sometimes but most ghosts won’t hurt people. That must be kind of destracting for the band to be playing while a wet kid ghost in a pair of swim trucks hangs around and watches unseen from a corner of the room.

The Michael Jackson Ghost

One evening in the eighties my aunt and two of her friends were recording themselves singing along on a karaoke tape player to the song “beat it” by Michael Jackson, well half way through the song, they were singing along, and they heard, “BEAT IT” in a demonic voice. well after playing the tape over and over, they realized that this voice was definitely not the voice of Michael Jackson, so they ran down stairs in a panic and asked my uncle if he would listen to the tape, more than skeptical, he listened to it. Without a doubt, he knows that this was not meant to be on that tape, this occurrence was one of many occurrences in my grandmother’s house, and my entire family knows that this house is haunted, but this encounter with this ghost was one of the most disturbing of them all, and none of us will forget the night of the encounter with “THE MICHAEL JACKSON GHOST”

Chaos Comment: If only this would help is slumping record sales! haha!

The Music Box

This happened when I was young and it still gives me the chills. My uncles house is haunted by the ghost of a 7 year old little girl named Jenny. They found out through the neighbors and newspapers she had been run down by a car in 1973. Mom said Jenny was stuck in a state of limbo. She would appear on occasion and walk into the nearby cemetery. They think Jenny went to visit her parents graves. She was buried next to them. My uncle followed her apparition into the cemetery one night and saw her grave.

Jenny was a sad ghost. She stayed in what had been her old room. She would cry at night. She would call for her mommy and daddy …. and the music box. It was the only thing her father had given her and it seemed she wanted it more than anything else.
It got to the point my cousin Ann wouldn’t go in her room because all she heard was the cries. So they got someone into the house to try and make Jenny leave. I don’t remember who, but it didn’t work. It just got worse.

She would cry out “daddy” all night long. My uncle grew bold and tried to talk to her. He asked her why she was there and what would make her stop crying. They were ready to move and he felt sorry for her. She said she wanted her daddy and her music box. He asked where it was and she said in the attic but she wasn’t allowed to go there. He went up there and all her toys and belongings had been packed away. It was there he found the music box. He left it on a dresser in her old bedroom and it was gone the next morning.

That didn’t make her happy though, somehow she destroyed the bedroom. It seems she wanted all her toys and to be able to play with them. So they moved everything to a little room in the back of the basement. My aunt and uncle lived there for many years afterwards and many times we went to their house and heard Jenny playing in the basement with her toys. A few years ago my aunt and uncle did move away. Till the day they moved Jenny was still around. You could not mistake the sound of the music box playing in that little room in the basement.

Chaos Comment: The Aunt and Uncle have moved and the house is under new ownership.
I wonder if they have experienced anything?

Related by Vixen, rewritten by Chaos

The Pogo Stick Kid

One morning, I was heading down toward the bus stop. It was one of those days where the fog seemed so thick you could cut it with a knife.

The bus stop was only a block away. I walked past the Johnson’s house and there at the corner, as I walked, I heard the sound of a pogo stick. The thought struck me as funny, that some idiot kid would be using a pogo stick in the dense fog. Just then, I saw him pass me. It was a boy about my age. He paid no attention to me and continued to hop down the hill toward the bus stop. I surely didn’t recognize him.

I got down the hill and there were all the other kids were already lined up; there were at least ten kids there. I asked if any of them had seen the stupid kid on the pogo stick (you really couldn’t miss the sound). I was met with blank stares. No one had. Not a single one of them had seen the boy or heard the pogo stick.

One older boy mentioned a kid would have to be stupid to be using a pogo stick to go to school in fog like this. In fact one had been killed a couple years ago that tried doing it.

I didn’t say anything about the boy being a ghost, it still didn’t really click for me at the time. The bus pulled up and off we went to school.

One foggy day the next year I heard the pogo stick again. This time, I approached the sound as it was a good ways down the opposite direction. I saw the boy and he looked back at me. He grinned and continued to hop along. His face was hard to see
in the fog.

I asked him what he was doing. As he hopped away he remarked that he was
going to school on his new pogo stick. Arriving at the bus stop, it didn’t surprise me that once again, no one had seen or heard the boy. The thought sent shivers up my spine.

After taking my seat in the old bus, along the window, the bus pulled away. My thoughts were jumbled. “Could this kid be a ghost?” Not very far down the road, to my amazement, I spotted him! There he was, shrouded in the fog hoping along down the
busy road. He disappeared into the fog, as quickly as he came, never to be seen by me again.

The sound of his pogo stick still echoes in my head to this day. I don’t think I’ll ever forget him. The sound of a pogo stick always bring me right back to those days of my youth there on Fraser Lane and the boy who tried to take his new pogo stick to school.


The Poseyville Carnegie Public Library Ghost

Around 1825, Poseyville, Indiana established its first library in a rented small two-room cottage. In 1901 The Town Hall was built with the second floor being furnished as a library through a generous donation by George Waters, a landowner and prominent citizen, and the surviving books from the old library were moved there. Miss Ottie Sands was elected its librarian.

Constructed in 1905, the Poseyville Carnegie Public Library’s claim to fame is that it is reportedly the smallest community ever to receive one of Andrew Carnegie’s libraries. Other than that, nothing considered strikingly interesting ever occurred to or at the library until the renovation and expansion resulted in a rededication in October 2000.

The old Hansbrough Inn, a historical structure in its own right constructed around 1890 on the south side of the library, was demolished for the expansion and a new wing added over the site. That was when strange things began happening and patrons, staff and volunteers began reporting the feeling of someone watching them or that they were not alone despite evidence to the contrary. The staff tries hard to remain skeptical of the whole situation but their experience to date has shown that what you expect is not always what surprises you.

A haunted library is hardly unique. The Snohomish Public Library in Snohomish, Washington reports to have a lady ghost haunting the old Carnegie section of the library. And closer to home, the Willard Library in Evansville, Indiana has an equally mysterious lady ghost wandering its halls. Both libraries have gone so far as to setting up ghost cams and mentioning the paranormal occurrences on the Internet. Therefore, there is a precedence that sanctions haunting of libraries.

Another likely source for the origin of our guest, although from the evidence she appears content with the old Carnegie library area, comes from the old Hansbrough Inn that closed around 1910. In 1975, the library purchased the inn and used it as a pair of apartments until it became necessary to demolish the building to make way for the new addition. The basement of the inn had once served as a dining room for guests back when passenger trains still stopped at Poseyville. The floor was beautifully decorated with sky blue and white Italian ceramic tiles. During the demolition the contractor found it necessary to break up the basement floor of the inn before filling it in, thus significantly disturbing the ground beneath. But for now that appears to be another story altogether to investigate.

Keeping in mind that an investigation into the paranormal realm of ghosts and poltergeists can be a quandary, it is always best to avoid taking a stand for or against their existence, especially considering when it is your own library being investigated. However, evidence has been accumulating.

Library assistant Sheryl Taylor was the first to admit noticing something unusual. She has the additional duty of cleaning the library and was accustomed to doing the bulk of the cleaning alone late in the evenings. One evening, as she went about her cleaning duties, there was a distinct familiar sound of someone entering the building. As a rule, Sheryl is an extremely cautious individual and always locks herself inside. Since there are only three working keys to the building she imagined it was either computer technician Stanley Forzley or myself making an unscheduled appearance. When no one announced himself she investigated but discovered herself alone in the building. This scenario has been repeated several times in recent years.

Since the present librarian’s desk is centered in the building it is not unusual to hear someone entering before seeing them. Because of this, one of our security cameras is fixed in position to show the main entrance and hallway. However, none of us have caught a glimpse of the ghost actually entering or leaving. The sound is very distinctive and the ghost is very particular about using the original library entrance. We’ve all come to accept it as part of our daily routine and even I habitually bid the ghost goodnight as I leave the building.

Miss Taylor believes our ghost is female and quite likely somehow associated with the library. It is as if the ghost wants to be a caretaker spirit.

“I never have the feeling that she, herself, wants to leave or that she wants me to leave the building,” said Taylor. “It’s as if she knows I only want to do the best for the library. There is a mutual respect of our shared space. I feel she wants me to know that she is present.”

There remains no confirming evidence that the ghost wandering about the Poseyville Carnegie Public Library is a former librarian. Ottie Sands, considering that her term of service restricted her to another facility altogether, would be excluded. If it narrows down to a librarian having actually served in the present facility, the choices are certainly limited to one of the following: Callie Elliott, Ruth Jaquess Werry, or Fannie Garten. My immediate predecessor, Carol Renee Lamar, retired after over 45 years of service and remains very much alive at the time this is being written.

In the winter of 2001 the ghost actually made her presence visually known for the first time. Taylor can vividly describe the encounter.

“I was cleaning the library. I needed to take some boxes into the basement and for some reason I have never really cared for going down there. It is a part of the original Carnegie building and I have always felt when I go downstairs that I am intruding into someone’s aura,” she explains. “On this particular evening, it just seemed that the air felt unsettled in the building. As soon as I placed the boxes on the floor and turned to go upstairs, I thought I saw something in the far basement room. Naturally, the scaredy-cat that I am, I hurriedly turned to the stairs to run. All of a sudden what I thought could be someone was a blur behind me on the stairs and it stopped as if I was supposed to stay. I looked over my shoulder again and saw a matronly woman surrounded by a hazy mist. She was dressed from an older era. I thought ‘okay, get it together, no one will believe this one, that I saw a ghost.’”

Sheryl is a little uneasy when talking about anything associated with the supernatural. Although a number of homes within the area are reportedly haunted, in Poseyville it is just not a subject openly addressed.

However, her encounter was not to remain an isolated incident. While in the basement our computer technician also encountered something that he believes may have been the same aberration. While working in the north end of the basement one night just prior to closing, he reported noticing a gray vapor in the far northeastern corner.

“My experience was hardly as dramatic as that experienced by Sheryl. I was taking a box of computer parts downstairs when I noticed a column of gray smoke. At first I thought the sump pump was on fire,” said Forzley as he describes his own experience. “The problem was that the vapor did not ascent upward or spread like the smoke of a fire. It just hovered there in one spot, then vanished.”

Physical manifestations appear generally concentrated in the basement. Exactly how long the ghost has haunted this area remains a mystery because until 1998 the library was rarely occupied during evening hours and no one ventured into the basement except by necessity. Since then we began storing large quantities of books pulled from library shelves down there along with other items like obsolete computers, phonograph records, display props, seasonal decorations, and magazines rarely required for the library’s daily operation. The only link with the Hansbrough Inn is a pair of iron floor gratings salvaged just prior to the building’s demolition.

“Sometimes the hair on my neck raises when I feel she is following me around,” reports Sheryl. “And when I leave I feel her presence. I believe she always walks me out safely, as if saying ‘goodnight and come back’. I have never felt threatened and she isn’t speaking, but I do feel she is trying to communicate with me. She isn’t troubled, but caring.”

As full renovation and construction efforts got underway, one of the contractors moved an old desk in the workroom and discovered an old black and white photograph of the library. This was a significant find considering this remains the only glimpse we have of the interior as it must have appeared around the time of the first dedication. With exception of the original librarian’s desk, which was reportedly given away for some unknown reason, we still possess all of the furniture shown in the photograph. We even have in our possession several of the books shown on the shelves. Unfortunately, no people appear in the photograph.

Still, the photograph gave us an opportunity to relive some of the library’s distant past. Using the photograph as a model, it became possible to redecorate at least one room into a reasonable facsimile of the image portrayed in the picture. Perhaps this is the reason our resident ghost now feels comfortable in letting us know she is here because she is in somewhat familiar surroundings.

“The library now has twelve computers scattered throughout the building. Four are located in the old Carnegie section and are constantly having problems,” reports technician Forzley. “I can be putting in a program one minute and suddenly it is gone. Network connections working completely fine one day have to be reestablished the next.”

In addition to the computer problems, 3.5 diskettes left unattended in the old Carnegie building appear to develop serious problems or go completely blank. DVDs even develop gaps despite being perfectly fine on previous viewings.

Light bulbs in the original library, despite being in new fixtures, are prone to burning out within a short period of replacement. Electricians have inspected both the lighting fixtures and wiring on two occasions, finding nothing wrong either time. It was even suggested that we attempt lower wattage bulbs and changing all the lights at once. Each of these changes appeared successful for a brief time but the problem always reoccurred. Interestingly enough, there appears a pattern in this sequence as well. The room containing the four computers in the old Carnegie section starts the pattern, losing two or more lights, then the Carol Renee Lamar Room loses one. Finally, the connecting hall loses one and the pattern repeats itself.
Admittedly, there are several logical explanations for any of these events but the staff is convinced that, taken as a whole, these activities are sound evidence of an honest to goodness library haunting.

The Possessed Woods

Late Friday night Dec 7th, early Sat morning Dec 8th 2000, around 3-4am, a few friends and I decided to go for a ride, in New Carlisle and rolling prairie area. We had passed a graveyard Ipaid no attention to, but the story is it is next to the possessed woods. Of course, I doubt that but none the less our night continued. We stopped by a friend’s house and talked him in to going w/ us to the graveyard. When we got to the cemetery, a police officer was there and we left. He did not follow us like most would,so we proceeded on to another cemetery. This one is called “posey” now the story of this one is, that there used to be a church that stood there, and after it burned down, satanic rituals began. Now keep in mind I am a very hard person to scare, so the stories did not have the least bit effect on me. As we pulled up in front, I saw a little hangover thing, kinda of like you would see at a picnic area. At that moment my heart dropped into my stomach and a voice clear as crystal told me to get out of there. I looked at the driver and said..”go get the hell outta here!” as we drove away, I heard an awful howling-scream, so scary I began to hold my ears, and tears started to come to my eyes. After we got far enough away, and the sounds stopped,and I took my hands away from my ears, they looked at me, and asked what was wrong. I asked if they had heard that howling, they did not. so….my story does not end there, we went back to a friend’s house, and picked up the BIBLE. We went back to the cemetery, and this time I looked into the graveyard and saw a statue in the first 5 rows, it was a statue of an angel, but black. Well the outline of an angel, but like I said black. An evil sense came over me, and once again I looked at that overhang and told them to “go!” again. The scream rang in my ears. Then as we drove away we came to the “possessed” wooded area, and..I had no idea where we were,but at the entrance my hand dug into the person’s leg that was sitting next to me, then once again I covered my ears. after we got out of the area. They had told me where I was when it began. Also that years ago, my friend’s grandma had no success in getting the horses to go near that area, at a little pond/stream type thing. and in my studies, I have read horses and dogs senses are very strong, and water like so, could mean something. Now, the other night, (last night dec. 9) I was told there is no such statue in the cemetery, but… as I have said before my story does not end. I was told about a black statue that was made years ago, called…”black addy” (or however it is spelled.” and from what I said, sounded like that. Now please, I am beginning to think I am crazy, not only and I’m hearing things, I am seeing them too. I need to know some logical things from what I have told you, when I was a child I was told I have a gift, my senses are “special” but to tell you the truth many people are told that. and.. I never thought too much on hocus pocus, b/c i am a Christian for one, that and I just don’t buy that whole ghost thing. but slowly i am beginning to wonder.


The Shaking China Cabinet

By: Richard Allender

About 20 years ago I was on duty as Deputy Sheriff in Shelby County Indiana and received a telephone call from a friend and x-city police officer stating that his china cabinet was shaking and had been for several minutes before his phone call. He wanted to know if there was an earthquake or something had been reported to our office. Our conversation probably lasted 5 minutes and the cabinet was still rattling. He lived about 8 miles away but I would come down and have a look, but thinking by the time I got to his house the shaking would be over. It took me about 20 minutes or so to arrive at his house. He met me at the door and said it was still shaking. I went inside the house and saw a large china cabinet shaking and rattling the glass pieces inside. We looked under the house and there was nothing there to be causing this. The floor was not moving to cause the cabinet to shake. I was there for about 45 minutes and when I left it was still shaking. Later on that day I contacted him back and it did stop shaking after a while. I see him periodically to this day and we always have this conversation of his shaking china cabinet. It has never shook since that one time.

