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The Face in Moody's Light

I lived in Merrillville, IN when I was introduced to Moody's Light. I was told a story about Moody's Light and that a farmer on that road had two boy one in his teens and the other just a child between the ages of 3-9. One night the youngest child ran out in front of a wagon riding by and he was decapitated, and Moody got his other son and spent all day looking for his sons head so that he can be put to rest and they spent years looking for it and never found it so hence Moody's light. Anyways me and my best friend an his sister love to go ghost hunting all the time during the summer and we followed the instructions on how to get the light to show an what not and the light does really appear. Rumor has it that that light is made off of the towers so far down the road an is reflecting the lights off the creek right there, but the only thing is there is no creek on that road or anywhere near it. Then they had "Ghost Experts" come out and examine the light and they say that it has to do with gases from underground seeping out reflecting off the lamp post on the road. Well with all of the being said and done me and my friends go and see this Moody's Light, and off course when you don't know where you are or anything about the place you kind of get scared or creeped out an I was. When I saw the light I thought to myself how silly is this to be afraid of a light that is right by a house and isn't coming anywhere close to us?

Well about a year ago I went back with a girlfriend of mine at the time because she liked scary stuff like this so I took her with a bunch of friends. Me and my best friend decided to act all cool an say we are going to walk up to the light an see if we can get a closer look at it, while everyone chickened out I still had the guts to do it and show everyone I am not afraid of a light that moves in the middle of the road, even though I was getting really scared as I got closer and closer hearing noises coming from the corn stalks next to me an hearing the cows mooing beyond that scaring the living daylights out of me. I finally got close enough to the house were the light had been shinning an all of a sudden I see a dark foggy figure in the small patch of trees on the road right were the light had gone off to. I get closer I feel my heart racing faster and faster an look more closely at this figure as I can being in the dark with one light in the middle of this road, and all of a sudden I began to see a face emerge from the foggy figure and the face made up the entire body. I took a minute make sure that is really what I am seeing and i rubbed my eyes to make sure my mind wasn't playing any games on me and I realized this face got bigger an looked like it was coming closer to me instead of me getting closer to it so I take off running and I was running so fast that I couldn't even see my friends walking towards me until I ran into one of them running like a little girl. My friends went down there and didn't see anything of what I said I saw and just laughed at me for being a pansy. To this day I haven't been back there to see it again or walk up to it because that was the most frightening thing I have ever seen in my entire life...

Jon Hmurovich
Angel Silva

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