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This story begins on a warm September day. I lived in brown county Indiana back a long long drive way. In a log cabin. We were the second house from the very end. At the end of the drive way were some of the nicest neighbors you could ever want. They had 2 kids. One was Jane (name changed to protect the innocent). She was about 16 years old. Jane brought over a friend of hers that day to visit. She had met her through her brother who met this new friend at a party. Her friend was from Florida. We found out later that she was a run away. Running from her nightmares of her past. Her name was Tammy (also changed). Tammy was about 16 too. She was very nice. She had dark long hair and a warm smile. The two girls got along very well and became best friends. Tammy ended up moving in with Jane and was there about 2 weeks when IT all began. Jane had told us earlier that her parents were going out of town for the weekend, leaving Jane and Tammy by themselves. Janes brother was living out on his own in town about 20 miles away so wasn't around there much. Jane and Tammy came over that Friday afternoon to let us know they were going to be alone. We kind of looked out for each other way back that lane. When it got dark at night you couldn't see anything. It got SO DARK you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. That winding old lane went way back up in the woods (about a mile away from the main road). You could hear the tree frogs and crickets and ALWAYS heard things walking through the leaves in the dark. We had many deer around racoons and other wild animals so we weren't usually afraid of these rustling sounds,.. thinking it was wild animals.

That night (morning) about 2:00am we (my husband and I) were awakened by horrible screaming and banging on our front door. I jumped out of bed and ran to open the door. It was Jane and Tammy. They were hysterical! They were both screaming and crying "HIDE US PLEASE HE'S HERE.. HIDE US"!! At that both girls ran in and scrambled under my dinning room table, clingng to each other crying. Jane screamed out "HURRY SHUT THE DOOR"!! Just as I was about to shut the door, I looked out into the night and I heard leaves rustling very quickly as if someone were running up to my front door. I slammed the door and locked it. The girls kept crying and Tammy said she was so sorry she brought all this trouble. As they were hysterically trying to tell me what happened Tammy got out from under the table and began to explain to me that she had been followed by a man that was going to kill her. As we stood back away from one of the cabin windows.. she said OMG there he is!!! When I looked out I saw a car going by the cabin real real slow. And as we watched it we saw the tail lights as it passed, and it went on down to the girls house. My husband got up and got a shot gun out of the closet and stepped outside on the front porch and shot a couple times up in the air. Tammy pleaded with us not to go down there. "HE'S TOO DANGEROUS.. HE WILL KILL YOU TOO"! She screamed. She began to tell us that this guy she dated in Florida was an albino. "He had long pure white hair,... and pink eyes", she said. She met him at a party. He began to get really abusive to her and she tried many times to run away from him but he always found her,.. threatening that he would kill her if she left him. Then one night he slapped her and beat her up leaving bruises on her face. She had had enough so she called the cops. He was arrested and put in the patrol car. The next day the albino came back to her apartment! He told her that he never made it to the police station that he killed the cop on the way. Now he must hide out somewhere and SHE was going with him!. She had no choice. They got some of their things and left. A few minutes later they were sitting at a gas station getting gas. He made me get out and go in and pay for the gas so no one would identify him. I went in the station and walked through to look for a bathroom. I noticed the back door was open so I went OUT the back..never to see him again. She started crying. I felt so sorry for her. She was shaking all over as she continued her story. "We got a call tonight." Jane said she answered the phone and no one was there ..just someone breathing. She hung up... they called back. The man said HE knew where Tammy was! He started describing the houses on this lane. He described the cabin .. he described the house Jane lived in. He described the rooms inside the CABIN which was MY house!!.. then described the rooms in their house. He said "Tammy has a red shirt on and white pants..and you have on pink shirt and pink pants and your sitting on the bed downstairs!!! "That's when we freaked out", said Jane and came running over.

About an hour went by as we all stood back from the cabin window in the dark and watched. The only sound was the girls whispers and very very quiet crys. Then there it was. The cars hazey outline sitting in front of our cabin. My husband opened the door as the girls were crying and shot the gun in the air again. The car sped off. They stayed with us that night and didn't leave till after a late breakfast. We went with them to their house and nothing seemed to be disturbed inside or out. Jane said her and Tammy would be ok now since Tammy was sure her old albino boyfriend had gone since my husband shot a gun. A couple days went by and all seemed ok. Then that afternoon Jane came over and worriedly asked me had I seen Tammy. I told her no I hadn't. She said Tammy had disappeared today... and she left all her clothes there! Tammy was NEVER seen or heard from AGAIN!!!

(25 years later).. I saw a man today in a gas station. He had long pure white hair. As he walked by me towards the bathrooms.. he turned slowly as he kept walking and looked right at me. I couldn't see his eyes. Were they pink?? I couldn't tell.. He had sun glasses on.

Dawn Allman

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