The Smell of Death

Here is a story I would like to share. I am from NW Indiana. I went to Calumet High school, in Calumet Township. Graduated in 1987. A bunch of friends and I would go out every single Friday, while in our senior year, mainly because one friend, Lisa, got a car. The thing we liked to do most was scare ourselves and that meant cruising through cemetaries at night. It was a rise for us, but one night, we were stopped dead in our tracks and vowed never to do it again.

Lisa, Wendy, Emily, and I were getting ready to drive into the cemetary in Ridge Road, it was the Ridgelawn entrance. The one thing we noticed right off the bat was that the gates were closed, it was more darker than usual. We were mad, because it was such a Friday night ritual. All of a sudden, her car died. We weren’t on a lonely road or anything, it was a main road, lots of traffic. So her car is dead and would not even turn over. She was going to get out and see what was wrong, but the door would not open. It was an older car, the kind where you can unlock the door by pulling up the lock my the window. Those locks were stuck. She was trying to start the car and then at that moment, the car filled with the most horrifying stench, it was gagging us, it was like pure rot where you could not breath. By then we were panicking, and I can still recall us coughing and covering our mouths as we were yelling for Lisa to try to start the car. It lasted no more than 10 seconds.

Then, all of a sudden, her car started, the headlights were turned on and the rotten odor was gone. She turned out of there fast and from that day on, we never cruised another cemetary. After talking about what happened, we figured we were being told to stay away and stop bothering the dead. We definitely stopped.

Chaos comment: Something didn’t want you there that night. Strange odors like this sometimes happen in a haunting.

The Whistling Specter

By: William Chappell

It all began many years ago when I was a young teen of 15 years. There is a cunning and malicious spirit that haunts me with the tune of a whistle and an apparition of a lanky, tall, toe-headed young man who usually appears in the daylight hours, always outside and often in public. This specter reveals himself usually when I’m alone. He appears and begins whistling an eerie tune that to this day I cannot identify or reference to any other melody. He walks along a road or a sidewalk and sometimes in a parking lot whistling his sarcastic tune and all the while glaring at me, grinning ear to ear, but in a mean sadistic way. I have witnessed this specter perhaps 15 times in my life, and while I tap out the keys to write this, chills tingle my spine. It has been more than five years since my last visit, and I relish in the thought that he has grown bored at haunting me. I continue to have reoccurring nightmares about the whistler that when he appears in my unconscious state he attempts to murder me in a cunning and manipulative way. He is sociopathic by nature and feeds off my fear of him. I sense when he is around before he appears. I don’t know why, for I don’t believe I am psychic. He attempted to come into the house one time when I was 17 and living with my parents. He whistled his tune out on the road in front of the house, but before I could reach a window to see the apparition, I felt his presence in the garage. The garage door was open and I began witnessing the door knob of the door leading into the dining room begin to turn very slowly and methodically. I was home alone and we lived out in the country. My only defense was a hunting gun that sat displayed above that very door. I did not want to go near it, but something inside me forced me to harness my fear and run to the door and lock it and grab my gun. The whistler is always clad in long black or brown trousers and a white t-shirt. He always wears patent leather shoes and appears to be in his early 20s. He is a true blonde with poker-straight hair that is fairly long. He appears somewhat poor. Who he is or what he is a question that will undoubtedly plague me for the rest of my days.

Theatre of Horror

I work at a theatre called the Lido in Manitoba Canada. where a number of weird things have happened.

The first strange thing I remember is when my friend Andy and I were working one day, and heard a big f**king noise behind the screen. Kind of like something fell, so we went to check it out. The back exit door was wide open ( and it is always locked ). There is another door right beside the exit that is always locked too, and it was opened. We just closed the doors and never thought anything of it. I’m not sure if it was ghost, or just a damned strong wind, but now that I think about it, it gave me a creepy feeling. Another time Andy and I were working and listening to music, all of a sudden the tape stopped in the middle of a song . Right at the moment the tape stopped, the phone rang. When Andy answered the phone no one was there …

Working alone once I kept on hearing these banging noises in the basement. They sounded a lot like things getting thrown around. Of course I was way to scared to see what was going on down there. When I checked later on that day nothing was out of place. Another time Andy and I were in the balcony having a smoke, when the back doors flew open again. We paused for a moment then slowly crept up to the doors. Out of the corner of ours eyes we saw this shadow like thing go by us, and we ran like hell. Another time I remember I had just gotten to work, and had to go to the projector room to turn on the lights. When i got up there the projector was spinning like crazy. No one had been there for hours.

Once Andy and I were working and we could see little windows in the projector room from where we were sweeping. I looked up at these windows and saw a faint bluish light coming from the far left one. Andy saw the light too. We both went up to check it out. There was nothing there and the light was gone. The owner and manager both believe that there are ghosts here. They have claimed to have had strange occurrences ( things falling off of the desk, weird noises, the strange feeling that someone is in the room). These are all true stories, I’m not sure if it was a ghost, goblin, or ghoul, or if maybe it’s just a bunch of coincidences. Anyway, sleep with the lights on tonight, later man, -suicide.

There are Things Happening in my Home

There are lists of the that has happened even before my father passed like one night I was sleeping and it sounded like someone kept saying water water I need water and I had 6 gallons of baby water beside my sons cradle beside my bed and I got up because I thought it was my 2 year old wanting a drink and all 6 gallons were put in the middle of the floor and I tripped over them that was the first thing that had happened and another day about 2 weeks after my father pasted I was in the shower and the water got extremely hot and I said ok that’s enough of that and we have cosmetic light on the wall and 2 of them started to flicker like crazy and burned ok like it was laughing that would be something my dad would giggle about our computer goes on all the time for no reason our fridge opens in the middle of the night and the room i sleep in always gets a different temperature change it’s hard to explain that one. one night we have a sliding door on our room because my father-in-law was handicap and I thought it was my son coming in the door but when I checked he was sound asleep along with everyone else I’m not scared of It I think it’s pretty interesting that something or someone is trying to get my attention I think this is what got me into wanting to ghost hunt now because I really think someone wants to get a message to me and I’m trying to figure it out
sometimes I do get upset because things get moved from one spot to another and it’s usually put in front of me or close to me I can’t see it being moved but I’ll sent something down and walk away an it’s moved to another place 5 minutes later.

Time to Change

My name is Jane Doe. I live in Idaville, IN I just wanted you to know in case you ever wanted to actually talk with me or come over. I sure wish I had found out a while back that you came to houses to see about ghosts. I looked on the internet for a long time trying to figure out what was happening in my house and why. It took me several months to figure out why and what was haunting me.

I have always been interested in “ghosts”. I would think it would be neat to go on a hunt with you sometime. I don’t know if I could do it though. I have read several of your true stories on your site. They are so neat to read. I just found out about your site only by watching channel 18 the other day, “HOOSIER HAUNTINGS” SPECIAL. I loved it! I wanted to see more!

Anyway, I haven’t even shared my story with my husband, he wouldn’t believe me. I did share it with my stepmom and aunt. They would believe me but as for anyone else, I don’t think I had better share it with them. It is a little embarrassing anyway. I just wanted to share my story with you. I know how much I enjoy reading or hearing about ghost stories and I know you do to because of what you do, so I will share my story with you now.

First of all, I am a Christian and I believe in God, the bible, the whole works! It started out, I was sinning. I can’t tell you what I was doing but according to God it was wrong. It had to do with money and taking things
back to stores that I shouldn’t have….and no I did not steal things. Anyway, while I was doing things that I knew I shouldn’t, I just did it more and more as time went on and on. Now, remember I am a Christian and try to do what’s right in the site of God. But even Christian’s sin sometimes and then need to confess….anyway….

At the beginning when I was started doing “this” what I have mentioned earlier, I noticed that my husband and I’s bed would shake just in the night. It was like something was just standing at the side of our bed hitting it just once and then shortly after it would do it again and I could feel the bed move. I would wake my husband up and say to him, “did you feel the bed move?” Well, he was ALWAYS half asleep and said he never felt anything. Remember he doesn’t believe in ghosts anyway and he is such a sound sleeper also!!!!

As time went on for several months, it did this every night almost immediately after my head hit the pillow. (There was never any weird happenings during the day!) Also after time, the “thing” started hitting the bed more and hitting the bed a little harder. It just grew and grew, got stronger and stronger over time, just like I told you before that I had just started sinning a little more and more it got to be. (I was not meaning to hurt people or do something wrong, although I knew what I was doing was wrong but I kept going.)

Then, one night later, the “thing” hit the footboard of the bedframe REALLY hard!!!!!!!!!! Of course my husband was in his sleep. Then another night later but not too later, the “thing ? jumped off of my bed or it just sounded like something jumped up really high and landed on the floor beside my bed with a HUGE, LOUD THUD! (I am awake when all of this is taking place.) All these nights I am afraid to go to bed and I couldn’t talk to my husband about it. All this time I am trying to figure out what the “thing” is and why it is here.

All that time too, I didn’t think about that it could be because I was sinning and maybe Satan or one of his evil spirits had come into my Christian home. I think he thought he “had me” instead of God. I also had then a child under 1 year of age. She cried a lot in the night so I had to get up with her and take her down on the couch to sleep with her for the rest of the night. Well, the couch shook too. I knew it was all me, it was after me and I had to figure out why and still what “it” was.

One of those many nights, month after month it got so strong over me that when I was laying on the couch with my daughter in the middle of the night, I heard “it” growl JUST LIKE A LION at me just one time. It was by my head at the end of the couch while I was sleeping. I did not see it, I looked cautiously and scared to death! That night, I realized, “oh, my God, I had remembered a verse in the bible saying somewhere, when Satan thinks he has got you trapped and you are his, he goes around and roars like a lion, a beast.” And that is exactly what I heard.

From that day on, I started getting into the Word, the Bible and praying and seeking and asking God for help to make that thing go away because I knew it was something bad!!!! I was sooooo desperate to make it go away. FINALLY, I realized what I was doing was causing this to come and haunt me down and attack me. Satan THOUGHT he had me into his kingdom. I had brought this all on myself!! And ONLY I could get rid of it BY FIRST stopping what I was doing, asking God to truely forgive me and mean it!! And get back onto serving God totally, and if I sinned again to repent right away and do it no more.

IT TOOK ME QUITE A WHILE THOUGH afterwards to get rid of the thing, which I believe was either Satan himself of one of his demons working for him. I can’t tell you how real they really are. I believed in all of this kind of stuff before, but now, it is just too real to me and it was scary. I think God allowed it to happen to me to show me and to make me come back to Him totally. Because I don’t know if I would have stopped doing what I was doing unless this hadn’t happened to me!!!!!!!

It took about a LONG month to make it go away because it had gotten so strong over me over the months.
Satan was telling me, “just do it a little more and a little more, etc…” and I had listened to him, unfortunately!!!!!!! And very ashamed to admit it. I got rid of it by saying over and over outloud, “I command you Satan in the name of the Lord to pick up your weapons and flea, for the Lord has given me the authority to walk all over you!” Then I started reading the bible outloud. Quoating scripture also that would make that spirit of fear leave me because I was still very afraid of what I couldn’t see. I was thinking, what does this thing look like, etc…. I was just scared and felt alone and knew I was the only one that could make this bad spirit go away because I had brought it all on myself.

I had to do this night after night but finally one night it all just stopped! I kept waiting for it to come back, but when I asked God to forgive me and NEVER did what I did again, it never came back thank God!!!!!
Oh, what a relief.

I think it took so long for me to get rid of the thing because for one it had gotten strong anyway and for another, it knew I was scared of it!!!!!!!!! I had to make myself not be afraid of it. I wasn’t during the day, just at night. I am still afraid of the dark, always have been and I am 25 years old. I have seen too many horror movies, which I do not watch anymore…only when I was real young. But I wasn’t afraid of the thing anymore and now it is gone! It all started around 1 1/2 years ago. I forgot to tell you one thing…. also one night, closer to the end of all of this, the thing actually touched my big toe that was under a blanket! That night was real close to the time when I heard it roar at me. That night I was in my bed, not on the couch. It was the middle of the night.

I have always too had to feel like I had to be covered up to be “safe” at night and keep my feet pulled up to me and that night I didn’t. I had them all stretched out. I think Satan used that to scare me because he knew how I felt about that too. I still want to sleep with my feet pulled up against me and even if I am hot, I have to have covers over me from my feet to the top of my neck. I have just seen too many scary movies is my theory why I feel that way. And I am still scared to go outside by myself at night. I am just scared someone could be out there to get me, hiding.

That is MY story.

My grandma, who is still living told me a ghost story that happened to her and my grandpa that I will share with you. It’s not long. They just told me one time that a car was heading straight for them on the highway one night and it just went right through them, no harm done or anything. I thought that was interesting.

I thought of one more thing that you might like to hear. It’s not much. My stepmom lived at a trailer court at one time and she was coming home one night and started to go up the stairs to go inside and she heard a faint voice say, “deeeeeeeebbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee (debbie). And she ran inside!

Thanks for your time and I hope you enjoyed my story. It still shakes me up when I talk about it. I try not to “go there”.

Name and address withheld at authors request.

Uncle’s Wife

My mother; a non-beliver in ghosts told me this story. My uncles wife had passed away two years ago. He is now dating someone else. He’s an older man and is lonley in his old age. One day he had his girlfriend over for the night. She was walking past his bedroom when she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She looked; nothing there. It happened again walking past the bedroom. It appeared to be a figure. Nothing when she looked directley. Still the same day, she goes to take a shower, and can get no hot water. My uncle goes to the bathroom and tries it, the hot water works perfectly. He said he never had a problem with it.

Another time she is over again, She goes to take a shower and no hot water again. My uncle tries it; and it works. Then when she gets out of the shower that day, she looked at the fogged over mirror; and right in the middle of it there was a huge letter R. My uncles deceased wife’s name was Rosie.

Phonix Arizona

Jackie.- IGT

Woodsmoke Ranch

Sent By:
The Ditch Devil
Woodsmoke Ranch

Author’s Preface:

The caretakers and campers of Woodsmoke Ranch believe different things about The Ditch Devil. As they sit around the dying coals and embers of a campfire with their backs to the dark, forested ravines, their instincts tell them what to believe. It depends on whether or not they see a tall shadow peering around a tree. It depends on whether or not the night suddenly becomes too quiet, and too still. It depends on whether or not a prickly, petrifying chill running up their spine prevents them from turning around to see if it is floating right towards them.

Research has provided the following incidents. They come from different sources. They span nearly 200 years. They bear witness to consistent behaviors and settings. The summary found at the end of these accounts provides possible interpretations.


The oral traditions of The Potawatami Native Americans speak of a spiritual experience in their “old lands.” It is the original source of The Ditch Devil legend. One of the last true Potawatami settlements was in north central Illinois before they were removed to the reservations out in Kansas. In the winter of 1811, a band of Potawatami were camped on the bluffs overlooking the Illinois River. And it was at that time that the great New Madrid earthquake struck in far southern Illinois, shaking the heartland to such an extent that it reached northern Illinois with fury. The Potawatomi were taken by surprise, as they never experienced an earthquake before. They gave thanks to The Great Spirit for keeping them from being shaken right off the bluffs.

However, they once again had to appeal to their God some days later, because Mother Earth was still not happy. Ever since the earthquake hit, there had been strange weather about half a day’s ride away to the north, right over what is currently Woodsmoke Ranch. It was a permanent cloud formation which boiled, produced small tornados, had crackles of lightning, and loomed above foggy ground. The elders of the tribe decided that it was a spiritual sign and that, as tribal custom commanded, the young braves were given the opportunity to experience the event so they could prove their maturity and wisdom. Their mission was to inspect the area under the strange weather clouds.

