Spiritual Layering

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Spiritual Layering

By Mike Weides


As ghost hunters go, the more experience the better, right?  Learning all the time thru new events and being smart enough to know that we don’t know everything about our trade is key.  The years that I’ve been pursuing this hobby have been very enlightening.  Though very much a scientific researcher and practitioner in the ways of ghost hunting, it has been through my relationships with sensitives and spiritualists that I came up with today’s topic. 

 Anyone ever hear of “Spiritual Layering”?  No?  Me neither, but I had to apply a name to something all ghost hunters have experienced over time.  I give credit to my friends with the 3rd eye for helping me realize just how prevalent “Spiritual Layering” is in our hunts and investigations. 

Those of you investigators who have made multiple trips to a residence or investigation site…usually do so because of your success at gaining evidence of haunting.  Photos,  voice recordings or physical contact makes you want to return in hopes of recreating your success.  Your research and your scientific findings quite often determine the identity of your ghost, and you work to re-establish contact or gain another piece of evidence. 

But how do you explain it when you come across new spirits at the same site?  Not just different ghosts….but from a different time in history than that of the ghost you are trying to establish contact with? 

Let me establish this scenario of which we have all certainly been party to, but may not appreciate the significance.

You are called to a home, built in a subdivision in the 1950’s.  The owner reports to you various paranormal activities and requests that you (as a ghost hunter) come to the home and try to make sense of the strange goings on. 

 Your library research, newspaper articles, and interviews with affected parties turns up information on some very traumatic and deadly events that occurred at the site of the home, as it was being built.  You proceed to the home in an attempt to gather evidence thru scientific means, and are successful at it. 

Returning again to the site on a future date…lets say the anniversary date of the traumatic event, you are successful again in your efforts with some great EVP and photos.  But, your new and exciting evidence is so different from your first visit that it has you wondering.  Back to the library to research deeper into the history of the home.

With very little effort, you find that the location of the subdivision was once a family farm.  One hundred acres that was home to an extended family for 150 years prior to the subdivision being built.  Three generations lived on the farm and perhaps 30 or more individuals lived there, and many died and were buried there in the family plot.

Lets now take our research even further back in time…Two hundred years ago, on the site of this house and neighborhood, on the site of this family farm of 150 years, lived a small band of Indians native to this region.  This was their territory for unknown number of years and generations before being forced elsewhere by anglo expansion or maybe they negotiated the 100 acres to the farmer.

Although the knowledge that our lands have been inhabited before us is not new, this knowledge and awareness should not escape paranormal investigations when ghost hunting.  It is very important to acknowledge this “Spiritual Layering” for two important reasons.

1st…The results of your investigation will be derived from a broader base of possibilities.  How you view the investigation site will be from a deeper perspective than what appears on the surface.  If a ghost does not adhere to the physical laws of time and space….why would you limit your investigation within these same parameters?

Secondly….thru awareness of “Spiritual Layering”, a good investigator will become better.  Doing diligent and thorough research of your investigation site and its principles is wholly underrated.  One doesn’t experience the thrill of a good EVP or photo by sitting in the library looking at Platt Books.  But one will better himself as an investigator and lend more credibility  to his evidence by backing it with documented research….


Michael Weides  Indiana Ghost Trackers State Trainer/advisor: clearlyanidiot@yahoo.com



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