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It Never Stops

It all started when I was about 5, or at least that's my first memory. My family had just moved into a recently built home on the far east side of Indy. Everything was going fine until I started to hear things at night. At first it was just digging at my window, which my mother claimed was the neighbors cat, even though when I got enough courage up to look outside nothing was there. If it would have stopped at that I wouldn't even be telling this story, but it only got worse. Along with the scratching at night I began to hear voices, a man and a woman. The woman was very friendly, was usually laughing until the males voice became present. Most of the time I never could make out the exact conversation. Though there was one night that I remember being terrified. I hadn't heard the voices or the digging just yet and had been bothering my mother about this situation for a few months. She was seriously ready to lock me up and label me as nuts. So this night she decides to put my dog Lilbit in my bedroom and shut the door. As soon as she did that the voices were back. I remember the woman screaming at me to get out and the man laughing telling me I was going to die. At this point my dog was on all fours growling at my closet door. Needless to say I didn't sleep in my room.... that night. Other strange things occurred in this house, like the time I went into my mother's bathroom and did not see myself in the mirror. To this day, I still have no idea what it was or could have been and still have an issue with looking into the mirror. After we moved out of this house things seemed to stop.

Until I was about 20 and moved into an older house in Shelbyville. I instantly knew after entering the house that I was not alone. At first I only sensed once spirit there, and she made me feel at home, even somewhat like a grandchild. She usually spent time with my son while he was in his room. He was only 1 1/2 years old at this time, but he would hold conversations and play games with her. It wasn't long after that, that I felt someone else around. Someone who wasn't so nice, actually he frightened the hell out of me. Needless to say I wasn't going through the same experience as last time and I moved as soon as our lease was up and again things seemed to be fine. As soon as I moved in with my parents, things started happening again. Assuming my mother would really think I was crazy, now being 22 and still hearing/seeing things, I didn't want to tell her what was happening, and it turned out I didn't have to. She herself started experiencing the flickering of the lights, and having the doors shut when no one was home, or hearing the phone constantly ringing in the shower. She finally confronted me about it, half scared out of her mind, and I too confirmed I had also been hearing the same things... even further I had been hearing things in the basement. Thus far I haven't seen anything, but I'm waiting fearfully. I guess the craziest part about it, is that it's now happening to me at work. One night I came in (I work in a group home that was just opened 5 months ago) and relieved the 2nd shift staff. I was doing my routines as normal and had thought I heard someone coming in through the front door... sometimes my supervisor likes to pop in and make sure we're not sleeping... I waited about five minutes and went to the door. No one was there and no one else's car was here. So I started to tell myself I was hearing things, as I turned around I noticed the basement door was open. I immediately shut it and checked on my clients to make sure none of them were out of bed. They were all sound asleep. I waited until morning, after the clients had gone to school, before speaking about it to the dayshift worker. She told me there were only three people who had a key to the basement and none of them had been there that day. Instantly I got cold chills. Since then, I've been hearing noises as if heavy objects were being thrown down or maybe a client fell out of bed. I have yet to be able to justify these sounds. I have also seen white figures out of the corner of my eyes, but when I go to focus on them they're gone. I can't help but to feel this presence wants to tell me something, but I am terrified of what will happen if I open up to it. I have been told by a few Wiccans that I am a natural medium and if I would accept my gift than I would see/hear/feel a lot more.


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