Six braves set out on their ponies with supplies for a couple of days. It was a mild winter that year and the ride across the dry, brown prairie was easy. There was a full moon that week. When they arrived, they found that the area under the strange cloud weather was partly forest and partly scrub brush. As they made their way in, they found that there were many ravines, gullies, and ditches. And all along the bottom of these depressions were open fissures and cracks that had opened deep down into the earth. The braves inspected all along these ravines, noticing that there was heat rising from the pitch-black abyss into the earth. Even more frightening to them was the occasional lightning strike which would go straight into those open fissures and cracks. The braves were excited with their discovery, thinking that they were chosen to witness the powers of The Great Spirit. They decided to spend the night with a sacrificial bonfire to the heavens.

And so as the set, the moon rose. They conducted their spiritual campfire and then prepared to sleep. One of the braves went near the edge of the ravines to call for his dog, but instead gave out a war-cry call to his comrades. They came running to his aid. When they arrived, he simply pointed downward. There, all along the bottom of the ravines. were tall, thin, shadowy figures rising out of the chasms and drifting in a lifeless state. They seemed to congregate in the direction of the passing moon. The shadow creatures did not seem to sense anything around them. The braves watched this in silence for a very long time. Then their leader gave the signal to retreat and assemble back at the campfire.

Once they were back, they were in a state of ecstasy, finding themselves blessed once again to witness a spiritual event. They decided to leave right then and there during the night, as they wished to share their experiences with their families. The moonlight was bright and the winter air was dry. They had a happy, boastful ride back to their settlement on the bluffs.

The camp dogs greeted them as they let out their warrior prayers in the peaceful night. The elders arose quickly and came out with mystified looks on their faces. They knew that they sent the young boys into the unknown. The braves quickly dismounted and boasted of their spiritual experience, and claiming special blessings to their family names. However when the elders heard the whole story, they frantically consulted the tribe healer and priest, who then perform a ceremony over the now confused braves.

The elders knew the boys had a spiritual event, but with the dark spirits. They then realized that the earthquake had opened a passage to hell, and that the boys actually witnessed devils roaming the earth. When this was explained to the young braves, some vomited, others became withdrawn, and one even threw himself over the bluffs to his death saying that he may be possessed. The ones that lived worried that the dark shadows of the abyss may have followed them back to the tribe.

There seemed to be a soulful wrenching in the tribe that early morning. The women wailed and the children cried. Later in the day, the tribe packed up the camp as fast as they could and moved west along the river to a larger tribal settlement near what is now Ottawa. The Potawatomi, the “people of fire”, took with them a legend that is passed down by their priests from generation to generation as they teach their braves to interpret the good and evil of the world.


Remnants of old personnel records from the I&M canal project reveal the second documented account of the entity. The I&M canal was built by a hardy group of immigrants in the first half of the 19th century. As they made progress out of Chicago and past Joliet, the countryside really opened up. One spring day, the foreman of the Irish crew decided they needed a break. He led his boys off to go hunting in the surrounding prairie. They took the chuck wagon, some dogs, a few horses, and many jugs of whiskey. It was to be a good time to be had by all.

The prairie was bountiful that day. They took all the deer, pheasant, and rabbits they could carry, so they decided to camp in the brushy, forest hollow in what is now Woodsmoke Ranch. They pitched their tents, dressed out the game, and had a great feast. As the fires began to fade, the foreman decided that they would have to take turns standing guard and tending the fire of their game that was being smoked. He didn’t want the dogs or any wild animals to steal it during the night.

That evening the moon was about half full, but very bright. There was some occasional passing cloud cover which made it quite warm for the season. About halfway through the night, the crew foreman took his turn to guard the meats. After awhile he went to the chuck wagon to get a biscuit for a snack. When he turned back towards the makeshift smoke hut he saw the hunting dogs whimpering and dragging themselves on their bellies away from the nearby ravine and toward the tents. Confused and tired he called to the dogs, but with no response. As they dragged past his feet, he squinted at the opposite side of the glowing fire coals expecting to see a marauding coyote or wolverine. But what floated out of the darkness was the size of a tree trunk.

He froze in fear, as if in a nightmare. The inky, two-dimensional figure was about 10 feet tall, and a foot and a half wide, with a slight form of a head and torso, and a tapered tail. It floated just above the ground, headed not for the fresh meat, but to the glowing embers of the dying fire. It hovered above the coals just momentarily, darting its tail in between the chunks of wood coals. As if confused, it floated around the fire, and tried once more to find its way to some opening in the embers. In a matter of seconds it quickly floated back out of the firelight glow. The figure was so black, it could be seen through the night, disappearing from tail to head as it descended over the ridge of the nearby ravine.

As soon as it was gone, the dogs started howling and woke the entire hunting crew. Lanterns were lit, guns were produced, and questions flew. They wanted to know if there were Indians or animals after their meat. Even in the yellow glow of their lamplights, they could see that their stiff and silent foreman was as pale as a ghost. They checked the meat to find everything in order. Once they got their boss seated and primed with whiskey, they got the story. They all tried to laugh it off in
front of each other, but just under the surface, they all sensed something evil about them. In their homeland there were many legends of things in the forest, and this could be just as real in this new land of theirs.

When they got back to the canal project, the foreman told his story as a precaution to others. When they heard of his encounter, they sensed his real terror through the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice. Once it got around, though, the supervisors feared they would lose entire crews of the suspicious immigrants, so they wrote up his story as instigating labor troubles, and fired him. The canal moved on without him. He returned to the young settlement of Chicago with a deep secret in his troubled soul.


By the year 1880, the pioneer farms were well established in La Salle County. Farmers in the Woodsmoke area used the forested ravines as their woodlot. They heard of the supposed haunting of a “gully ghost” in there and just in case, tried not to ventured too far in near the ditches. Over the years, they had slowly harvested the trees until the wood line was close to the ravines. That winter was a damp, chilly one. Farmer Stanton and his teenage son planned to go into the ravines with their draft horses to pull out some prized oak trees they had chopped down that autumn for a new barn. This greatly upset Mrs. Stanton, and the neighbors were all suspiciously unavailable to help with this initial phase of a barn raising.

The day was not very productive. Chains broke, the snow started to melt, and Farmer Stanton started to get sick. Because of these delays, they had to work right up to dusk. They started off for home as the sun was setting, but in their haste and exhaustion, the father forgot his rifle down in the ravine by their fire pit among the tree stumps. In his feverish condition, he told the boy that he would have to take the lantern and go fetch it by himself.

When the boy reached the ridge of the ravine, he could just make out the pulsing glow of the ashes of the fire they made for warmth and cooking that day. Just as he was tying off a rope to help him climb back up the steep, snowy ravine, he saw something moving far down the gully in the thickly wooded forest. It almost seemed like a tree was moving. He turned down his lantern so he had better night vision, as the moon was bright enough. And then it appeared, skimming the snowy surface in a steady, slow pace; a thin, black figure that was at least 10 feet tall. It made its way to the orange ashes of the fire pit in a manner quite lifeless and indifferent to the world around it.

The teenager had seen many types of wildlife on his farm, but this was nothing of nature. His jaw dropped and his eyeballs turned in their sockets to follow the movement of the entity as it floated over the ashes and then stirred them up with its pointy tail, exposing the pulsing orange coals underneath. It did this for only a minute until it was satisfied that nothing was there as it had thought. It hovered back the same way it came until it was out of sight. The deep black contrast of the ghostly apparition against the snow made it seem like he saw it in plain daylight. At that point a barn owl shrieked, shaking the petrified boy back to his senses.

He stumbled back to his father without the rifle. His zombie expression frighten the seasoned pioneer father. There was nothing to be said….he couldn’t bring himself to explain his behavior. His dad managed to get him home that night, but for many months, the boy was as helpless as a baby around the farm. He still wouldn’t or couldn’t explain that night, and started to have occasional spasms, nightmares, and babbling when he did try to explain that night in the ravines. The father could
obviously see that something horrible had happened to his only son, and he became very distraught.

Mrs. Stanton could no longer stand the crippling effect of the incident on her whole family and discussed the matter with her church minister. He immediately called for the district bishop to come and investigate the situation and possibly perform an exorcism. When the bishop arrived, he asked to be taken to the ravines where it all began. They walked together along the bottom of the ravine, until they came across a small fissure in the soil that was pitch black.

Almost instantly, the minister and bishop stepped back in simultaneous prayer. These strong men of god were obviously taken aback by the discovery. They pulled the father away from the open crack where he had bent down and had his face right down near it trying to look in. They nodded for him to join in the Lord’s prayer as they lead him away. When they got to the top of the ravine, they told him that evil lurked in that opening; something not of the living and not of the dead. They said that this most assuredly had something to do with the boy’s condition. They all agreed that whatever the encounter was, it certainly needed a spiritual intervention.

When they got back to the farmhouse, they performed their ritual of exorcism upon him. For whatever the reasons, it worked. He finally came out of his state, broke down, and recalled what he had seen. The family was forbidden to go near the area again, and directed to conduct special ceremonies and prayers in the future. The “exorcism” was secretly entered into the files of the parish records, where this account was found.


The archives of the La Salle County Sheriff’s Department contain yet another reference to the specter in the Woodsmoke ravines. Seneca, or Crotty Town as it was called in those days, had its share of adventures during Prohibition. One such story involved a peculiar man who lived in a shanty by the grain elevators, in the area of the railroads and canal. He was known to all as “The Crazy Man of Crotty Town”. He was the one who did odd jobs around the town; the man who “wasn’t quite right.”

One day, fortune seemed to smile on Crazy Crotty when he met up with a hobo who was riding the rails. This hobo knew a sucker when he saw one, and offered Crazy Crotty an opportunity to make big money and fast. The plan was to become moon shiners. The hobo knew the trade, but needed help to set up and operate the still. He asked Crazy Crotty if there was a place out in the country where people wouldn’t go poking around. Realizing the risk, but not wanting to miss the opportunity, Crazy Crotty told him about the ravines in the Woodsmoke area. However, he did not tell him about the legend of The Ditch Devil.

They established a plan and divided the duties. Crazy Crotty cleverly volunteered to do “the risky work”; steal corn and wheat from the grain elevators, bring it out to the still, and return the booze into town to sell it. The hobo would stay out at the still and run the operation. When they first went out there together, they found the deepest, steepest ravine that was covered by trees, weeds, and brush cover. Then they got started by building a home for the hobo. It was just a shack with an outhouse to the side of it. Next they constructed the stills out of junk scrap metal parts. And when they got the first batch of hooch in production, Crazy Crotty went back into town.

Over the following months, they produced several profitable batches of moonshine. However, as time went on, the hobo began to share his concerns with Crazy Crotty. He said that he saw shadows in the ravine that he couldn’t explain, and thought that the sheriff or special agents were spying on the operation. Crazy Crotty broke into a nervous sweat, but couldn’t reveal what he knew to be the apparition of The Ditch Devil. It would mean revenge on him it the hobo found out that Crazy knowingly put him in harm’s way. Besides, if anything happened to the hobo, the profits would all be his. Crazy Crotty showed his concern by getting hold of a Tommy gun for the hobo to protect their still.

With that new sense of confidence, the hobo continued the solitary operation. Some days later, the hobo decided to stay up all night with his machine gun and try to rub out any spies near his still. He got out his chair, some snacks, and a few of his big cigars. The moon was nearly full, so he didn’t need any light. After just a few hours of no activity whatsoever, the hobo decided to call it quits for this watch. But he decided to have one more of his big stogy cigars before he went into his shack for a night’s sleep. He lit it and was puffing away in peace, soothed by the large, orange glow at the tip. At this time, cloud cover was passing above and blocked out both the starlight and moonlight. He continue to puff on his cigar, making it appear as a pulsing beacon in the pitch of the night. Just then the hobo noticed that creatures of the night were silent. He sensed trouble of some kind, but felt cocky and confident with his machine gun in his lap.

And then there, silently and purposefully coming at him from behind a nearby tree, was a huge, jet-black figure floating above the ground. The towering, lean entity was lifeless and cold. It had a pointed tail at the bottom and some resemblance of a belly and a head. The hobo hesitated as the shock took the air out of him, but then started spraying machine gun fire right into the entity. It had no effect. It kept coming at him, so the hobo started stumbling backward, his cigar falling out of his
mouth to the ground.

He kept moving until he was backed up against his shack. He gasped for breath to scream, but could do nothing but accept his fate at the hands of this ghostly presence. To his relief, the entity stopped about nine feet short of him, right where he dropped his glowing cigar on the ground. The faceless apparition lowered itself until the very point of its tail could reach the glowing tip of the cigar After a second or two of what appeared to be poking and probing at the orange ash, it glided backward the same way it came; a lifeless, two-dimensional form in slow motion. The hobo collapsed in terror.

The next morning, Crazy Crotty was at the general store and overheard one of the local farmers saying that he came for the sheriff to investigate gun fire during the night in the ravines. Crazy Crotty tried to get the jump on the sheriff and stole a pickup truck to make his way out there first. He got out there to find the hobo in a hysterical state. When he finally got him calmed down, the hobo started to rattle off his story. Crazy Crotty tried to tell him that they had to escape, but he would calm down to realize that they were about to be caught. In all the commotion, neither one paid attention to their surroundings as the sheriff arrived shortly coming up the back way. The sheriff, his deputy, and the farmer hid in the brush and heard the whole story.

They were arrested for moon shining, but everyone agreed that the story of the gully ghost would not be discussed, as it would taint their reputations and scare the locals. If it got out, they would say that the hobo was drinking the profits and was seeing things. Only the arrest record would contain the sheriff’s full, official report
of the Ditch Devil encounter.


In the basement vault of the old Rockford armory is a classified file that is both intriguing and embarrassing for the military. The year 1960 saw the escalation of the Cold War. The military was in full ranks and constantly training for a third world war. Even the Reserves were on special status. It was in this time of high alert that there was another encounter with The Ditch Devil.

The nearby town of Marseilles had a large training area for the Illinois Army National Guard. Units from as far away as Winnebago and Cook counties came in for their infantry training. In this case, “B” Company from Rockford was in one autumn weekend for maneuvers and was bivouacked on the far eastern edge of the land. They were there to conduct night time search and destroy operations.

The training involved sending one “enemy” platoon out early on Saturday morning to set up a camp, and then send another platoon out to find and engaged them that night. The enemy platoon was lead by a 20-year-old ROTC cadet from Northern Illinois University. He was green, and to compound things, cocky. He promptly lead them far off course, stating that the other platoon would never get the jump on them, even though that was part of the plan. This error in judgment took the enemy platoon far out of the training area along a creek bed that lead them miles across the countryside, and straight into the Woodsmoke Ravines. The young lieutenant was impressed with the cover and concealment of the gullies, and ordered his men to dig in for the night just as the sun was setting. As they were setting up their tents, one of the young privates told his sergeant that he had a cousin in the nearby town who told him once that there was some kind of ghost legend in the township north of the bluffs. For divulging such immature information, the sergeant awarded him with double guard duty that night, and ordered him to keep such nonsense to himself. All of the guards were then instructed to set off the ground flares in the other platoon came sneaking up on them during the night.

The rest of the platoon had the last of their smokes, put out their bonfires, and went to sleep thinking that with the bright moon that night, nobody could come sneaking up on them. On the third watch, at about 2:30 a.m., the guard on the northern border went over to a small fire he had hidden behind some large rocks. The flames had died down, so he went over and began to stoke the fire so that the popping embers flew up into the air and the coals glowed to life again. Satisfied with his efforts, he walked back to his post near the flare triggers. Suddenly, his visual scan caught movement up the ravine. Straining his eyes, he thought he could make out a very tall figure, almost as tall as the trees around it. The guard was excited that he was the first to spot the “enemy” and would be able to light them up for easy shooting. He lost sight of the shadow for a minute as it went through the brush, but it was straight on course to his small fire.

His plan was to set off the flares as soon as they came out of the bushes. At first sight of the shadowy enemy, he triggered the pulsing, white flare in front of a tree at their defensive perimeter. To his horror, it was no weekend warrior buddy, but a floating, solid black, imposing creature of great height and slender build. The apparently figureless ghost kept on course for the fire pit coals, and in doing so, passed straight through the white-hot flare. Confused and frightened at the same time, the guard started to yell for his fellow soldiers to wake up. In these few seconds of terror, the entity drifted among the rocks right on top of the small patch of embers and dragged its snake like tail in a stirring motion sending up more sparks. And then, as if disinterested, it floated back into the brush and up the ravine, fading here and there among the tree trunks.

As soon as the others awoke they started shooting their blank rounds and setting off sky flares. It was one of the sky flares that illuminated the entity for all to see as it cleared the drop-off into an even deeper ravine. The gung-ho young lieutenant mistakenly went charging after it, only to let out a blood- curdling shrill as soon as he disappeared into the other ravine. When he returned in a babbling state, there was a eerie, awkward silence in the camp. No one spoke of the sighting, except the quivering ROTC cadet, who swore that he saw a ghost. Back in Rockford, the naive lieutenant filled out an incident report against the captain’s orders, and then filed it in the vault himself in an unmarked folder. Not one of the men ever backed his story, though in their souls, they knew they had encountered an enemy that couldn’t be beaten with weapons.


As posted on, this is the most recent encounter with The Ditch Devil that has been documented. The record shows that the weather that Labor Day weekend at Woodsmoke was beautiful. As was customary, there were many back to school celebrations. In this case, a group of five freshman had been celebrating their start of high school. The three boys and two girls were together all that Saturday. They took one last swim in the pool, had a game of softball, grilled cheeseburgers, and then hung out at the pavilion. The big plan that night was to have a dance party at one of the park model trailers. They got a ride into Ottawa and bought all kinds of supplies. They got music CDs, snacks, party favors, glow sticks, all kinds of soda.

They all went back to their families in the late afternoon for supper and then returned to the party trailer at about 8:30. The party went on with the eating, dancing, singing, card games, and all the rest. They had to close down the party at 11:00 pm because of the strict ranch association rules. But those kids still had much more party in them, so one of the boys suggested that they go for a walk and hang around somewhere. Just as they were about to leave, the boy who was hosting the party had an idea. He suggested that they take all of their glow-in-the-dark necklaces, head crowns, bracelets, and sticks with them so they could see each other in the dark. So off they went down the small, quiet streets like beacons in the night. The breeze picked up, the clouds moved over the moon, and the leaves rustled here and there as if the wind itself was taking a stroll through the ranch.

It was about 12:30 am when the girls said that they were tired and wanted to go back. The problem was that they were far away from the party trailer, nearly at the northwestern edge of the campground. When they realized it would be a long walk back, they agreed to sit down for a while. The boy who was hosting the party said that there was an abandoned park model nearby. The story goes that the very first owners “didn’t have a good feeling about the place”, never came back, and were unable to sell out either. Through the stifling darkness, the exhausted teens started up the street. The trailer was located at the top of a small hill, at the end of a court, with empty lots on both sides it. The location was heavily wooded. It seemed strange that these lots weren’t all bought up and used by people. It had all the charm of what Woodsmoke is supposed to be. In addition to the remote location from the pools and pavilions, the lots were all backed up to a very steep ravine, requiring expensive staging to set up and build around the larger park models. Beyond this ravine were acres and acres of scrub trees and bushes on private

The boy who knew of this place said that kids hung around here all the time because the people never showed up and it is far away from the rest of the campers. He led them down the gravel driveway, glow sticks above their heads, until they got onto the deck and walked around to the back patio. Just as they turned the corner, the Woodsmoke Security pickup truck pulled into the court. The Ranch Association knew that on a busy weekend, there would be some loitering at “the old Foslar place.” Quickly, they hid their glow sticks and silently pressed up against the back of the trailer. A spotlight slowly passed across the front yard and then shut off. In the blackness, the tail lights of the security truck could be seen as it wheeled back down the court. The girls burst out giggling, having been thrilled by the close call.

There was no backyard; the large, wrap-around deck actually had to be built right out into the ravine. A large picnic table was near the edge by the railing. The kids all sat down with a sigh of relief. Just then, the sky cleared to exposed the nearly full moon and for a second the moonlight and passing cloud made a surreal dance of
shadows with the trees and brush directly below them in the ravine. The wide gaps in the floor decking made it possible to see the steep drop off. The forest was alive with the sounds of nature; owls hooting, crickets chirping, raccoons scampering. There were few mosquitoes at this time of year, so the setting was perfect.

As they sat around chatting and resting, one of the boys said he had an idea: put all of the glow sticks in the middle of the picnic table and make a fake campfire. And this they did. The glow necklaces went down first, then they propped the glow sticks against each other like kindling. It had a real effect, and they were pleased with their creation. The fading green and red chemical lights gave the effect of coals and embers in an ebbing fire. They went on talking and laughing around their glow-fire. But just as someone was about to suggest that they head on back, one of the girls who was from the city told everyone how beautiful it was out in the country- not a sound to be heard. And in fact, all of nature around them was silent. The clouds had long since covered the moon. The breeze had stopped. The stifling night closed in on them with their backs to the unknown and unseen. They were barely able to see the features of each others faces at the table. One of the boys who lived on a farm, told everyone that this silence was rare, only happening when there was a predator on the hunt nearby, like a coyote or wolverine.

At this, a boy and girl who had been holding hands and snuggling both felt Goosebumps break out on each other, followed by a cold sweat. You could almost sense the spine-tingling reaction in the small group. The party host, voice cracking and trying bravely to move slow, got up and said that everyone should follow him back out down the driveway. The others agreed and got up, not even bothering to retrieve their faint glow sticks on the picnic table. Just as they stood up, one of the girls who was sitting at the end of the picnic table grabbed the boy’s arm next to her and started to dig in her nails. When he turned to see what she was doing he saw her head turned sideways toward the ground. There, through the cracks of the floor, they saw something slowly shifting back and forth under the deck; something so inky, pitch black, that it could be seen in the normal darkness of the night. The boy started to mumble as he forcefully grabbed the girl’s arm and in a weak, slow motion began to pull away. In doing this, he stepped right on the foot of his already anxious friend, who let out a frightened yelp.

When this happened, everyone in the group turned to see what the commotion was about. What they saw froze them in their tracks. There on the floor about six feet away from the end of the picnic table, the flat-black form began to rise through a crack in the decking. It had something like a head, and was about two feet wide. When it was about halfway up on the deck, and already six feet high, the group bolted to the end of the trailer. In the rush, the boy and girl couple stumbled in the dark and fell. As they gained their bearings and were about to get to their feet, the saw the 10-foot tall, black entity hover up higher, and then begin to float towards them, directly over the picnic table. They both froze and screamed, expecting to be some kind of victim of the creature. However, it stopped right above the “glow-fire” they left behind. Just inches over the glow-fire, its pointy tail dipped down and started to poke down in between the glow sticks. It touched the lean-to creation and they all toppled down. The tail then flicked at the sticks, sending them off the picnic table as the faceless entity floated over the deck railing, and then
slowly sunk straight down into the ravine.

As soon as it was out of sight, the couple spun around back towards the driveway to see the silhouettes of the others hiding around the corner of the trailer. They all ran screaming and hollering at the top of their lungs all the way down the court and onto a main road. An elderly couple was up late watching TV, heard the screams, and called Woodsmoke security, who eventually found the teens running down the street towards the well-lit ranch office, sobbing and exhausted. The teens told them exactly what the had seen, and said that they should warn everyone to stay away from the old Foslar place. The management, security, and realty broker humored them and sent them on their way, and then quickly convened to a secret meeting. The next day, several campers who had also heard the commotion the night before came to office to find out what had happened. They were told, “It was all just some typical teens having one last fling before settling in for the school year….you know how it is with kids..…go on back now and enjoy the peaceful, carefree surroundings of Woodsmoke Ranch.…..”

Author’s Summation:

The New Madrid Earthquake of 1811 shook the earth so violently that it opened a chasm along the bottom of the Woodsmoke ravines. This narrow fissures went clear down towards the center of the earth. It opened into a cavernous chamber where a colony of primitive, plasma entities had been existing for millions of years near the molten core of the planet. The deep chasm caused an imbalance of the magnetic and chemical environment on the earth’s surface. The resulting energy conflict immediately created a sustained, localized weather phenomenon of boiling clouds, fog, small tornados, and lightning.

Days later when the moon was bright, the physics of the universe were such that it lured the plasma entities to the earth’s surface. Once on top, they would hover in a congregation just above the ground and slowly turn to follow the path of the moon, as if by magnetic force. Once the moonlight became weak, they would slip back down into the chasms and return to their colony. On those rare occasions, when the moon shown in daylight, they would rise to the surface, but not leave the fissures.

When the second New Madrid Earthquake hit a month or so later in 1812, it closed the very chasms it opened. The weather phenomenon ceased and all seemed back to normal in that region. But the timing was such that one of the entities was trapped on the earth’s surface. The lone Ditch Devil found its way into one remaining crack that didn’t seal up all the way to the surface. The remnants of this chasm was about three feet long, 1 foot wide, and went down about 80 feet to the limestone bed. To this day, the fissure exists hidden under thick, thorny scrub brush.

When the moon is more than half full, the plasma entity is once again lured by that strange lunar instinct. Once the ditch devil is on the surface, it is attracted to anything that resembles its home, the molten cradle of inner earth. Hence, the sightings by campfire coals and embers, where it unsuccessfully tries to find its way back to its natural habitat.

The plasma entity goes by many names, such as “gully ghost”, “plasma phantom”, and “chasm shadow”, but “ditch devil” stuck because the lifeless, black specter scares people and they usually say that it was seen floating in a ditch.

They say that if you see it coming or lurking behind trees, just put out all light sources, or get away from them. No one has reported being threatened or harmed by it. Witnesses agree that the size, silence, and lifelessness of the entity is what petrified them, and not a sense of aggression or harm.

Scientists theorize that it is some type of primordial life form that began in a state of plasma. Somehow it could not evolve as all other life forms do and became stuck in the embryonic phase as it exists today. On the other hand, religious leaders have full faith that it is an evil presence, sent by the Lord to test “the lukewarm.” Finally, and most importantly, those Woodsmoke campers who have experienced that prickly, petrifying chill running up their spine while sitting by a fading bonfire say that your instinct will tell you when it is close..….

Chaos Comment – WOW ! Watch those evening bonfires people !

XX Cemetery

Two weekends ago me and 3 friends went out to XX cemetary after dark to see if we could get anything on film with a digital recorder we brought and in the oldest section of the cemetary which is the lions club plot’s. It’s started out when i went out to put some flowers on my grandmothers plot and looked over and seen a confederate soldier croutching down in a tree. which is really weird for that to be in XX.

Since we had the recorder i thought of him and thought maybe we could see him again. Well instead i walked out into the section into the middle stopped and started recording and i got foot steps circling me and i pointed it at my friends who were by the car cause they were to scared to come with me and the leaves around me started to crumple as if some one walking on them so i started walking towards the car. And it followed me it stopped at the edge of the section and as we were leaving i looked out the back window and 3 out of 4 of us seen a siloette of a man walking away (we caught this on tape but had to turn it in for a report for school so no longer have tape. we also got the sound of the foot steps while i was standing in the middle and pointing the camera towards my friends)


Haunted House in Lafayette, IN

I was attending Purdue University as a graduate student and in my second year I rented a house (it was divided into two apartments — I rented one of them) on Main St. in Lafayette, Indiana. (I can’t remember the exact address, but the house was located just across from the fire station.)

When my roommate and I first moved in I had trouble going to sleep at night because the house just felt so creepy at night. It was an old Victorian-style house and I just told myself that the creepiness and the creaks and groans that I thought I heard at night were just the sound of an old house. It took me a couple of months to shake the feeling that someone was watching me from the door of my bedroom every night.

Several months later, my roommate who was also a grad student, got some news from her mother who lived in Arizona that she had spoken with a friend of hers who supposedly was “in touch” with “spirits on the other side.” These spirits told my friend’s mother that my friend (and I) were surrounded by “dark energy” in the house that we were living in. This friend of her mother’s specifically mentioned the basement and garage as being particularly full of dark energy. The interesting thing to me was that her mother wasn’t aware that there was a garage (which was attached to the basement.) We didn’t have access to the garage and we only had access to one small portion of the basement — which was more than enough for me.

I was a bit skeptical about this information from my friend’s mother, but it was also interesting that I had never told my roommate about my feelings about the house when we first moved in. So I shared my thoughts and feelings with her then. I also added that in the time we had been there I had grown increasingly wary of the stairwell. I often felt cold in the stairwell and frequently had the sensation that someone was behind me when I walked down the stairs. I also had the sense on a few occasions that whoever or whatever was behind me might try to push me down the stairs.

A few months later my friend moved out and another friend decided to move into the house with me. I told this friend about my feelings toward the house and what my former roommate’s mother said about the house. We decided to ask another friend of ours who was a Wiccan to come to the house and cleanse it. When she did, we told her nothing about which parts of the house were the most disturbing to us. As she went from room to room downstairs and upstairs she cleansed the house in all four directions with Holy Water and with a sage smudge stick (smoldering sage — gives off some smoke). After she finished she asked us if we knew if anything had happened in the stairwell! I asked her why and she said that the smudge stick almost died out when she went up the stairs and that she had to blow on it to get it going again. She said that this was an indication of the presence of “energy” or a “spirit” in that part of the house.

After the cleansing we didn’t have many problems for several months, but eventually the house became active again. Before we moved out we endured more than a few months of “issues” with whatever was in that house. We heard strange voices through the telephone when we tried to call friends and relatives, our cat was terrorized by whatever was there when we weren’t in the house, the stairwell became increasingly more disturbing to the point that I refused to go down the stairs in the middle of the night, and we spent our last month burning sage incense to calm the energy until we could get out of the house.

On one occasion we went to the laundromat to do some laundry but realized that we had forgotten to bring our detergent. We drove back to the house and when we went inside to get the detergent we didn’t see the cat downstairs (she usually met us at the door when she heard the car). We looked all over the house, calling her name, and we couldn’t find her. I finally checked beneath one of the beds and noticed a “bulge” in the fabric under the mattress. I touched the bulge and realized it was the cat — who then proceeded to HISS and growl at me. She was terrified by something to the point that she had scratched into the fabric and crawled up into the mattress to hide. We finally calmed her down and got her out of the mattress before heading back out to finish our laundry.

That experience was so disturbing to me that when I moved out of that house I also moved out of Lafayette out of the state of Indiana. It was the freakiest thing I have ever experienced and I never want to be near that house again!

Visit from Hell

Several years ago, I had taken basic and advanced classes for Meditation at the Himalayan Institute of Yoga, and upon completing them – had been given a personal mantra. I had been advised to practice meditation on a regular basis and at the same place and time. On that particular day I had been busy and hadn’t meditated so even though I wasn’t feeling well, and already in bed and too lazy to get up – I fell off to sleep while meditating.

I had gotten into the habit of meditating on the floor of my bathroom long after everyone was asleep. I still had trouble getting past all the faces that whizzed by me in the beginning stages.

During this particular night, my eyes opened by themselves, I felt paralyzed and nothing was moving but my eyes. It was as if someone had control of my body and was using my eyes to see. They jerked from the window, the closet door and the bedroom door and no thought of mine would stop them.

As I became more aware, I began to breathe louder to signal my husband to wake me up. Sylvia Brown spoke about us astrally traveling while asleep and then us waking up before we are totally back in our body that caused us to feel paralyzed. But, at the time, that information wasn’t known to me. I kept lying there, breathing hard waiting for my husband to wake me up. Suddenly I had a vision — the ceiling opened up to a view of Hell itself. There were many, many demon-looking beings, red and orange colors like flames; all jumbled close together, all screaming with extreme agony, and all looking directly at me and all reaching for me. Getting closer, and closer. I still could not move. My husband was not getting the message to wake me up.

So I did the only thing I could do, I repeated the Lords Prayer in my mind over and over again. Slowly, the sounds became distant and faded, the ceiling closed up, and I was still laying there staring at the ceiling but now I could move and suddenly I could feel my emotions. I cannot begin to describe the terrifying grip of fear, and how fast my heart was racing, how much I was hyperventilating….no words could describe how I felt.

Getting my makeup on in preparation to going to work the next morning, I noticed my eyes. The pupils were wide open, so my eyes looked black. They stayed that way for three days. I was told it was due to shock – real or imagined.

I spoke to my instructor at the institute, who finally offered the information that one should never meditate in their bed, and never while ill. She believed it was just a bad dream.

Over the years, I’ve asked several people about this “dream” and get different answers. I guess I’ll never know if I was the victim of myself coming back to my body, a bad dream, or maybe Sylvia is wrong…there are demons and there really is a Hell.

Needless to say, I do not meditate in my bed when I’m not feeling well, and neither should you!
-Mary Adolay

Man at the Door

One day I was folding clothes on my bed, and noticed from my peripheral vision, a large dark shape at my bedroom door. My first thought was it was my husband wanting something. I thought it odd that he didn’t say anything, but didn’t worry about it. Then it just disappeared. No one had walked away. It just was there and then it was gone in a blink of an eye.

I hurried down the hall to the living room and there was my husband in his recliner, stuff on his lap, watching TV. He couldn’t have walked down that short hallway, got in his chair, grabbed stuff and had the chair reclined in the few seconds it took me to get there.

Hope you enjoyed this short story of a situation that still haunts me – only because I can’t explain it.
-Mary Adolay

Three Swords of Tarot

Many years ago, I was enjoying the cool breeze coming in the window while doing dishes on a warm Saturday afternoon. My thoughts were unsettled — I was unhappy in my marriage and was contemplating meeting an online friend in a few weeks. My thoughts had been in turmoil for weeks, causing my physical body to reflect my state of mind by hives and fever blisters, mood swings, in short, I was a complete wreck. What to do?

My thoughts were interrupted by Sadie, my little dachshund, who decided she wanted to go outside. My sink faces an open window to the north, there was a small counter, then the fridge, then the back door. I dried my hands, and walked around the fridge to let her out.

When I turned to go back to the sink, I noticed three 12 inch knives, side by side, sharp sides away from me, their tips facing the sink, on the floor where I had just been standing.

Cold chills ran across my back, I had to go sit down. Several things crossed my racing mind — I hadn’t had dirty knives to wash, how did they fall from an inside drawer — without me hearing them, and how did they land that way?

I finally got up, finished doing the dishes, and since I already had so much on my mind – I did a “brain-dump” and life went on.

Years later, as I was pulling out my old Tarot cards it finally hit me. What I had been thinking about that day, how the knives had looked on the floor, it had been a sign – the Three of Swords. If you are not familiar with Tarot – my deck’s card is gray, there are storm clouds above a big red heart, rain coming down; three swords are stuck into the heart from the top. Everyone who reads Tarot has their own interpretations for each card, mine for the Three of Swords was basically some kind of breakup with relationship between friends, family, co-workers which included extreme sadness. In my case, the number three represented myself, my spouse and the online friend.

Don’t blow off the signs you receive from dreams, physical manifestations, things you notice as odd, no matter how subtle they are. Take heed, it could change your life. God bless you all.
-Mary Adolay

Was It Real?

Well i was walking downstatirs and my dad died a little over a year ago. I bought a dog and named it after his favorite field: Wrigley field. One night i was walking downstairs and there he was playing with Wrigley. I yelled dad. but he didnt look. Finally Wrigley walked away and he looked at me gave me a big smile and he was gone. i was so happy i got to see him again.
-Beth Godie

The Face in Moody’s Light

I lived in Merrillville, IN when I was introduced to Moody’s Light. I was told a story about Moody’s Light and that a farmer on that road had two boy one in his teens and the other just a child between the ages of 3-9. One night the youngest child ran out in front of a wagon riding by and he was decapitated, and Moody got his other son and spent all day looking for his sons head so that he can be put to rest and they spent years looking for it and never found it so hence Moody’s light. Anyways me and my best friend an his sister love to go ghost hunting all the time during the summer and we followed the instructions on how to get the light to show an what not and the light does really appear. Rumor has it that that light is made off of the towers so far down the road an is reflecting the lights off the creek right there, but the only thing is there is no creek on that road or anywhere near it. Then they had “Ghost Experts” come out and examine the light and they say that it has to do with gases from underground seeping out reflecting off the lamp post on the road. Well with all of the being said and done me and my friends go and see this Moody’s Light, and off course when you don’t know where you are or anything about the place you kind of get scared or creeped out an I was. When I saw the light I thought to myself how silly is this to be afraid of a light that is right by a house and isn’t coming anywhere close to us?

Well about a year ago I went back with a girlfriend of mine at the time because she liked scary stuff like this so I took her with a bunch of friends. Me and my best friend decided to act all cool an say we are going to walk up to the light an see if we can get a closer look at it, while everyone chickened out I still had the guts to do it and show everyone I am not afraid of a light that moves in the middle of the road, even though I was getting really scared as I got closer and closer hearing noises coming from the corn stalks next to me an hearing the cows mooing beyond that scaring the living daylights out of me. I finally got close enough to the house were the light had been shinning an all of a sudden I see a dark foggy figure in the small patch of trees on the road right were the light had gone off to. I get closer I feel my heart racing faster and faster an look more closely at this figure as I can being in the dark with one light in the middle of this road, and all of a sudden I began to see a face emerge from the foggy figure and the face made up the entire body. I took a minute make sure that is really what I am seeing and i rubbed my eyes to make sure my mind wasn’t playing any games on me and I realized this face got bigger an looked like it was coming closer to me instead of me getting closer to it so I take off running and I was running so fast that I couldn’t even see my friends walking towards me until I ran into one of them running like a little girl. My friends went down there and didn’t see anything of what I said I saw and just laughed at me for being a pansy. To this day I haven’t been back there to see it again or walk up to it because that was the most frightening thing I have ever seen in my entire life…

Jon Hmurovich
Angel Silva

Vermillion County Museum/Dr. Fithian’s Home Danville,IL

My husband and I took a Sunday tour of the Vermilion County Museum. He grew up in the Danville area, and wanted to show me some of the local tourist attractions. The home of Dr. Fithian and his wife was part of the museum tour. The dwelling was a beautiful two story Victorian home. Back in the days, it seemed charming and warm for that era. This home was also where Abraham Lincoln stayed with his friend, the Doctor, on his frequent visits to the Danville area.

On one of his stays, Mr. Lincoln was requested to step out onto the balcony of his bedroom and present a speech to the gathering crowd below. It was told that he did such in his stocking feet.

As we entered into the lovely estate, I notice the foyer was lit by wall sconces and a chandelier. Our tour guide and we were the only three people in the home at the time. As we entered into the upstairs bedrooms, the children’s’ room seemed a bit troubling to my psyche. It was like an electrical charge ran through me as we moved among the toys, like the wooden horse and china dolls, of the Fithian children. I couldn’t really say what it was, but it felt like we were not alone. My husband also sensed this.

The tour ended at the staircase, where I asked our guide if there had been any ghostly activity here among the relics. As we descended the stairs, the wall sconces and chandelier flickered. I know whom it might have been, the Doctor or his wife, or even the children, who, perhaps, wanted to let us know that we really were not alone after all.
Joni Bullias

Short but Scary

Last night, I was in my room at this Hotel and I was half asleep. Well I kept hearing these creepy noises coming from the closet. I got up after five minutes these noises consistenly went on, and opened the closet door. I opened it and this gust of freezing air came out. I could literally see my breath. Well i turned on this closet light and this thing with red eyes and long hair jumped out at me screaming and roaring. I was so frightened that i backed up and tripped over the lamp light and unplugged it. Well I plugged it back in and the closet light was off and the door was shut.

I will never go back to that hotel…it freaked me out. I told my boyfriend about it and he doesnt believe me… If you like to hear more there’s alot more to tell.

This was at the Holiday Inn, down by the church in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Angel Silva

It Never Stops

It all started when I was about 5, or at least that’s my first memory. My family had just moved into a recently built home on the far east side of Indy. Everything was going fine until I started to hear things at night. At first it was just digging at my window, which my mother claimed was the neighbors cat, even though when I got enough courage up to look outside nothing was there. If it would have stopped at that I wouldn’t even be telling this story, but it only got worse. Along with the scratching at night I began to hear voices, a man and a woman. The woman was very friendly, was usually laughing until the males voice became present. Most of the time I never could make out the exact conversation. Though there was one night that I remember being terrified. I hadn’t heard the voices or the digging just yet and had been bothering my mother about this situation for a few months. She was seriously ready to lock me up and label me as nuts. So this night she decides to put my dog Lilbit in my bedroom and shut the door. As soon as she did that the voices were back. I remember the woman screaming at me to get out and the man laughing telling me I was going to die. At this point my dog was on all fours growling at my closet door. Needless to say I didn’t sleep in my room…. that night. Other strange things occurred in this house, like the time I went into my mother’s bathroom and did not see myself in the mirror. To this day, I still have no idea what it was or could have been and still have an issue with looking into the mirror. After we moved out of this house things seemed to stop.

Until I was about 20 and moved into an older house in Shelbyville. I instantly knew after entering the house that I was not alone. At first I only sensed once spirit there, and she made me feel at home, even somewhat like a grandchild. She usually spent time with my son while he was in his room. He was only 1 1/2 years old at this time, but he would hold conversations and play games with her. It wasn’t long after that, that I felt someone else around. Someone who wasn’t so nice, actually he frightened the hell out of me. Needless to say I wasn’t going through the same experience as last time and I moved as soon as our lease was up and again things seemed to be fine. As soon as I moved in with my parents, things started happening again. Assuming my mother would really think I was crazy, now being 22 and still hearing/seeing things, I didn’t want to tell her what was happening, and it turned out I didn’t have to. She herself started experiencing the flickering of the lights, and having the doors shut when no one was home, or hearing the phone constantly ringing in the shower. She finally confronted me about it, half scared out of her mind, and I too confirmed I had also been hearing the same things… even further I had been hearing things in the basement. Thus far I haven’t seen anything, but I’m waiting fearfully. I guess the craziest part about it, is that it’s now happening to me at work. One night I came in (I work in a group home that was just opened 5 months ago) and relieved the 2nd shift staff. I was doing my routines as normal and had thought I heard someone coming in through the front door… sometimes my supervisor likes to pop in and make sure we’re not sleeping… I waited about five minutes and went to the door. No one was there and no one else’s car was here. So I started to tell myself I was hearing things, as I turned around I noticed the basement door was open. I immediately shut it and checked on my clients to make sure none of them were out of bed. They were all sound asleep. I waited until morning, after the clients had gone to school, before speaking about it to the dayshift worker. She told me there were only three people who had a key to the basement and none of them had been there that day. Instantly I got cold chills. Since then, I’ve been hearing noises as if heavy objects were being thrown down or maybe a client fell out of bed. I have yet to be able to justify these sounds. I have also seen white figures out of the corner of my eyes, but when I go to focus on them they’re gone. I can’t help but to feel this presence wants to tell me something, but I am terrified of what will happen if I open up to it. I have been told by a few Wiccans that I am a natural medium and if I would accept my gift than I would see/hear/feel a lot more.


This has not occurred to me but might as well have. When I was a little girl me and my friends, whenever the electricity when out in our town would go outside, meet up and tell each other stories about the dead, witches and evil spirits. This went on for years and some of my friends well one special one in particular would get nightmares and get woken up by ghost in the middle of the night. some nights as her mother told us she would wake up and have her hands hold by invisible hands and they would not let her talk she would not make any noises because as she told us she never could have talked while they were around her the bed shook wildly but when her mother came in the room there use to be these loud screams but when her mommy looked it never was her making them.

I live in the Caribbean and I believe in them just like anyone else around here would. The ghosts were I live are call jumbies. Some are very evil and love the smell of Rum; some say and sometimes confessed that they beat you when you are drunk and you don’t even feel it until the next day (this happens to drunken people on the whole) but they beat you so badly that the next morning you cannot even wake up. When this happens the dogs follow the person to where ever they are going to and they would howl and moan behind you. I have seen this happen and when I do my boyfriend would say “that one getting cut ass tonight”. His step daddy has a problem with drinking and every weekend he goes, get drunk come home and wake up hurting all over. In the night you would hear his grandmother moaning and telling the jumbies to get out of her room, well my boyfriend says she usually fights them. I have seen the Montel show and Silvia says that old people and children see the dead more than anyone else, well I told her to just ignore them but sometimes you hear her talking to them. Early this year she misplace her hip. I was not there to help but my boyfriend told me that she was running out her bedroom and fell. She said one of them was running after her. It saddens me that they could actually harm me. Before I moved into my boyfriend’s house, the night before we was having a going away sleep over because me and my boyfriend were moving out from one island to another, we were also leaving all our friends, well his cousins and brother that were there started telling me that I should be scared to go live there, I was wondering why, they did not seem like they were joking, well his cousin RJ told me that whenever he sleeps in my boyfriend’s room there he gets Hagged ( which means beaten up in our slang) and he gets beat from something he cannot see. My boyfriend told me that it happens to him, and one night while checking on his grandmother (did I mention she is 93) they chased him from her room into his room and hagged him. They all told me what not to do to get them mad, including sleeping on your stomach, they like when you do because they slash your back with a whip like in the slave days.

Note that the house they live in has a small house next to it that the grandmother says lived all her parents and grandparents and so on. They built the house in the land so I believe that these are slaves from the days that are angry and upset about their past. My mother also told me a story about how a Haitian man tried to sell her soul but because she was married and had changed her last name legally and spiritually they could not have the bargain made. I am a Dominican and my mother told me that if you go Haiti you will see people you know but are already dead just walking around like nothing she says this is when their souls are sold and they are trapped in the country with the person who bought them. I don’t believe in VOODOO but I have heard about it a lot. When I was in school one of my friends that was in my class told me that her sister got possessed and that when this was going on her voice would change and while her mother was out, she tried to stab her older sister with a knife. She told me that when the exorcism was going on they told her to get out of the room because the demon or ghost can get inside her instead. I could go on all day.

I have been reading your stories for quite a while and always wondered if I should share this with you, my believe is that if you mess with them they come for you, and I feel like talking about them opens a door, I don’t really want to, but I am so curious. Could I get into it if I speak about it, can you please tell me if you know or heard anything about Jumbies? Because I have many more stories about them and how they use to treat some of my friends.

If you want to hear anything else about them I am here to help.

I have also been asking some of my friends about them and some could tell me but some are too scared to.
Nicka Mart


I grew up in a spooky little town in a very haunted house. My dad died in that house in 1992. I lived in Indianapolis when he died. Dad had been dead over a year. I was getting ready to buy a house, was packing stuff in my dining room. No one home but me, myself and I. Suddenly I realized that I had a visitor. I looked across the room. There on the first step of the stairway stood my dad. He had legs, (both had been amputated seven years before he died), he was wearing his blue suit and smiling his wonderful smile. I said, “Daddy, what do you want?”, POOF, he was gone. I moved into my house a month later. I was sitting on my step stool in the middle of my kitchen, surrounded by packed boxes stacked shoulder high. I had a clear path and view of the kitchen table. In the midst of unpacking a box of junk I looked up. There sat dad at my kitchen table, wearing his blue suit and smiling his wonderful smile. I asked, “Daddy, what can I do for you?” POOF, he was gone. Upon reflection I knew why he came to me. The first visit was to let me know that I would be getting the house I wanted to buy. The second visit was to let me know he was happy for me. I haven’t seen him since, but now he leaves me dimes…..and that\’s another story for another day………..
Ruth Miller

A Dark Figure Next to my Bed

It has been many years so I do not remember the time of year or hour. They both happened between 1995 & 1997 (I have 2 real stories to share).

As a preteen in a new house in Lowell Indiana I was always uneasy in my parent’s basement. Always an internal voice when I walked up the stairs saying to hurry so he wouldn’t get me. Not that I had any idea who I thought “he” was. It always made my heart beat so fast that it felt like a real fear. I always wrote this voice off as 1 too many horror movies. When I turned 18 I moved out on my own. Eventually the reality of living in the real world on minimum wage sunk it and I needed to move back in with my parents. Having a taste of freedom I wanted to feel more like I was on my own. I was talked into living in the basement. I didn’t want to because of the uneasy feeling Id always had, but I figured it was a silly fear since Id never seen or felt anything down there. I fell going up the stairs with a hammer in my hand & got pretty banged up once. That felt more clumsy than paranormal. So one night I’m sleeping in my bed facing the wall. I woke up in the middle of the night with a feeling like I was being watched. I rolled over and saw a dark figure standing in my room about a foot from my bed. It wasn’t a human figure. More like the height of a tall person and a rounded top and long oval shape but its feet area was flat. It wasn’t see-through or exactly solid either in appearance. I saw this very clearly in my room. As soon as my brain was awake enough to be scared to death a bright white light in a circle shape (but a little larger than the black figure) appeared near my door & the black figure instantly vanished with the bright light. I was so scared that I made myself get up and leave the basement. I woke my mom up and she stayed up with me for a little while. I stayed up for the rest of the night thinking about what Id seen. I had the feeling that I’d be okay now, but I was scared from that point. I had some Wiccan books & an Ouija board in my closet that Id forgotten about and had found a few weeks later that were from my teenage years. I burned them that day in our fire pit. Nothing like that has ever happened since & to this day I know I wasn’t asleep & that I wasn’t imagining it.

Another paranormal experience I have is not as scary to me NOW but at the time it was very spooky. I was living on my own in a very small town called Schneider Indiana. I was sleeping and woke up for no reason. When I sat up I saw a woman standing there. She was wearing a bonnet & dress & small waist apron. She reminded me of pictures I’d seen of “witches” from Salem. She just looked at me. I grabbed my pants from the floor & went to leave the room. I had to walk right past her to leave. She didn’t move. She didn’t have an odor that I noticed and she seemed a little see through. I got in my car and was so scared she would appear in the car which did not happen thank goodness. No one was awake & I didn’t know where to go. I ended up going to a palm reader on 41 because it was the first open sign I saw while driving up the highway. I told her what had happened and she must have thought I was a sucker. She wanted me to buy all these things. I told her I was on a tight budget and had no money to my name. I then asked if there were any free things I could do. She said to put garlic in all the doorways & openings for windows or passages. I did this & never had another problem. I doubt the garlic was helpful but who knows.

So those are my stories. I came here because the dark figure came to mind & I wanted to see if anyone else had the same experience.

Un-invited Entity hitched a Ride in an Object

The entity in question entered our home by hitching a ride in an object I bought on ebay. Within a few minutes after taking the item out of the shipping box, my wife and I both saw a dark ball of “shadow” fly out from under an end-table and go down the hall. I said: Did you see that?” my wife said “yes!” It was a dark, roughly spherical shaped shadow, that rapidly went down the hallway. If it had been an animal, we’d have heard “scampering feet” noises. There was no sound. Since then, we have had things happen, like my wife amd daughter both being choked in their sleep while I am at work (night shift). As clichéd as it is, my wife has had her bed shake near the foot of the bed and thump on the floor, like a very strong person was picking it up at the foot of the bed and dropping it very rapidly. I have not seen this happen, just the ball of shadow. Where can a person get an Exorcist for a house?
William Seale


This story begins on a warm September day. I lived in brown county Indiana back a long long drive way. In a log cabin. We were the second house from the very end. At the end of the drive way were some of the nicest neighbors you could ever want. They had 2 kids. One was Jane (name changed to protect the innocent). She was about 16 years old. Jane brought over a friend of hers that day to visit. She had met her through her brother who met this new friend at a party. Her friend was from Florida. We found out later that she was a run away. Running from her nightmares of her past. Her name was Tammy (also changed). Tammy was about 16 too. She was very nice. She had dark long hair and a warm smile. The two girls got along very well and became best friends. Tammy ended up moving in with Jane and was there about 2 weeks when IT all began. Jane had told us earlier that her parents were going out of town for the weekend, leaving Jane and Tammy by themselves. Janes brother was living out on his own in town about 20 miles away so wasn’t around there much. Jane and Tammy came over that Friday afternoon to let us know they were going to be alone. We kind of looked out for each other way back that lane. When it got dark at night you couldn’t see anything. It got SO DARK you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. That winding old lane went way back up in the woods (about a mile away from the main road). You could hear the tree frogs and crickets and ALWAYS heard things walking through the leaves in the dark. We had many deer around racoons and other wild animals so we weren’t usually afraid of these rustling sounds,.. thinking it was wild animals.

That night (morning) about 2:00am we (my husband and I) were awakened by horrible screaming and banging on our front door. I jumped out of bed and ran to open the door. It was Jane and Tammy. They were hysterical! They were both screaming and crying “HIDE US PLEASE HE’S HERE.. HIDE US”!! At that both girls ran in and scrambled under my dinning room table, clingng to each other crying. Jane screamed out “HURRY SHUT THE DOOR”!! Just as I was about to shut the door, I looked out into the night and I heard leaves rustling very quickly as if someone were running up to my front door. I slammed the door and locked it. The girls kept crying and Tammy said she was so sorry she brought all this trouble. As they were hysterically trying to tell me what happened Tammy got out from under the table and began to explain to me that she had been followed by a man that was going to kill her. As we stood back away from one of the cabin windows.. she said OMG there he is!!! When I looked out I saw a car going by the cabin real real slow. And as we watched it we saw the tail lights as it passed, and it went on down to the girls house. My husband got up and got a shot gun out of the closet and stepped outside on the front porch and shot a couple times up in the air. Tammy pleaded with us not to go down there. “HE’S TOO DANGEROUS.. HE WILL KILL YOU TOO”! She screamed. She began to tell us that this guy she dated in Florida was an albino. “He had long pure white hair,… and pink eyes”, she said. She met him at a party. He began to get really abusive to her and she tried many times to run away from him but he always found her,.. threatening that he would kill her if she left him. Then one night he slapped her and beat her up leaving bruises on her face. She had had enough so she called the cops. He was arrested and put in the patrol car. The next day the albino came back to her apartment! He told her that he never made it to the police station that he killed the cop on the way. Now he must hide out somewhere and SHE was going with him!. She had no choice. They got some of their things and left. A few minutes later they were sitting at a gas station getting gas. He made me get out and go in and pay for the gas so no one would identify him. I went in the station and walked through to look for a bathroom. I noticed the back door was open so I went OUT the back..never to see him again. She started crying. I felt so sorry for her. She was shaking all over as she continued her story. “We got a call tonight.” Jane said she answered the phone and no one was there ..just someone breathing. She hung up… they called back. The man said HE knew where Tammy was! He started describing the houses on this lane. He described the cabin .. he described the house Jane lived in. He described the rooms inside the CABIN which was MY house!!.. then described the rooms in their house. He said “Tammy has a red shirt on and white pants..and you have on pink shirt and pink pants and your sitting on the bed downstairs!!! “That’s when we freaked out”, said Jane and came running over.

About an hour went by as we all stood back from the cabin window in the dark and watched. The only sound was the girls whispers and very very quiet crys. Then there it was. The cars hazey outline sitting in front of our cabin. My husband opened the door as the girls were crying and shot the gun in the air again. The car sped off. They stayed with us that night and didn’t leave till after a late breakfast. We went with them to their house and nothing seemed to be disturbed inside or out. Jane said her and Tammy would be ok now since Tammy was sure her old albino boyfriend had gone since my husband shot a gun. A couple days went by and all seemed ok. Then that afternoon Jane came over and worriedly asked me had I seen Tammy. I told her no I hadn’t. She said Tammy had disappeared today… and she left all her clothes there! Tammy was NEVER seen or heard from AGAIN!!!

(25 years later).. I saw a man today in a gas station. He had long pure white hair. As he walked by me towards the bathrooms.. he turned slowly as he kept walking and looked right at me. I couldn’t see his eyes. Were they pink?? I couldn’t tell.. He had sun glasses on.
Dawn Allman

Dad’s Going Home

Let me start my story by telling you that this was a comforting experience, not frightening at all. My father was a WW2 vet, he was decorated with the Purple Heart, and the badge of courage, he had worked for 30 plus years at our local elevator, which was only a few blocks from our house. Every day at noon the noon time whistle would blow and my sister and I would wait to see our dad walking home for lunch. We would run up the street and meet him and he would “march” us home. the military was still in him.

Many years passed, and dad had gotten ill. He had a stroke, which sent him to stay at the Vets home. He would enjoy our visits and we tried to make his room as homey as we could with things that he enjoyed, like his Indian collection, books and pictures of family, you know the kind of stuff that would make a nursing home room feel warm and comfortable. One thing that my mom did, was to purchase these cute mechanical, musical items. One I am speaking about is a beautiful ceramic lighthouse. It was well decorated, with rocks around the bottom and very life like. When you turned it over there was a switch the would turn on and off the sound effects. When it was on the lighthouse would blink off and on and there were sounds of the ocean and seagulls. It was peaceful and rather comforting. I know my dad enjoyed it a lot. One day mom decided to bring it home with her, maybe to keep it safe from breaking, I’m not sure. I just remember that she put it in my dad’s old bedroom and it sat on his dresser, untouched.

On June of 2000 my father passed, while he was eating his breakfast. We got that dreaded call. So both my sisters and our families traveled to our parents house to comfort each other. Mom wasn’t in good health herself so, us girls decided to help clean house, for her. My oldest sister took my dads room, and started to dust and sweep. I was busy doing something else at the time, but she yelled for me to come here and hurry. I dropped what I was doing and ran to his room. There was my sister standing in front of his dresser with the dust rag in hand. She said “Joni, look at the lighthouse.” I couldn’t understand what the big deal was, so the light on the top was blinking, so what. She said, “no, really look at it” I picked it up and turned it over. The switch was turned off…Hmmm, I opened the little place where you keep the batteries, and low and behold, there weren’t any…She and I just looked totally stunned. I said to her,” I guess that dad wanted just to let us know that he was ok and he was here.” I felt comforted in a strange way.

The day we buried dad, was a day I will never forget. We all gathered in that small tent out in the cemetery. As the lone trumpeter played taps and the 21 gun salute was finished, a quiet calm came over us, and in the distance, the noon whistle blew, and we know that dad was coming home.
Joni Bullias

Evansville Haunted Apartment

I lived in an apartment in Evansville for one year and it was a horrible one year. When we moved in the apartment seemed normal but after four months of living there I was proved very wrong.

My husband worked 3rd shift at the Casino Aztar, therefore my daughter and I spent nights alone. One night I was having this very strange dream. It felt so real and in my dream I could sense danger but I didn’t know why. Because of that sense I would try to wake up, and several times I thought I was awake until something weird would happen to prove that I was still dreaming.

While still dreaming I began to hear a loud buzzing. Eager to find out where it was coming from I began to search for it with my hands, while still sleeping and dreaming. Apparently I was actually searching for this buzzing out of my dream as well because I ended up actually touching it. When I touched it I immediately woke up because it felt as if my entire body was buzzing. When I opened my eyes I was terrified to see a flowy figure hovering above me. It was dark in the room and I was so scared that I pulled the blanket over my head before I could really get a good look at it. I will never forget the little I did see though. It was faceless and looked at if it’s head were covered with a hood of some sort. It was shaped loosely like a person and completely black.

After a few seconds I managed to reach my hand out from the blanket and grabbed my phone off of the bedside table. I called my mother in Texas and she coaxed me into walking to my daughter’s room. When I opened the door to her room I was shocked to find that she was laying on the floor nearly seven feet from her bed. I quickly picked her up and left the apartment while vowing never to return. Once we were safely in the car I asked my 3 year old daughter why she was on the floor. She answered by saying “I don’t know why, the man just put me there”. She didn’t know who the man was, and could not describe him. I asked her if she felt scared when the unknown man picked her up and she said no.

Regardless of my vow to never return, my husband convinced me to go back and we continued living in the apartment for the duration of the lease. The sightings continued but were far less frightening as I began to realize that the presence was not there to harm us, and I had learned my lesson after apparently touching the figure, which, I think, is why my body had the buzzing sensation. Other strange things happened as well, but nothing more alarming as the flowy figure that I accidentally touched that night.
Whitney Brient

Dusty Handprints

Late one Saturday night my children and I decided to go hunting haunted landmarks. Somehow we ended up at what many Hoosiers know as “Hell’s Gates” located off of Miami Gardens Rd.near Fountainette. We had heard horror stories of cults and spirits that roamed out there and if a person entered the seventh gate he or she would never escape alive. We drove for hours looking for all seven gates, but only found three. We were not sure of the gate numbers but it did not matter to us they were all cool. Rumor had it, if we drove into the gate and turned the car off and honked three times and flashed the headlights three times we would see names appear on the walls. If any of our names appeared on the wall we would suffer a bizarre death. Fortunately, none of our names appeared. Several other names appeared that we knew. I must admit sitting in a dark car in the middle of nowhere is pretty creepy. It took us hours to find our way out of the gates every time we turned left or right we ended up in the same spot over and over it was like a never ending circle. Another strange thing was when we were going in circles we kept passing this graveyard that had tombstones dated back to the 1800’s. It was very creepy!!!!! The scariest thing that happened took place the next morning after returning home. It just so happened the car we drove to Hell’s Gates was black and covered in a thin layer of dust. In this dust was about twenty sets of handprints. These handprints were of every size imaginable, but none matched the handprints of anyone who went to Hell’s Gates that night. This was enough to freak me out. We are convinced the handprints came from spirits that dwelled among the gates or the graveyard.
Rhonda Harden

Background of the Seven Sisters

Okay, my family is from Cloverdale, IN and they were some of the very first settlers. All of the original families, including my own, are of German ancestry and the original German settlers were VERY superstitious. All of them were, and their descendents still are members of the Cloverdale Church of Christ. The Church of Christ is On Main Street in the original part of the village, and it is in the same building it has been in since 1858. Anyway, these seven sisters all lived together and none of them was married. They townspeople thought that they were witches because all of the sisters were radiantly beautiful, but none of them was married. Well, naturally, God fearing Christian people just could not have witches around. They all feared the sisters and no one had seen them for quite awhile because they kept to themselves. The townspeople were deathly afraid of them, and kept as far from them as humanly possible. Well, all of a sudden, one of the sisters took sick. Soon, all seven of them took sick and they all died, one for each day of the week; one on Sunday, one on Monday, one on Tuesday, one on Wednesday, one on Thursday, one on Friday, and one on Saturday. Well, not too long after the sisters died, stories began to go around about them, that if you went up to the Cloverdale Cemetery either on a night of a full moon, or at Midnight on Halloween(legends vary) and if you walked around their graves seven times that they would come back and chase you back into the village. Several people, myself included, have tried this, and the freakiest things have happened, like there is a light that just comes up out of nowhere that looks like a ball of fox fire, only the ball gets bigger as it comes toward you and it changes colors. It will follow you from the graveyard into town, right up to were the edge of the original village used to be(Lafayette Street), then it will stop and disappear.

Family is still Looking out for Us

One summer night we had a power outage and had trouble getting to sleep due to the heat. I had to go to work and already had plans for my sister to come over with her 3 kids and babysit my two kids. I didnt sleep well wondering if I would wake up in time. We all slept in various places except my son. He slept in his bedroom. My husband fell asleep in the recliner which is next to the wooden stairs leading to our lower level. My daughter and I decided to sleep on the couch downstairs as it seemed cooler. Not long after we had fallen asleep, we both were awoken by what sounded like our barstools (located directly above us) being scooted out or moved. It has a distiinct sound as I hear it everyday. I thought for a minute my husband was up but then I heard him snoring. So I went upstairs to investigate and walked all through the house to see if my son had gotten up. He was still asleep. However I luckily noticed when I went into my daughters bedroom, a candle was still burning unprotected so I quickly blew it out. I got my daughter and we went back upstairs and layed down in my bed. At exactly 5:00am I heard what sounded like golf balls rolling the down the stairs. Seconds later, I heard my husband in the bathroom and then he came in our room. He said he was awoken by the noise too. I was thankful we woke up because our power was still not on and I had to make other arrangements for the kids that day. They couldnt stay here with no power and the heat. Luckily, being awaken early, I had time to take care of everything and not be late to work. Before I left I was still investigating what the nosie was and I think I found it. We have a four legged flat seated bar stool in the kitchen and one leg is a little shorter than the others. When I rocked it back and forth I heard the same noise that had awaken us earlier. The only thing I could come up with is that my dad (who had passed away earlier that year) or some other family member was letting me know that I had a candle still burning left unsupervised when we went to bed and that we needed to get up to take care of things due to having no power so my husband and I could get to work on time. It was really bizarre and I haven’t heard those noises since.
Lori Mattingly

Drip Drop

There once lived a happy family that moved away from there old house to a new house.There was A maother, Father and a daughter which was blind and of course their dog. The daughter and dog stayed up while her mum and dad went to sleep while the girl was reading a book, a book for blind people.Then she could here whispering coming from her mum and dads room so she went to have a look and no one was there just her mum and dad asleep So she went back to reading her book then she couldnt feel her dog anywhere all of a sudden she could here drip drop drip drop coming from the bathroom so she had a look and she went closer and it was in the shower so she felt it when she did, she could feel a collar and she knew that it was her dog then she felt a puddle first she smelt and it smelt like nothing then she tasted and it taste like blood and she cryed her heart out the she went to her mum and dads room no one was there then she could hear the blood drops stop so she went back to the dog and she couldnt hear anymore blood drops then she stoped crying and went back to her mum and dads room and then heard some more drip droping so she russhed to the dog and no blood was driping so she followed the sound and it led her to the kitchen then she felt it and could feel a nose then a necklace and she knew it was her mum and then she went to go lean over and felt something else and felt the same thing but she didnt feel a necklace but she did feel a moustache and it was her dad the she cryed and cryed and cryed untill she heard foot steps coming towards her and she felt something smack her face the she had a black out when she woke up then she remembered about her family and dog so she committed and she was my best friend but she didnt want to tell me her name so i went to school and she wasnt there 2 weeks later she still wasn\’t there so i dropped off her homework i knocked on her door no one answered the door was unlocked so i just walked in and i could smell a horrible smell and it came from her room, the bathroom and the kitchen. First i went into the bathroom and i could see a dog with 6 stabs in the chest and i broke down into tears.Then i could hear whispering coming from the kitchen so i went to the kitchen and i could she her mum and dad with bad injurys everywhere and stab marks on there back and cryed even more.Then i went into her room to see if she was okay then i walked into her room and dropped her homework cause she was dead i really cried my heart off.Then i called the police that day they said they found the killers of the adults and the dog and they said that the girl committed suicide then i went to the funeral then called see angry ghosts and she for got about the whole thing and lived happily ever after.
Taleyah Maruaao

Cat Eyes in the Dark

I recently bought a new sony video camera with a night shot feature. I was testing it out and filming what I thought was My cat whisper. I caught footage of a set of glowing cat\’s eyes. I was about to stop filming when I felt her brush against my left leg. I soon relaized that I was not looking at my cat, but a ghost. A year earlier, I had a black tuxedo named salem that died of kidney failure. I asked my mother and she said she had seen the same thing two weeks earlier.

Ghost Aunt

One weekend I decided I wanted to stay at a friends house so I stayed at my friends Brittany\’s house and she told me a story of how her grandfather and aunt were dead and they haunted that house and then her mom said she saw an orb of her father in her door way and even her boyfriend Jason had a say so in this. Most of the time when he would fall asleep in the living room he would see and even speak to Brittany\’s grandfather. He could proove it because he told Brittany\’s mom exactly what he was wearing and something he said about her when she was a little girl and her mom never told anyone about that and Jason wasn\’t at the funeral when they showed him in those exact clothes he decribed. What I saw was unbelieveable I never thought of the day when i\’d see a ghost or spirit Brittany\’s aunt used to go to that same house and ring the door bell then turn around and sweep the porch for her. I saw her ring the doorbell then turn and start sweeping now brittany’s mom decribed her as a short woman and with short hair in the middle of her neck and that was exactly what I saw!!!!
Laken Hanley

A Scream in the Night

I grew up in Monitor, just a few miles out of Lafayette, IN on St. Rd. 26 E. This place is haunted. There is an indian burial mound that was across the creek from our house. It was on the property of my school bus driver who confirmed that yes indeed this was a burial mound. As a kid I was not really aware of the ghosts, but as a teeager I had countless experiences. At night I would hear voices whispering near the barn, another night I heard what sounded like children that were laughing and screaming right in our front yard. My mom always said the noises were probably just cats, but she heard the kids that night and admitted that it was spooky and definetly NOT cats. Others heard these voices too. My high school boyfriends mom was picking him up from our house late one night and heard voices. Monitor is a fairly isolated area, we didn\’t have neighbors with kids and the houses were not near each other. The scariest thing I ever heard while living out there happend one night when I was about sixteen. It was summer break and me, my friend, my brother and sister were all sitting out on our deck at about midnight or so. We heard this loud scream that sounded like it was coming right at us very fast. We all looked at each other and ran into the house screaming. I have no idea what that was, but I know it was not of this world. I have talked to my brother and we have tried to make sense of what it could have been, but no human or animal could make that kind of noise. Whatever it was, was trying to scare the hell out of us and it did!
Joslyn McElwain

Watery Grave

Supposedly a little girl about 2 yrs. old drowned in a pool in our backyard during the early 1990’s. We had moved in 1992, the pool was still here but we had tore it down because there were weeds growing and the water was green.What had happened was, it was a hot afternoon and the family was having a party. The pool cover was off and the deck door was left open so she could easliy had got in.She climbed up the stairs and went head first into the pool , sank to the bottom, then about a half hour later they found her at the bottom of their pool,friends of the family found her shrivled at the bottom of the pool. About 3-4 years after we moved in, my dad supposedly saw her walking down the hallway in a white gown. About 2-3 years after that my uncle said he saw her in the same gown, same hallway. To this day we still have no idea who this little girl is but we hope soon her little body finally gets to rest in peace.
Gina Candero

The Real Moody Hill

Well me and three other of my friends went to indiana to see this moody hill or road and we thought it would be a good idea to go on friday the 13 so it was about 9p.m. and we flashed our lights three times like this story said. and no i dont know the web site but, we went a little more down the road we stopped we were looking to the north until we saw this lantern looking light and it would go on and off and move around too. this was weird to us so we rolled up our windows and we left about 30 mins later we got out to get gas and to use the bathroom when we got out there were human hand and finger prints on this brand new just washed 3 hours ago ford focus all over the car \”WE NEVER GOT OUT OF THE CAR\” we went home that night and talked all nightthis was the craziest thing i had ever seen in my life it looked like someone was trying to get in the car we had all of the windows and doors locked good thing most of the claw marks were at my door of course of all the people check this out moody\’s light, moody hill, or moody road i dont know which one try all of them. THIS IS REAL. I AM NOT PLAYING WITH ANYONE. I AM DEAD SERIOUS
Jim Snyder

Tom and the Three Girls

Last week, a close friend of mine from school was telling me her first-hand account of some paranormal acitivty. She(I\’ll title her Monica) told me that when she lived in a surrounding state a couple of years ago, she had befriended a set of best friends (Maria and Tina) at the same workplace. Maria and Tina had been best friends for many years and shared several things in common with Monica. After a few months tension rose between Monica and Tina, mostly out of the close friendship that Monica had developed with Tina\’s best friend. Two or three years had gone by and they were at a club one night celebrating their birthdays with more coworkers and Tina started to feel uneasy and left out so she announced to the table that she was going to find a better party in town and suggested that Maria join her, but Maria declined. Tina had left in the car;which left Tina and Monica to walk a couple of blocks away to Maria\’s house.While they both took their turns in the resteroom from a busy night out, the telephone rang. It was Tina\’s mother. She was calling Maria to inform her that Tina had took her life and had left a suicide note. Apparently she had hung herself. Tina blamed her suicide on the new friendship between Maria and Monica. Over the years the three would take trips every once in a while and had came across a clown doll named \”Tom\”, a few months before the death of Tina, the girls had set the clown on the bannister in the dining room and they had put a black Hawaiian Lei around his neck and thumb-tacked it to the wall to prevent him from fallin onto the floor to break. Months after the death, the remaining friends were sitting in the dining room complete with a clown on the bannister discussing Tina for the first time in months. With the first mentioning of the the name Tina, the clown fell from the bannister along with the lei. The clown was then suspended in mid-air from being hung with the black lei!! After Monica had told me this hair-raising story, she made it a point ot tell me that I was the first person to hear of it since she moved to central Indiana. I told my husband of this story NOT MORE than 10 minutes later and within seconds, the bookshelf in my toddler\’s room fell over coming close to catching him underneath it!!! I don\’t know if me telling this story to my husband was the reason that my son was almost severally injured or not, but I am not taking any chances. I have changed the names of the three girls in chances that someone may get hurt.
Laloni Plake

The Park

Me, my girlfriend and my friend went to the park near my house when we got to the park we played with board that you can talk to ghosts and at first we had a good ghost and then it left and the we got a bad ghost so we asked it if it was going to hurt one of and it said yes and then it spelled my friend\’s name Erik so I asked if that was the person that it was going to hurt and it said yes he got sceard so I asked it to go away and it said ok so we thought it left and then we went into the woods near the park and as we were walking I heard something walk behind us so I teared around and there was nothing there and my girlfriend got sceard and she grabed my hand and we walked in deeper into the woods then erik heard laughing then he said Adam (me) why are you laughing and I said I did not laugh he said I don\’t believe you so then my girlfrined said he did not laugh then Erik said shut up Chelsea and then I said don\’t tell her that and then Erik felt something hit him so he said Chelsea don\’t hit me cause she hits him alot and she said she did not and it was geting dark then I heard something say Erik you are going to die so Erik said we should go back to the park and I said fine so we got back to the park and as we got there we used the board again to ask the ghost if it was the one laughing at us and hiting Erik and it said yes so we tryed again and asked it to go away and it said again it would but this time we did not believe it so we went home and Chelsea and Erik was sleeping over so we had the tent up so we slept there but for that night we did not sleep cause we heard it laughing at us and we were all sceard this time we were up all night lisining to it laugh at us the next day we went to were we talked to it and asked it of it died here and it said yes so we tryed to a thing to make it go away but it did not go away and then Erik started to go all funny he was not himself and then we took him to his xgirlfriend she could make it go away she did and then she asked us what we did to it to make it take over Erik and I said we did nothing to it we were just using the board and it attaked us and she said that we should of ued when she was there and then she said it was good that we did not burn it and shince then Erik movied away and that was the scearest night of our lifes
Adam Earl

The Unforgotten

Hi Im holly parkinsons and i have a heart grabing tale to tell you, it might give you thrills and chills but if you want to stay and listen then here we gloomy day i was comming home from school i felt bad real bad beacuse i was getting badely bullyied and i was looking forwerd to getting home fo my snack!i got home and my mom said to me hunni wed better sit down for a minnit um hunny we are mooving to texis it will be fun and you will like it she said real fast i felt wonderfull if it were anyouther kid thay would hate it but oh no not me i loved it! good morning mom goodmorning dad i said exsitingly knowing that i was about to get away from the pain of the city,to go live someware calm and settild down who knows i could find a realy nice friend!maby she will be named holly yea the same name as me i smiled.holly holly we are going now come on,and dont forget to bring your inhalour we cant afford to be going to a trip to the hospital now!my mom said despritly. we got there and the house seemd chilling it was filled with spyderwebs and it was dark and cold,it was almost like we were in one of those scarry films that i watch,but my mom says they will give ne nightmares was this one of the nightmares? it is time to go to bed now so i have to have a room all on my own,my mom wouldint let me sleep with her for the nigt she sayed i have to get use to it and there is allways a first was dark and coled and i walntid to just jump into my moms bed and hold her soft hands. theres a boy he is cumming twords me slowly oh my god hes a ghost!he kept saying tree tall tall tree!i was so comfused wot do u meen tall tree but he just kept reapting himself tree tall tall tree!iwas neary pooing my pants i was so scared my hole face went pale,the hairs on my arms were standing up. i woke up the next morning thinking it was just a horrable nightmare,but i was soon going to find out i was rong.the next night he came back again and he said his name was billy joe he also said fall fall very tall!YOU FELL OFF THE TREE!!!!!then he disapeard.that mus of been how he died but why is he telling me? i woke up the next morning and saw the news it was talking about billy joe!so he really was real its not just my imadganatoin!it said he fell off the tree but was that right did he really fall off the tree i asked myself. the fowlowing night billy came back but i was quite use to this as he was cumming for a wile now.he said tom bury kill me!tom bury?HES THE BOY WHO BULLYS ME AT SCHOOL!!!!tom bury pushed billy off the tree and billy died! i went to the polise skipping school and they didint believe me untill they ran some tests and found out it was him,tom was arrestid and tooken to court for murder,and that was the end of him. billy visitid me one last time to say he will allways be looking out for me but he has to cross over to the outher side. my life is much better now ive got a friend called holly and my mom had a baby and called him billy,i wonder if hes the same billy that i no.
Jaden Martinez

The Little Boy

I was staying at my aunt’s house in kentland indiana, and everyone had goen to bed for the evenign and i was getting ready to do the same. as i layed there in my bed at the back of the house i got this really uncomfortable feeling it was crushing me it was so intense. i felt like someone was watching me and waiting for me to go to sleep, where my room was situated there was an open door the led out to the porch and as i looked at the doorway a little boy came through and looked right at me. he looked like he was about four or five years old and he was dressed in eighteenth century style clothing. i just sat there on my bed and stared at him and without really knowing why i waved at him, and here’s the creepy part HE WAVED BACK!!! then he went through the closed kitchen door and i heard his footsteps fade as he headed upstairs. and as soon as he left the feeling like i was being watched was gone.
Roxann Poor

Ghost in my Basement

One night while is staying at my grandmas house i wanted to go the the libary so we went off i picked a book on the Bell witch and we went back home i went the the basement and sat on the bed and started reading it i turned to look at the far side of the basement and there in front of me she was standing the bell witch looking ever sence i never want to go to the basement agian unless someone come with me.

Karolina Bernolak

Always by my Side

A couple of years ago I lost my very special 4 footed friend. This happened very suddenly, and it was a shock to me for several months. My friends name was Oscar, a mini doxie dog. He and I had a very special relationship, he was always at my sideand if my husband would go to bed early, Oscar would stay by me all night watching t.v. Due to some dental surgery he had a year earlier when he would lay his head down to sleep he would snore loudly. But, you get used to these noises and don\’t really hear them. One night I was sitting alone in the living room channel surfing (husband in bed)when I heard Oscar snoring from the spot where his bed used to sit in the living room. I thought to myself well, Oscar is out like a light–when it hit me that it is Oscar! The moment that I acknowledged it the sound stopped. It\’s nice to know that he was with me then as he had been in life.
Nora Blackburn

Can I Lend a Hand?

I am a plumber by trade and often come into contact with some pretty strange places. On two seperate occasions I’ve visited an elderly womans house which is located off of Redding Rd. in the Fort Wayne area. This area was at one time an old canal way (Erie Canal I believe). On the first visit to the home I was asked to repair some leaky pipes in the basement,the woman directed me to the stairs as she was unable to come down with me due to her condition(leg trouble),she told me her nieghbor might be over to check on my progress. I found the problem, got my tools and proceeded to get started on the repair. While soldering pipes together I heard shuffling of feet behind me then a soft mans voice asking if I neede some help and if I was almost finished. With my torch in hand I turned around to answer who I thought was the nieghbor only to find no one there. Okay I thought that was rude he must have hurried up the steps before I could stop to answer him. So I finished my work and went back upstairs to let the lady know I was finished. She asks me “did you feel that someone was with you down there?” I said “yes I think your nieghbor came down to check on me.” she said “oh no dear that wasn’t my neighbor it was a soldier that lives here.” then she proceeds to show me different pictures of a transparent man in several photos throughout the home. she claims he likes to play pranks on people that are new to the home and she often smells the smoke of a pipe in the home. By this time the hair on my neck is at full attention. I could’nt wait to collect payment and leave. Two days later my office recieved a call from her claiming I forgot to turn her water back on, so I made a return trip, quickly entering the basement to find all three new shut off valves turned off, I hurriedly turned them back on and exited the basement. After talking with the woman she says she had water the day I left then the next morning she did not. Her and I both know the water was on because I tested it after my initial repair. She said “see I told you he likes to play pranks.” This time before leaving so fast I sat down for 20 min. or so just to talk with her, wow the stories she can tell and the things she has seen in her home. Her dog would not stop brking at the basement dorr the entire time she says he does this at night also and she has had a mans voice wake her up in the night to tell her to get her dog because he is barking. I could go on and on with related stories. Since then I have not been called back, maybe it just took me listening to her for my transparent friend to leave the water on.
Rob Sark

Grandma Calling

Let me give you some history here, grandma’s favorite pasttime was shopping and her most prized possession was her poodle named Tootsie. One morning mom and I got up early and decided to do some deep cleaning, well about 11 a.m. or so the phone rang and and I ran to get it, it was grandma, she was bored and wanted to go shopping. I yelled to my mom and she said that we were cleaning and if we got done early enough we would go into town (nearest shopping center about 30 miles away or so)and that we would call her later. Well later was to late. Grandma passed away that day from a massive heart attack.Well about a week has passed and things have started to settle down.I actually skipped school that day, the phone rang and I picked it up and said hello. All I could hear was static, so I said hello again and in what sounded like my grandma’s voice but really far away a lady was asking for a poodle that was for sale. I was speechless. I said I don’t understand how did you know that we have just adopted my grandma’s dog. The lady said that she just wanted to know about the dog. I didn’t know what to say, I told her that the dog was being well taken care of and it was not for sale, she said fine rather sharply and just kind of faded away, as I stood there dumbfounded.
Jessica Rafferty

Back Seat Driver

Okay, I will try and describe this the best I can. My husbands family has always had a gift for feeling, hearing and seeing “things”. He has had many occasions where his day plays out the same as his dream(s) the night before. On most of those days he just heads back to bed because it is not going to turn out good. Other days he can just feel that it is going to be a weird day.

On a couple of occasions he has left the house for work and as he gets to the van he drops his keys as he is getting ready to unlock the door. As he comes up he can see a man in the reflection of the side window. The first time this happened he quickly turned around to see who was behind him…no one was there. As he was searching around the van he realized the person must have been standing between the van and himself or must have just been in the reflection.

The second time it happened he again turned around to realize no one was there but this time he didn’t go searching. As time goes on he has seen the man in his dreams. In one dream there is a storm “brewing” and when my husband walks in to check on the baby the man is standing outside her window looking in, he looks at my husband and says “You can’t protect them all the time.” That one really creeps me out. He has seen this man crossing the street only to look again and he is not there.

He drives a forklift at work and has had to stop short to avoid hitting this man who is not there 2 seconds later. He still is not sure if this man’s intentions are good or evil. He is very bothered by this man and often wonders if he is a spirit guide or just some one hanging around. He just waits…not sure when or where he will see him next.


Ghost Children

I was a live-in nanny for a couple that lived in a beautiful house in the Herron-Morton area downtown. They were renovating the house, which had been split into several apartments. I lived in what had been the maids quarters on the 3rd floor.

I had lived with the family for about 3 months when I began to hear things. At first, I would hear the sound of children whispering and giggling in the hallway. I thought it might be the boys I was caring for, but they would always be fast asleep when I checked. The next thing I heard was the sound of someone opening the side door and walking downstairs. When I would check, no one would be there. The mother also heard this, so we would make sure we identified ourselves when we came in so the other would not be freaked out. The father (being a HUGE skeptic) thought we were weird. This went on until it happened to him. He heard someone come in, walk around the downstairs and then stop. He thought I had come back for something, but I was at the zoo with the boys.

I would also be woken up by the sound of a baby crying. The youngest was about 3 months old when I started working for the family, so at first I thought it was him. I found out that it wasn’t always him when the family went on vacation. I woke up to the sound of the baby crying and couldn’t figure out why the Mom and Dad weren’t getting up. I then got out of bed and started downstairs when it hit me that the family was in Texas and not even home. It was then that the baby’s cries stopped. This happened off and on every time the family went out of town.

The Mother reported the most chilling event. She had come home from a business trip. When she opened the door, she heard a child’s voice yell from upstairs “Mommy’s home!” She went running upstairs only to discover that no one was home.

The house caught fire the weekend after I moved out. The fire Department said that it looked like the fire had smoldered for a long time. It broke out about 20 minutes after the Mother left to run errands. If I had still been living with the family, the youngest child would have been napping at the time the fire broke. He would have been in his room at the back of the house and I would have either been in the kitchen under him or the living room at the front of the house. The fire would have cut me off from getting to him. As it was, he was safe in day care and I was his teacher, having only gotten the job a week before. The family moved out of the house and sold it. I don’t know the new owners, so I don’t know if they have heard “my kids” as I called them.

Sarah Kennedy

Gypsy’s Graveyard

Hi.. My name is Melissa. I went to Gypsy’s Graveyard about a year ago with about three other people. I have never been so scared in my life! Once you come into the graveyard, there is an angel statue. It appeared to have flapped it’s wings several times throughout the time we were there.
I must tell you that I never believed in this paranormal stuff until I went here. There were MILLIONS of orbs.. too many to count.. way too many to just be “something else that we imagined.” After seeing the statue moved, OK I was freaked. Didn’t see too much else except a lot of fog and a weird feeling like.. something didn’t want us there. We finally decided to leave because a friend had a very bad feeling.

While leaving, I can not put into perspective the horror! I got in the car through the driver side because the passenger side was right next to the woods.. kinda creeped me out…so I got in through the driver side and then moved to passenger side. My friend who drive in another car asked my bf( who drove our car) “Did she just get in on your side??) He replied yes.. Then his friend said that he saw something by the woods…remind you.. I did not get in on the passenger side by the woods. I imagined he was only playing around.

While leaving, I saw a man standing by the side of the woods, in a long black coat with an old fashioned hat, arms crossed. This is when I began to FREAK OUT!! I thought maybe my imagination was running wild. When I asked my/my boyfriend’s friend what the man he saw was wearing…he described the same thing.

Not to mention, our senses were all heightened by the fact that from the moment we arrived, there was a white pickup truck driving past the cemetery over and over again honking his horn loudly. We had heard stories of this man. That supposedly he had a son buried there? We are not sure if it was him but the truck matched the description.

We were all really freaked out. I never got up enough courage to hop the fence to where the gypsies are supposedly buried.. perhaps another day? Well.. hope this makes a good addition to your collection.

Melissa U

Ghost Buddies

As related by lainey_t

I consider myself to be somewhat realistic. While maintaining this approach to life, I fervently strive to remain open-minded. I am inclined to…what my mother considers a curse…seek my own proof rather than accept an element as truth. Not that I possess a negative or doubtful attitude, I simply find it difficult to accept anything as fact merely because it was stated as such. While being realistic, I am also a dreamer. I have always felt there were many missing pages from the theory handed me on this so-called life. My own theory developed into one that says, basically…anything is possible. This manner in which I challenge life…I also approach the subject of the paranormal. Let me try and help you understand how quickly my own conviction concerning the paranormal came to be. It was all in the proof.

My knowledge was limited to that which I learned from media. I wasn‘t skeptical. Much of what I had learned seemed quite probable. However, until I had a personal experience…I wasn‘t able to truly and undoubtedly accept the paranormal as a reality. Unless you have ever experienced anything of the paranormal nature, it is nearly impossible to imagine the emotions that overwhelm your being. After the initial attempt to explain the phenomenon…and trust me when I say you will come up with every possible rationale imaginable…some not so probable…but more comforting than the realization of your last justification…you …and anyone you choose to share this experience with…will question your sanity. If you are fortunate enough to encounter the paranormal with others, there is yet little comfort to ease your dubious mind. Once you are past the denial and willing to accept the truth of the situation, there is still little comfort… for this opens up a whole new plane of reality.

I have always been infatuated with anything of an antique nature. Whatever it may be…a home, a piece of jewelry, a book…anything with a history…anything that has been touched by the lives of others before me. My curiosity is born of a passion to know who might have lived in a particular home…the life they might have lived in this home…who might have worn a particular piece of jewelry. ..and the value they might have placed on it. Would they be heartbroken to know it ended up on a shelf in an antique shop? You get the idea, right?

Upon entering a once elegant and grand 2-story home in an ‘old’ section of town, I was beset with intrigue. Through the years and different owners…the home had undergone changes. Changes that were anything but flattering. Obvious was the fact that the elegance of the home had gone unappreciated. I was overwhelmed by a feeling of sadness…a feeling of loss. The ambiance of warmth and pride that once filled this home was lost. Homes such as this possess a history. And it isn’t uncommon for that history to include incidents of a paranormal nature. This particular home fell into that category. The stories were believable. However, not having experienced them firsthand, I wasn’t indubitably convinced. The strangeness is my lack of curiosity. By nature, I am a curious one. These stories should have been enough to send me into a ’curious frenzy’. As I think back, somehow I understood the relevance and truth in these stories. And in a rare instance, accepted them as truth while remaining unaware. No explanation. I just knew. As I think back, there were a lot of peculiarities that went unnoticed. Lights going on and off should have raised an eyebrow, at the very least. Unexplained noises went unnoticed. The unusual behavior in pets wasn’t given a second thought. These things may still have no substance. However, I am much more aware now. There is a lot more eyebrow-raising going on…among other expressions of surprise.

It took ’the ceiling falling on my head’ to arouse my awareness of what was happening around me. Audible, distinct footsteps above my head was my realization that I was ’not alone’. No matter how hard I might try, there is no way to deny that I was sharing space with an entity, paranormal in nature. Was I spooked? As open-minded as I might be…as curious as my nature tends to be….Oh geez! Was I spooked?! H#$@ yea!!! It was almost comical. Almost. You have heard “afraid of their own shadow”? I can now imagine the sight I must have been…jumping out of my skin while passing a mirror and seeing my own reflection. And pity those who happened upon me from the behind. Had I been the sole survivor of incidents such as these, chances are that I would still be a patient in a quiet wing ‘somewhere’. Being that many have had similar experiences, I was comforted somewhat. But not totally.

Thanks to this wonderful age of technology, I was able to begin my quest for answers on the internet. I was overwhelmed with knowledge. Enter ‘paranormal’ in the search box and you will also be amazed with the countless pages of information. I happened upon a paranormal group located in Indiana. After viewing their website, I was able to find much needed comfort. Indiana Ghost Trackers…I applaud you…and will forever remain grateful.

I came to accept the reality of what was happening. I still jumped at 3 am when I heard the door open at the top of the stairs. And felt a chill when I was brave enough to look and see that the footsteps I heard coming down the stairs belonged to no one. I no longer searched for the origin of unusual smells. And merely stepped back as…out of nowhere…a cold breeze passed by.

While finding a tolerable comfort zone, I still had a dreaded fear that I would ‘see’ something. I could deal with the noises and all the other incidents. I just didn’t want to see anything. I pleaded…if only in my mind…that I wouldn’t see a ‘ghost’. But I wasn’t getting off that easy. It was sure to happen. And it did. It was predawn…all was quiet. Too quiet. I detected motion out of the corner of my eye. I turned to focus on this movement. What I really wanted to do was close my eyes and pretend it wasn’t there. However, instinctively I turned to see a shadow moving slowly across the room. The word that spilled out of my mouth would merit a slap from my mother. So use your imagination. The shadow was dark. A dark gray…transparent…without distinct form. More like a cloud. It seemed to…float. As it ’floated’ into the next room, it just disappeared. I sat motionless with mouth agape for what must have been 5 minutes. I was filled with an inexplicable sense of peace. Suddenly I felt comfort with the presence around me. I felt a shared sense of respect.

I still don’t know ‘who’ inhabits this house. Or why. But it doesn’t seem to matter. While I am curious, I feel that ‘tracking’ these spirits would be disrespectful…an invasion of their ‘space‘. The only time I am ‘spooked’ is when I am blasted with the element of surprise. And I have to wonder how intentional this is. I am merely thankful for spirits with a sense of humor rather than spirits in need of an attitude adjustment.

It is many months later since I wrote the above. The occurrences continue. Some more profound than in the past. I have been ‘touched’ several times. The first time was quite emotional. The original steps of the staircase were being replaced. I was irresistibly drawn to that area. I stood at the bottom of the staircase…the original steps lay in a heap. I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness…of loss…once again. Quite suddenly I felt a sensation on my forearm…the sensation of a hand being placed on my arm…expressing a shared understanding and an attempt to comfort. Do you know the ‘type’ of touch I am trying to describe? Brave soul that I am, practically ran into the next room with an unmistakable expression of deer-in-the-headlights on my face. The others in the room were naturally curious and I just blurted out that I had been touched and continued hurriedly into even the next room trying to put distance between me and the staircase. The remainder of the evening was uneventful. And I…I went about my work almost emotionless. While I felt no harm from this…it was uncomfortable.

The next time was uncomfortable. However, possessing the sense of humor that I do…I had to appreciate it…and laugh. It was late afternoon and the residents and staff were busy throughout the house. I was totally absorbed in the activity…oblivious to anything or anyone. I suddenly felt a presence behind me and the sensation of my hair being tugged. Not painfully. Just enough to get my attention. I am most certain that my heart is quite healthy. Otherwise, that would have undoubtedly triggered the ‘big one’. The most uncomfortable aspect of this was trying to explain the audible humor I found in this incident. Of course, staff AND residents don’t question much of my behavior. They expect the unexpected of me. And I rarely disappoint them.

While others have had experiences with the spirits in this home, it seems that I am more prone to these experiences than the others. And that is something I question. I have referred to them as ‘spirits’…in the plural sense. This is just something I know. I just know there are several. Maybe 5 or 6. And there are times when I am able to distinguish which ones are present. Mostly, I just try to stay out of their way. Out of their space. Mostly out of respect…and because I don’t feel that I have enough understanding to make an intentional attempt at communication…I have tried only once. One late night, I took pictures. I announced my intention of photographing their space. After having the pictures developed, it just didn’t feel right. I have made no other attempts. It’s almost as if we have an understanding. I respect their space and they allow me to move about freely and without ‘too much’ incident.

So…while I don’t have physical proof…I have all the proof I need to feel comfortable in my belief that the paranormal is indeed a very real part of existence as I know it.

Send email to Mike McDowell at: with questions or comments about this web site. This website is Copyrighted © by the Indiana Ghost Trackers (I.G.T.). All contents of these web pages are Copyrighted 2000 – 2030 by the IGT and all contributors. Our name, likeness or pictures may not be used in anyway without consent by the IGT. If you would like to use them please ask.